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[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.9. Email-surveillance.

by 럭키피플 2024. 4. 13.




The office 시즌2 - 209

Episode 2x09

Email-surveillance (e메일 조사)








Micheal : It is Friday morning. And it is another beautiful day, In Scranton, Pennsylvania. Oh my God! Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. (받아) We have a serious problem here.




Micheal : Alright everybody. Lock the doors. Turn off the lights. Pretend you're not here.

Jim : Are we in danger?

Micheal : There's no time to think about it. This is real. Just shh, everybody.

? : Michael, should I call the... What ?




Micheal : The I.T. tech guy and me, did not get off to a great start. (IT 기술자랑 저는 좋은 시작을 못했어요)




Micheal : Yeah I tried to install it myself. (맞아, 내가 설치하려고 했어) But, you guys have these things so password-protected.

? : That just means you have to enter your password. What's your password, Michael?

Micheal : It's... 1, 2, 3, 4.

? : Yes.




Dwight : Michael! Sorry.

Micheal : Please don't do that. (제발 그런거 하지마)

Dwight : Okay, I'm sorry. What is going on in there? (안에서 무슨 일 있는 거에요?) Why is he here? What are you doing?

Micheal : I can't tell you.

Dwight : You have to tell me.

Micheal : I don't have to tell you anything.

Dwight : Look, Michael. I know you don't want to have to think about this. But if something were to happen to you, God forbid, then I would need to know in order to take over.

Micheal : Dwight, nothing is going to happen to me, okay? I'm in the best shape of my life. Look at this.

Dwight : Yeah, but that doesn't matter, you could get a brain aneurysm. (뇌동맥류가 생길 수 있다고요)

Micheal : I'm not going to get a br-

Dwight : Or get hit by a car.

Micheal : Stop.

Dwight : Or a bus or a train. You could get poisoned. Fall down a well. Step on a mine. (지뢰를 밟거나) Choke.

Micheal : Okay, If I step on a mine in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and die, you can have my job, okay? (자네가 내 일을 해) Why don't you just go away? (그냥 좀 가는게 어때?)




Micheal : There are certain things a boss does not share with his employees. (상사가 직원들과 공유하지 못하는 몇몇 것들이 있죠) His salary. That would depress them. His bed. It... And I am not going to tell them that I'll be reading their e-mails.




Micheal : So how do you search ?

? : By keyword phrase. (주요 단어들로 해요)

Micheal : Try profits. (profits으로 해봐) No, try Michael Scott. (아니, Michael Scott으로 해봐) Michael, boss, and funny. (Michael, boss, funny로 해봐) Oh my God! E-mail from Stanley. Stanley, terribly nice guy. "Sorry I didn't write back sooner." (바로 답장을 못했네요) "I can't go to the game tonight because my boss, Michael is an ass" (오늘 밤 그 게임은 못갈거 같네요. 제 상사 Michael이 바보라서요) "And making me stay late." Well, Stanley's an ass. (Stanley는 얼간이군) Not one of our harder workers. (열심히 일하는 사람은 아니야)




Oscar : Hey, what's the deal Michael? (무슨 속셈이세요?) Why are you spying on our computers?

Micheal : Oh, no. Everybody, Oscar's gone crazy. What other ghost stories have you got for us? That I'm a robot? (내가 로봇이라고?) I will destroy, everything in my path. (내가 내 길에 놓인 모든 것으 파괴할거야) Actually, we just... (사실은 우리 그냥...)

Oscar : Okay.

Micheal : Oil can. Oil can. (기름통) Tin man. (양철로봇)

Oscar : Actually we just got a memo from I.T, saying you're doing e-mail surveillance.

Micheal : Oh, what? No, that defeats the whole purpose. (아니야, 그게 모든 목적을 망치는군)

Dwight : So it's true ? You have access to our e-mails?

Micheal : You know what the problem is?

Stanley : I think I do. (전 아는 거 같아요)

Micheal : The problem is that when people hear the term "Big Brother", (문제는 이거야. 사람들이 큰형이란 말을 들을 때) They immediately think it's scary or bad. (대부분은 바로 이 말이 무섭거나 나쁘다고 생각하지) But I don't, I think, "Wow. I love my Big Brother".






Kevin : I gotta erase a lot of stuff. (많은 걸 지울거에요) A LOT, of stuff.




Dwight : Oh, hey. Just so you know. If you have any sensitive e-mails, they need to be deleted immediately.

Angela : I know.

Dwight : Good.

Pam : Hey. Something just happened. Dwight just told Angela that she has to delete all of her sensitive e-mails. Immediately! / J : What?

Pam : I know. Do you they're like.. (그 둘이 뭐라고 생각해?)

Dwight : No.

Pam : Right, no. Maybe.




Pam : It's like squishing a spider under a book. (책에 깔린 거미를 찌부러뜨리는 거에요) It's gonna be really gross. (정말 기분 나쁜거죠) But I have to look and make sure that it's really dead. So.. If you guys see anything. (만약 여러분들이 뭔가 보게되면)




Pam : Hey, Dwight? My friend is kind of into these two girls that he works with. (내 친구가 함께 일하는 두 명의 여자와 친해)

Dwight : Nice.

Pam : One is tall and brunette.(갈색머리) And the other is short and blond. And perky and kind of judgmental. (건방지고 도덕적이지) Who do you think he should choose?

Dwight : Does he have access to their medical records?




Dwight : I think on of the greatest things about modern America, is the computerization of medical records. (저는 현대 미국에서 굉장한 것은 의무기록의 전산화라고 생각해요) As a volunteer sheriff, I can look up anyone's psychiatric records or surgical histories. (누군가의 정신과 기록이나 수술기록 같은 걸 볼 수 있어요) Yeast infections. There are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably, because we're down river, from that old bread factory. (우리가 오래된 빵공장의 하구쪽에 있기 때문일지도 몰라요)




Micheal : Meredith has an E-vite, from Jim. (Meredith Jim에게서 인터넷으로 초청을 받았군)

"Barbecue at Jim's tonight." Tonight? Wonder where my e-vitation is? Click on guest list. Angela, Stanley, Oscar. Meredith, Phyllis, Kevin, Creed. Must be... (틀림없이) No.




Pam : Hey, Angela. How's it going?

Angela : It's okay.

Pam : Listen, are you bringing anyone to Jim's party tonight? (오늘밤 Jim의 파티에 누구 데려올거야?)

Angela : No. Are we supposed to? (그러기로 되어있어?)

Pam : No. I mean, I don't know. I don't think so.

Angela : Excuse me.




Micheal : There's always a distance between a boss and the employees. It is just nature's rule. It's intimidation, mostly. (대부분은 명령이에요) It's the awareness that they are not me. (직원들은 제가 아닌걸 아는거죠) I do think that I am very... approachable as one of the guys. But maybe I need to be even approachabler. (하지만 저는 모두에게 접근하기 쉬워야 해요)




Kevin : That's pretty. (그거 이쁘지)

Pam : Yeah.

Kevin : Are you going to eat with us?

Micheal : Of course. Hanging with my crew. (직원들과 어울리기) Crew that I am one of. (직원의 한명으로써) Hanging with my Cup of Noodles. (내 컵라면과 함께하기) This is a meal in a cup, right here. Hot, tasty. Reminds me of college. (뜨겁고, 맛있고, 대학시절을 떠올리게 해) Lived on this stuff. (이런 것과 살았지) Brain food. (머리를 좋게 하는 음식) You know what I really, really miss about college? (내가 정말로 대학시절에 그리워한게 뭔지 아나?) The parties. Everybody'd go, the athletes, the nerds, the professors. (활발한 사람들, 괴짜들, 교수들)

Pam : The professors would go to the parties?

Micheal : Yeah. They were the most fun. We always invited them.




Jim : It's true. I'm having a party. I've got tree cases of imported beer. (수입된 맥주 3박스 있구요) Karaoke machine And I didn't invite Michael. So, three ingredients for a great party. And it's nothing personal, (개인적 감정은 아니에요) I just think that if he were there, people wouldn't be able to relax and you know, have fun. And my roommate wants to meet everybody. Because, I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm making Dwight up. (왜냐면, 매우 확신하는 거지만 룸메이트는 제가 Dwight일을 대신하고 있다고 생각하거든요) He is very real. (정말 사실로요)




Pam : What? Oh! Yes! Thank you.




Dwight : Question. On the internet, there are several different options, to get to your house for the party tonight. (인터넷에 여러 선택사항이 있잖아. 너네 집의 파티에 가는 방법 말이야)

Jim : No, no, no. Keep that down. (잠깐만 말하지마)

Dwight : Why?

Jim : Because not everybody knows about the party.

Dwight : Like who? Who doesn't know?

Jim : Michael.

Dwight : Why just Michael?

Jim : Because it's a surprise.

Dwight : Is it? (정말?) Oh, that's perfect.

Jim : So don't tell.

Dwight : I won't.

Jim : Okay.




Jim : So, Dwight thinks that tonight is a surprise party for Michael.

Pam : Really? That's great.

Jim : I know.

Pam : Maybe we can get him to hide and wait somewhere.

Jim : Oh man. Oh, you know what? Speaking of which, I was just trying to get a handle on, You know, the numbers for food and stuff. (, 나 좀 관리를 하고 있었는데 알잖아, 음식양이나 나머지 것들) So do you think Roy's gonna come or... (그래서 Roy가 올거 같아? 아니면...)

Pam : Oh, no, he can't make it. (아니 못와)

Jim : Oh, okay. Cool.

M : Hey there. (헤이. 이봐)

Jim : Hey.

Micheal : Almost quitting time. (거의 끝날 시간이군)

Jim : Yup. It's, 4 o'clock

Micheal : One more hour to take care of anything you forgot to do. (자네가 잊은 일을 관리할 1시간이 더 있군) Hey, you know, I don't know if you have any plans tonight. But if you don't, we could hang out. (없다면, 함께 나가자고)

Jim : I can't.

Micheal : You have plans?

Jim : Yeah, I do.

Micheal : Yeah, I do too, I do too.

Jim : You do?

Micheal : Big plans. I do yeah.

Jim : Because you just... You wanted to hang out. (단순히 어울리고 싶어져서?)

Micheal : Tonight, no I can't do it tonight. Improv class. I have improv class. Hanging out with... (즉흥연극 수업. 즉흥연극 수업이었어. 수업하는 사람들이랑 어울리는거야)

Jim : Really?

Micheal : My improve buds. Yeah.

Jim : Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun. (그거 정말 재미있을 것 같네요)

Micheal : Oh, it's the best. It's the best. I would not miss it for the world. (결코 잊을 수 없지) But if something else came up, I would definitely not go. (하지만 다른 일이 생긴다면 분명 연극수업에 안갈거야)

Jim : Improv sounds great.

Micheal : It is. (물론 굉장하지) Okay. Alright. What ?

Jim : I think Stanley just coughed. (Stanley가 방금 기침한 것 같아요)




Micheal : Hey, Pam. Do you need me to walk you to your vehicular transport? (자네 차 타는 곳까지 같이 갈 내가 필요하지 않아?)

Pam : No thanks.

Micheal : Alright. Oscar, you have big plans tonight...

Oscar : I'm on a call.

Micheal : Okay. Kevin. Big man, big man! What are you doing tonight? Where you off to? (어디가나?)

Kevin : My brother is in town. and we are going to see the Alaska Film Festival.. at the Si..

Micheal : Okay, alright. Hey, Angela. Rushy, rushy. Where you rushing off to?

Angela : I'm just leaving for the day. (전 그냥 나가는 거에요)

Micheal : Yeah. Where are you headed?

Angela : Charity. Bake Drive.

Micheal : Liar ! You are a liar.

Angela : No, I'm not!

Micheal : Dwight. Oh, Dwight, my loyal compadre. (내 충실한 친구) You and I are hanging tonight. (자네랑 나 오늘밤 함께 어울리자고) The two of us. We are celebrating, our freedom and our manhood. You know what? Why don't we watch that show you've been wanting to watch? (우리가 보고 싶어 했던 쇼를 보러가면 어때?) That stupid Battleship Galaxy. (That stupid Battleship galaxy 말이야)

Dwight : Battlestar Galactica?

Micheal : That's, whatever stupid show you want to watch, we're watching it. (그거, 아무거나 그냥 자네가 보고싶은 엉터리쇼 보러가는거야)

Dwight : Unfortunately I've got plans. I have to go to practice. (연습하러 가야되요) Soccer practice.

Micheal : I didn't know you played soccer, Dwight.

Dwight : Clarinet.

Micheal : You too, Dwight?

Dwight : Have fun tonight. Whatever it is that you're doing. And I'll see you Monday. (무엇을 하시든지, 월요일날 뵐게요) He has no idea. (점장님은 아무것도 몰라요)




Jim : Quick announcement everybody, (짧은 공지에요) if I can get everybody's attention. We do have wine in the kitchen. (주방에 와인이 있구요) And there is, ah, beer available on the porch. (현관에 맥주가 있어요) and despite what you might think, it's not all for Meredith and Kelly. (여러분들이 생각할지도 모름에도 불구하고, 모든 것이 Meredith Kelly를 위한 것은 아니에요) So please enjoy.

Dwight : Jim! You really think this is a good idea? A hide-a-key rock? (열쇠 숨기는 돌멩이)

Mark : Hey, you must be Dwight. (Dwight 맞죠?)

Dwight : You don't work with us.

Jim : That's because Mark's my roommate. (Mark는 내 룸메이트라 있는거야)

Mark : Hey, I love the Birkenstocks.

Dwight : Thanks. Yeah. I always keep an extra set in the car for special occasions. Jim, come here. (잠깐만) When is the guest of honor coming?

Jim : Later-ish. (대략 나중에)

Dwight : He's going to love it!

Jim : Great. I just wanted to let you guys know that we will be taking the tour like I promised (내가 약속한대로 방구경 시켜줄거라는거 알고 있어) Hey! Just in time. (제 때에 왔네) Do you want to go on a group tour? We were just about to leave. (방금 떠나려고 했거든)

Pam : Definitely. (물론이지)

Jim : Well, the group tour is now leaving then. Ladies and gentlemen! Just a few things that we're going to be pointing out to you today. (여러분들에게 알려줄 그냥 몇가지 것들이에요) You will be able to see both bedrooms. If we're lucky, maybe get a chance to peek into the bathroom. (운이 따른다면 욕실도 살짝 볼 수 있을 거에요) Who knows? I have to remind you also that flash photography is prohibited. (누가 알아요? 또한 플래쉬 사진은 금지라는걸 알려드려요) And as much as you can, please refrain from touching things. (되도록이면 물건 만지는건 억제해 주세요) I know you might want to. (만지고 싶어할 거란거 아라요)

Ryan : Hey, is Keity coming ?

Jim : Actually, I haven't talked to her in a while.

Ryan : Is it cool if I call her? (내가 Keity 부르는 거 괜찮아?)

Jim : We'll talk about that later. (그건 잠시 후에 이야기 하자)




? : Okay, let's get right into it. I need two people for the first scene. (좋아요, 들어가 볼까요 첫 장면에서 2명이 필요해요)

Micheal : Mr. Kotter. Mr. Kot-ter !

? : Okay, Michael. And... Anybody ? How about Marybeth?

Marybeth : Okay.

? : Come on. Okay, so you start us off, Marybeth.

Merybeth : Alright, great.

Micheal : Detective Michael Scarn, I'm with the F.B.I. (Michael 형사다)






Micheal : Think about this. What is the most exciting thing that can happen on TV or in movies or in real life? Somebody has a gun. (누군가 총을 가지고 있는거죠) That's why I always start with a gun, because you can't top it. (총을 능가할 수는 없으니까) You just can't. (못 뛰어넘어요)




? : I'm supposed to meet my doctor here. (여기 제 의사를 만나러 왔는데요) Have you seen him? He's a very angry midget. (화난 표정에 키가 작아요)

Micheal : Boom! Freeze! (! 꼼짝마!) Michael Scoon, F.B.I. You know what you did (니가 뭘 했는지 알거다) Yeah, you thought you could get away with your little ruse didn't you? (도망갈 수 있을거라 생각했지?) Didn't you? Well, you didn't. Because I know where you hid the diamonds. I've been on to you and your little friends for weeks. (난 너희와 몇몇 친구들에게 몇 주동안 붙어있었거든)

? : I'm not even in the scene. (난 장면에 들어가지도 않았어요!)

? : Stop, stop! Stop. Okay, you shot me. Great. Stop.

Micheal : Why...

? : You can't just shoot everyone in the scene.

Micheal : if you hadn't stopped the scene, you would've seen where it was going. (장면을 멈추지 않았다면, 다이아몬드가 어디로 갔는지 알 수 있었잖아요)

? : Okay. What about the scene the set up? (장면의 길이는 어떤가요?)

Micheal : No, it wasn't. (지루해요)

? : No more guns. No. No. Michael. I want you to give me all the guns you have. Just get rid of all your guns and give them to me. Great. O kay.




Pam : Jim's bedroom.

Jim : See, I knew we lost somebody on the tour.

Pam : Cool. This is your desk.

Jim : This is my desk.

Pam : Your home office?

Jim : Home office. This is it.

Pam : Yeah. You have to sit down so I can get the full effect. (그래, 거기 앉아봐. 완전한 느낌 좀 가져보게)

Jim : Okay. Sure, will do. (할게)

Pam : Okay, wait. So that would make me... (그럼 그건 날...) Like right here. (여기 이쪽에 앉게 하네)

Jim : Yeah. Yep, that feels about right. (거기가 맞는 거 같아)

Pam : And then Dwight would be like.. (Dwight는 아마도)

Jim : You know what? Let's just leave that image out of it. (그냥, 그건 상상하지 말자고) Because this is a happy place. Happy thoughts, Pam. Happy thoughts. (행복한 생각들만)

Pam : Yearbook. (졸업앨범)

Jim : Yeah, you don't have to. Alright, yes, that's not gonna be awkward at all. (그래 정말 이상할거야)

Pam : Oh, yeah. You were so dorky! (정말 촌스러웠구나!)

Jim : Thank you.




? : Freeze!

Micheal : I'm in.

? : You want to go over the rules one more time? (한번 더 규칙을 검토하길 바래요?)

Micheal : No, no, no. I'm looking in my wallet for money so you can tell me my fortune. (그러니 내 운명을 말해줘요)

Bill : I promise it's worth it. (가치가 있을 거라고 약속하죠) Oh, I can see you walking out of here. (당신이 여기서 걸어나가는게 보이네요) And you're thrilled with your reading. (당신의 연출과 함께 말이죠)

Micheal : What are you... (뭐하는..)

? : Michael, what did you tell him?

Micheal Nothing.

? : Then why are his hands up ? Bill ?

Bill : He told me he couldn't show it to me, but he has a gun. (저에게 보여줄수는 없지만 총을 가지고 있다고 말했어요)

? : Okay, let's call it a day.

Micheal : That was good. Good work, everybody.




H : Angela, burger, dog? Having fun? (뭐 먹고 싶어?)

Angela : I got sap on me. (수액이 나한테 떨어졌네)

Jim : Chicken, hot dog, burger.

Angela : I'm a vegetarian.

Jim : There's soda inside.




Stanley : I didn't think the premium laser color copy batch would sell as well as it did, would sell as well as it did. (프리미엄 레이저 카피묶음이 이전만큼 팔릴거라고 생각지 않았어)

Oscar : It surprised us all. (모두를 놀라게 했지) I'll tell you why, because.

Kelly : I'm sorry, guys, can we please not talk about paper? There's gotta be something else that we can talk about. (대화할 수 있는 다른 이야기거리가 있을거야)




Angela : I think it's alright. I mean, Jesus drank wine.

Pam : Hey, Phyllis. Come here for a second.

Phylis : Sure.

Pam : Have you heard anything about any secret office romances or...

Phylis : You tell me. Well, you do mean you and Jim, right? Oh, God. I am so sorry. I mean, I thought, you guys hang out all the time. And you're talking all the time. I'm sorry, it's like...

Pam : It's okay. It's okay.




Kevin : Not so fast, fire guy.




? : How do we get to Bernie's Tavern from here?

? : Don't worry, we're all going to carpool.

? : So, Bernie's?

Micheal : We're all going to Bernie's?

Bill : Sorry. We're not going as a group. (우리 단체로 가는게 아니에요) It's just a private friend who happens to know all of us from different ways is throwing a private birthday thing. (알고 지내던 개인적인 친구에요. 우리 모두 다른 방식으로 만났고, 개인적인 생일파티 같은거 해주는 거에요)

Micheal : Right, right, right. Well, guys, I'd love to go to Bernie's with you but I have an office party. Big office party I need to go to. So, can't get out of it. Good job.

Bill : Hey, see you later.

Micheal : Nice job Bill. Not. (아니지만..)




Jim : hey, how's your new side project going?

Pam : Oh, yeah, I gave that up

Jim : Really ?

Pam : Yeah. It turns out I was, just grasping at straws. (알고 보니 별거 아니더라고)




Pam : Just because two people are hanging out, it doesn't mean that they're together. (단지 두 사람이 함께 다닌다고 그게 그 둘이 함께 한다는걸 의미하진 않아요) You know? Like people can just be friends. (사람들이 그냥 친구가 될 수 있는 것 처럼요) And I think that it was really unfair of us, to assume that there was anything else going on. (다른 뭔가가 진행되고 있을거라고 생각하는거요)




Kevin : "Just turn around now, 'cause you're not welcome anymore." (그저 지금 돌아서요. 당신은 더 이상 환영받지 못하기 때문이죠) "And I- and I've got all my l..." / D : SURPRISE! Everybody.

Phylis : Dwight.

Micheal : Who opened the morgue for this thing? (이 파티를 위해 누가 시체보관소를 연거야?) I was just driving by. Thought I'd drop in. (운전하고 가다가 잠깐 들르려고 생각했어) Here's some wine. I would love a glass if you're gonna open it. (와인이네. 열어준다면 한 잔 할게) Hello temp. Take my jacket. Oh, come on. That guy? He is a good guy. Not a terrorist. Karaoke. I love it. I am a karaoke friend! I call dibs, I've got next. I've got next up. (우선권 요청할게. 다음곡은 내가.) Come on. Let's, Let's get this party started! Okay. Where's that wine? Okay, this is a duet, so, somebody else? Pam, you want to... Come up and sing this one. Need somebody else. Takers, please. (같이 할 사람) "Baby when I met you there was peace unknown" (제가 당신을 보았을 때 그 장소는 전혀 몰랐던 곳이었어요) Kelly? "I tried to get you with a fine tooth comb" "I was soft inside, there was something going on" (편안함을 느끼고, 무언가 진행되고 있었죠) This is the part that goes to the, girl. (이 부분은 여자가 부르는 부분인데) "You do something to me that I can't explain." (당신은 내가 설명 못하는 무언가를 저에게 했어요)




Micheal : Talk! Just talk! (말해! 그냥 말해!)

? : I am...

Micheal : Shut up!




Micheal : Funny story. They way I got into improv was, (제가 즉흥연기를 했던 내용은) I got into improv, (저는 즉흥연기를 했어요) The story about me getting into improv was, that I was walking down the street, (제가 길거리를 걸어가고) And the guy says "Hey, you're funny, you're the funniest guy I've ever seen." “Or my name is not Dale Earnhardt." (안그러면 전 Dale이 아니에요) And that was an improv. (이게 바로 즉흥연기죠) The real way was that I found a flyer. (실제 이야기는 제가 광고지를 발견하는 거였죠)







◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.1. Pilot. 

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.2. Sexual Harassment.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.3. Office Olympics.

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.4. The Fire.

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.5. Halloween.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.6. The Fight.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.7. The client.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.8. Performance Review.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.9. Email-surveillance.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.10. Christmas Party.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.11. Booze Cruise

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.12. The Injury.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.13. The Secret.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.14. The Carpet.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.15. Boys and Girls

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.16. Valentine's Day.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.17. Dwight's Speech.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.18. Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.19. Michael's Birthday.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.20. Drug Testing.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.21. Conflict Resolution

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.22. Casino Night.

