The office 시즌2 - 2x17
Episode 2x17 - Season 2
Micheal : Let's think this through. (이것 좀 생각해봐) If we ask corporate for that, then... (우리가 본사에 요청한다면)
Dwight : They are either gonna say yes... or no. (yes or no로 대답하겠죠)
Micheal : Could go either way. (둘중 하나겠지) We don't know what they are going to say. (우린 본사가 뭐라고 할지 몰라)
Dwight : Think it through! (충분히 생각해야지)
Micheal : Have to think it through. Because if they say no...
Jim : Can we not? (못하겠죠?)
Micheal : No, yes we have to. (그래 충분히 생각해야해) You know why? Cause I don't like to be cooped up in that office. (이 사무실에 가둬져 있기 싫기 때문이지) In that box all day long. Heisman! Because I need to think. Okay, Jim? Oh, Kevin! Nice catch. Oscar! Intercepted. Right here.
Jim : Right or the left.
Micheal : Give it to me. Phyllis, give me the ball. Okay, give me the ball. You guys...Creed. Give me the ball. Right now. Give it to me. Ryan.
Dwight : Fumble! (놓쳤습니다!) Yeah!
Micheal : All right, hey, Dwight! You all right, Ryan?
Ryan : Yeah.
Micheal : Pam!
Dwight : They're having a sale on TiVo. (TiVo 할인판매하잖아~) Maybe I should get a TiVo. (TiVo를 하나 사야겠어) DVD burner. Maybe I should get one of those. You are so lucky, Jim. You are so lucky you don't have this problem. (이런 걱정거리가 없으니까) What was the ninth place prize again? (9등 상이 뭐였었지?) A loaf of bread?
Jim : Cojino's pizza.
Dwight : Great. Tasty terrific pizza. Question, do their pizza play DVDs?
Jim : Dwight was the top salesman of the year at our company. He wins a little prize money and gets honored at some convention (모임에서 명예도 얻었죠) It is literally the highest possible honor that a Northeastern, Pennsylvania; (말 그대로 Pennsylvania 동북부에서 가장 큰 영광이 될 수 있죠) based, mid-sized, paper company, regional salesman, can attain. So...
Jim : What did I do to deserve this? (내가 뭘 했길래 이런 대우를 받는거야?)
Pam : Are you sad that Dwight beat you? (Dwight가 널 이겨서 슬픈거야?)
Jim : No.
Pam : Are you gonna cry, Jim? Do you need a tissue?
Phylis : I heard that you got a wedding dress. Do you have pictures?
Pam : Yeah. I'll show 'em to you later.
Jim : I should get back. (일하러 가야겠다) Talk to you guys later.
Pam : Okay, cool.
Pam : I have a ton of stuff to do for the wedding. And I have to do it in the office. (그래서 사무실에서 해야해요) And that can be kind of awkward. (뭐 좀 이상할 수는 있어요) Just because people, can get all weird about wedding stuff. (다른 사람들이 결혼 때문에 이상해질 수 있으니까요) I just don't want to offend... Angela. Or someone.
Micheal : That's what she said. (저게 어머니가 한 말이야)
Dwight : I don't get it. (그런 말은 못들었어요)
Micheal : Grapes, seductive. (맛있지) So, you ready for the big speech this afternoon?
Dwight : Well, it's not really a big speech. You're still coming, right? (오실거죠?)
Micheal : Abso-fruitly. Fruit, grapes. Nailed the joke. (농담하기) Matter of time. (시간문제지) And yes, it is a big speech. Biggest of your life.
Micheal : Speaker at the sales convention. Been there, done that. (컨벤션엔 가봤죠, 연설도 했구요) Went there again, did it again. Two years in a row. Consecutive. (2년 연속으로 말이에요 연속으로요) I just I miss the feeling of knowing that you did a good job. (일 잘했다는 느낌이 그립네요) Because somebody gives you proof of it. (누군가는 그 공로의 증거를 주거든요) Sir, you're awesome. Here's a plaque. (여기 명패입니다) What, a whole year has gone by, and you need more proof? (한해가 지났는데, 더 많은 증거가 필요하시다구요?) Here's a certificate. They stopped making plaques that year.
Dwight : What if I give a really long extended thank you? (만약 제가 정말로 길게 늘어진 감사를 한다면요?) For instance, thank you, Mr. Blank. (미스터 아무개씨) Thank you, very, very...
Micheal : That would look terrible. These are mostly salesmen, and salesmen expect to be entertained. (대부분이 세일즈맨일거고 세일즈맨은 즐거움을 기대하고 있다고) And you are the main act. (주연)
Dwight : When I was in the sixth grade, I was a finalist in our school spelling bee. (철자 맞추기 시합의 마지막 선수) It was me against Raj Patel. And I misspelled, in front of the entire school. The word "failure".
Dwight : I can't do this.
Micheal : That's because you're incapable of doing it. (그건 자네가 이걸 해낼 능력이 없기 때문이지) Because you don't know how. Because you have no skills. Dwight, there's no way I can possibly teach you, you need to know about public speaking by speech time.
Dwight : Okay.
Micheal : But, I can teach you enough so that you don't embarrass me or the company. (하지만 나나 회사를 놀라게 할 정도로 충분하게는 가르칠 수없어)
Dwight : Okay, deal. I'll do whatever you say. No questions asked. (점장님이 하라는거 뭐든 할게요. 아무것도 묻지 않고)
Micheal : Well, if you have a question, you should ask me.
Dwight : I'll try to think of one.. (하나 생각해볼게요)
Micheal : Don't-don't try to think of a question to humor me. (날 웃기게 할 질문은 생각하려고 하지 말라고) Just try not to be such an idiot. (단지 바보가 되지 않으려고만 노력하라고)
Dwight : Is that an insult or is that part of the public speaking advice? (그건 절 욕하는건가요 아니면 대중연설에 관한 조언인가요?)
Micheal : Insult.
Pam : Mom, I'm sorry. I know you and dad are chipping in for the wedding. (두분이 결혼식에 돈을 주려는건 알아요) But I do not want orange invitations. (화려하게 하고 싶지 않아요) Yes. Well, if you really want...
Jim : Hi, yeah, can I talk to one of your travel agents?
Jim : I'm gonna take a trip. I'm gonna get out of town for a while. And go someplace... Not here.
Jim : Where do I want to go? That is an excellent question. And one I probably should have thought about before I called you. (전화하기 전에 생각을 했었어야 했는데 말이죠)
Oscar : I get here early every morning so I can set the thermostat. (온도조절장치) I like it a little cooler, around 66 degrees. I'm more productive. Maybe some people don't like it as cold as I do. But I don't care.
Micheal : But seriously, what's the difference between a salesman and a saleswoman?
Dwight : A saleswoman has a vagina.
Micheal : It's a joke, Dwight. It's not a sex ed class. (성교육이 아니라고)
Dwight : But I'm right. Yeah, you're right about the difference between a man and a woman. But not about the punchline to the joke, all right? The difference between a salesman and a saleswoman is boobs. (가슴)
Dwight : Hey, do you remember the speeches that you gave? (점장님이 하셨던 연설은 기억하세요?)
Micheal : I do. Both of them.
Dwight : Could I have a copy of one of them?
Micheal : No, no, they would remember. Look, it doesn't matter what you say. (네가 뭘 말하는지는 중요한게 아니라고) it just matters that you're saying something that people care about. (사람드링 관심있어하는 무언가를 말하는게 중요한거라고) Yeah? All right, here we go. Watch this. Attention everybody! Attention please. I have some very great news from corporate. We had a wonderful quarter, and as a result, all of you are getting bonuses for $1,000.
Dwight : Yeah!
Micheal : Congratulations. You see that? You see how they responded to me? (사람들이 내게 어떻게 반응하는지 봤나?) In that moment, I had them. (그 순간에 난 그들을 휘어잡았네)
Dwight : That is so great about the bonus!
Micheal : No, no. It's not true. I was just talking. (말만 그런거야) So, just go out there and say anything. They'll eat it up, they're a great audience.
Stanley : Go ahead, get the wallpaper. (나가서 벽지 사) Wallpaper the ceiling if you want. (원하면 천장 벽지도 사)
Dwight : Excuse me? May I have your attention please? There has been an accident on 84 West. Cars have skidded off the road into the safety railing. (차들이 난간을 넘어 들어왔어요)
Several cars have flipped. (몇몇 차들은 뒤집어졌고) There is broken glass everywhere. Several people are injured.
Pam : Do we know anyone who was injured in the accident? (그 사고에서 다친 사람들 중에 우리가 아는 사람이 있어?)
Dwight : Brad Pitt. Also, there will be no bonuses.
Stanley : Why would this affect our bonuses? (왜 이 사고가 우리 보너스에 영향을 주는거지?)
Dwight : They're unrelated.
Kelly : Is Brad okay?
Dwight : He will never act again. Also, this branch is closing.
Oscar : What the hell is going on here? (대체 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는거야)
Angela : Are we out of jobs?
Dwight : Yes.
Kelly : This is karma for what he did to Jennifer Anniston. (Brad가 Jennifer한테 한 짓에 대한 인과응보야)
Micheal : He's kidding. Dwight was kidding. And I don't know why because it wasn't funny. (재미가 없는데 왜 이러는지 모르겠어) And it was just horrible.
Stanley : Michael?
Micheal : Yeah?
Stanley : You said we were getting bonuses.
Micheal : All right. Everybody in the conference room now. (회의실로 모여) Let's go ! Let's do it.
Stanley : Cancel the wallpaper.
Micheal : As your leader and your friend, I sort of demand that you can all speak in public as I can. (모두들 내가 하는 것만큼 대중 앞에서 말할 수 있기를 바라네) And did, twice. (내가 했던 만큼, 두 번) You saw the plaque, right? All right, we're all gonna go around the room and we're going to make toasts. (빙 둘러 앉아서 축배사를 하자고) And that way (이런 식으로) we will overcome or fear of public speaking.
Pam : You mean toastmasters? (연회 사회자?)
Micheal : Pam! I'm public speaking. Stop public interrupting me. Actually, this would be good practice for your wedding toast. (결혼 축배사)
Pam : Yeah, the bride doesn't really do, (신부는 축배사 안하잖아요) have you ever been to a wedding? / J : Can I go? (제가 할까요?)
Micheal : Yes. Good. Jim taking the initiative.
Jim : So, I am going on a trip. But I'm not really sure where I'm going yet. It'a kinda open ended. (장소에 대한 제한은 없어요) So I was hoping maybe you guys would have some suggestions.
Kevin : You should go to Hedonism. (쾌락주의)
Jim : What is that?
Kevin : It's like Club Med. But everything is naked.
Jim : I was thinking more like Europe. Or something like that. (아님 비슷한 곳) But good second choice. (하지만 좋은 차선책이네요)
Tobby : Been to Amsterdam. (Amsterdam 가봤어?)
M : Okay, you know what? That's not a toast. (그건 축배의 말이 아니야) You're not standing up.
Tobby : To Amsterdam. (Amsterdam으로 가봐)
Jim : When did you go there?
Tobby : After my divorce.
Jim : Really? For like, how long?
Tobby : About a week or...maybe or month.
Jim : I can't
Todd : Jimmy, listen to me. You do not want to go to Amsterdam, trust me.
Jim : Where do I wanna go?
Todd : I'd send you to Hong Kong.
Todd : I'd like to say hi to my friends in China. Wode Zhongguode Pengyou Nihao.
Micheal : Okay. Dwight. Show us what you have learned today.
Dwight : Good morning, Vietnam! Okay, you know what? This isn't working. (이거 안먹히는데요) Because, I'm not nervous in front of them. They're my subordinates. (제 수하의 사람들이거든요)
Jim : No, we're not.
Dwight : Yes, you are. I am the assistant regional manager.
Jim : Which means absolutely nothing. (아무 의미가 없어)
Dwight : Michael, can you explain?
Micheal : Well, it's mostly made up. So...(뭐.. 대부분 부지점장은 그냥 말뿐이긴 하지)
Micheal : Dwight is not going to do a good job, it's sad. (Dwight는 잘 해내지 못할 거에요) And they're expecting excellence because I did do such a great job. Two years in a row I killed. It was amazing.
Micheal : Confidence, Dwight!
Jim : Dwight. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Dwight : I can travel anywhere, except Cuba. And I WILL travel to New Zealand. And walk the Lord of the Rings trail to Mordor And then I will hike Mt. Doom. So, you know, just leave me alone.
Jim : Okay, just trying to get some advice on my trip.
Dwight : Oh please, you're not taking any trip. (너 여행갈거 아니잖아)
Jim : You know, I majored in public speaking in college?
Dwight : You did?
Jim : Um-hmm. And the first thing that they teach you is that you've gotta be true to yourself. (처음으로 가르치는건 스스로에게 솔직해야 한다는거야) And you are all about authority. (그러면 넌 권위의 덩어리가 되는거야)
Dwight : Yes, I am.
Jim : The great speakers throughout history were not joke tellers. They were people of passion.
So, if you wanna do well today, you gotta do what they did.
Dwight : Which is? (어떤거?)
Jim : You gotta wave your arms. And you've gotta pound your fists. (팔을 흔든다거나 주먹을 치는거야) Many times. So as to emphasize your point.
Jim : Okay, I didn't actually major in public speaking. But I did download speeches from some of history's famous dictators. Like this one. Originally given by Benito Mussolini.
Jim : Okay, look, I know you're giving this speech on your own. But I wrote up a few talking points for you to look at. (준비한 연설문이 있겠지만, 네가 볼 요점들을 써놨어) Hope you don't mind. (싫어하지 않았으면 해)
Dwight : I'll glance at it. (살짝 참고할게)
Micheal : It's time, Dwight. The grim reaper is here. (죽음의 신이 왔어)
Angela : The very best of luck to you, Dwight.
Dwight : Thank you, Angela.
Kelly : Why'd you pick the VR for the reception? (피로연 때 VA 쓰는거야?)
Pam : Roy has a connection. It's nicer than you think.
Ryan : You're inviting Jim?
Pam : Of course, he's one of my closest friends.
Dwight : All right.
Micheal : Ready? Here we go! Wow, it's a little bit bigger than I remembered. Come on, we're down here in the front.
Angela : I am just feeling under the weather. And, I think that I will go home and rest.
Kevin : I've never ever seen you take a sick day.
Angela : Well, I've seen you take enough for the both of us. (난 너를 충분히 봤어, 우리 서로를 위해)
? : Next, I'd like to introduce the Dunder-Mifflin salesman of the year. Dwight Schrute!
Micheal : Dwight, he called your name.
? : Dwight, how we doing? (나와주시겠어요?)
Micheal : Okay, you know what? Okay. You know what? Okay. No, no problem. You're lucky you have me, (나랑 있는게 행운이야) I am going to cover for you. All right! Good morning Vietnam! I am not Dwight Schrute. Not at all. (전혀 아니죠) I am Michael Scott. His mentor and boss. And until Dwight comes up, if he ever does, (올라올지 아닌지 모르지만) I wanted to say a few words about excellence. (훌륭함에 관해 몇마디 하고 싶습니다) What makes a work environment excellent? Well, there are many things. I believe, that do such a thing of that... nature. (전 그런것들이 본래 그런거라고 믿습니다) And one would be humor. (그 중 하나는 유머일 것입니다) What is the difference between a salesman and a saleswoman?
Kevin : I always set it at 69. (전 항상 69도로 설정해놔요)
Pam : Maybe we'll use a DJ. That's the one thing Roy's in charge of for this wedding, (그게 Roy가 결혼식에서 맡은 유일한 부분이야) but all he's managed to do is set a date. (Roy가 하려고 했던 날짜 잡는거 빼면 말이야)
Kelly : Well, he did a great job. June 10th is perfect. I want a June wedding. I've always wanted one. Ryan, do you know when you would want to get married?
Ryan : Actually, I don't see ever getting married. (내가 결혼할지는 모르겠어)
Pam : Ryan, you should be more sensitive. It's obvious she likes you. (Kelly가 너 좋아하는건 분명해) And comments like that, they just.. (그런말은 단지..)
Ryan : I know what I said.
Micheal : I'm very sorry, I did not know that you were wearing a hearing aid. (음성확대기) And I just thought you were speaking... Abnormally. (전 여러분들이 통화하고 계신 줄 알았습니다. 이상하게도 말이죠) And now, the black guy from the Police Academy movies. A robot. Michael Winslow. Anyone? (다른사람 할까요?) Car starting. All right, Dwight Schrute, everyone. Good luck. That is a tough crowd. (다루기 힘든 관중들이야)
Dwight : Blood alone moves the wheels of history! (피만이 역사의 수레바퀴를 움직인다) Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, (숙고의 시간에 자문해 보았는가) which everyone finds during the day, (자문하는 그날 우리는 발견한다) How long we have been striving for greatness? Not only the years we've been at war, the war of work. (우리가 전쟁, 노동의 전쟁을 해온 세월뿐만 아니라) But from the moment, as a child, when we realized that the world could be conquered. (세계가 지배될 수 있다는 것을 깨닫던 순간) It has been a lifetime struggle. (이것은 우리 삶의 싸움이 되어왔다) A never-ending fight. I say to you, and you will understand, that it is a privilege to fight! We are warriors! Salesmen of Northeastern Pennsylvania, I ask you. Once more, rise and be worthy of this historical hour. (다시한번 일어나라 빛나게 하라! 이 역사적인 순간을!)
Oscar : I got a time share on Key West that might be available. (내가 Key West에 휴양지 있어. 사용할 수 있을지도 몰라)
Jim : Maybe, thanks.
Ryan : You really think you're gonna go?
Jim : Yeah, I'm definitely going.
Ryan : Nice, send me a postcard.
Ryan : Jim has worked at the same place for five years. Jim eats the same ham and cheese sandwich everyday for lunch. I don't know, if I were a betting man, I'd say he will have a fun weekend in Philadelphia. (제가 맞춰본다면, Jim이 주말에 Philadelphia에서 지낼거 같네요)
Dwight : No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself! (스스로 일어설 수 없다면 혁명은 아무 가치가 없다!) Some people will tell you salesman is a bad word. They'll conjure up images of used car dealers... (그들은 중고차 매매인을 떠올릴 것이다) ...and door to door charlatans. (사기꾼) This is our duty to change their perception. I say, salesmen... and women...of the world, unite. We must never acquiesce. (우리는 결코 그것을 따르면 안된다) For it is together! (우리이기 때문이다!) Together that we prevail! (함께, 우리는 승리한다!) We must never concede control of the motherland, (우리는 결코 모국의 통제권을 양보해서는 안된다!) for it is... Together that we prevail! (승리하는 것은 우리이기 때문이다!)
Pam : Australia? I've always wanted to go there.
Jim : I'm going. I'm a little nervous to run into Dwight on his connecting flight to Mordor, (Dwight의 모르도르로 여행과 관련된 비행을 한다는게 기분나빠) But, other than that..., (하지만, 그것 보다는) Yeah, I bought the ticket. Non-refundable.
Pam : That's awesome. Where are you staying?
Jim : I don't know. I feel like I have plenty of time to figure out the details, (세부적인걸 정할 시간은 많은 것 같아) but.
Pam : When are you leaving?
Jim : I'm leaving...on June 8th.
Pam : Oh
Jim : Yeah. And I'm really sorry about that. I just...
Pam : Yeah, that's too bad. (유감이야)
Jim : Yeah. Do you want me to take these on my way out? (나가면서 내가 이거 가져갈까?)
Pam : It's okay, I got it. (내가 할게)
Jim : Alright.
Dwight : Ok. Thanks. There you are. (여기 계셨군요) What happened?
Micheal : I got thirsty. How it go? (어떻게 됐어?)
Dwight : It was amazing. I wish you would have been there.
Micheal : You would not believe what happened here.
Dwight : What, did something happen?
Micheal : This woman came in. Sat down. Ordered a drink. The bartender asked for her ID, (바텐더가 신분증을 요구했지) which I thought was odd. (내 생각엔 좀 이상했어) Because I pegged her at, like, 35. (왜냐면 난 그녀를 35살로 봤거든)
Dwight : Weird.
Micheal : Yeah, really weird. So, she's like, I don't have my ID. Please, give me one. And he's like, I can't do that. I can't serve you.
Dwight : Con artist. (사기꾼이었군요)
Micheal : She might have been. (그랬을지도 몰라) So she says fine, I will go to my room. I will get my purse, I will come back. I'll show you my ID. She hasn't come back yet. She's probably in the room drinking from the minibar. (아마 방 냉장고에서 술 꺼내마시고 있을거야) Right?
Micheal : Dwight gave a great speech. That's the word on the street, anyway. (널리 알려진 내용이긴 하지만요) And I entertained Dwight to no end with my bar story. (그리고 저는 바 이야기로 Dwight를 웃겼죠) I captivated the guy... who captivated 1 000 guys. (저는 1000명의 넋을 사로잡은 친구의 넋을 사로잡았죠) Can you believe that? 1 000 guys.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.1. Pilot.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.2. Sexual Harassment.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.3. Office Olympics.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.4. The Fire.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.5. Halloween.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.6. The Fight.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.7. The client.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.8. Performance Review.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.9. Email-surveillance.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.10. Christmas Party.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.11. Booze Cruise
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.12. The Injury.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.13. The Secret.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.14. The Carpet.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.15. Boys and Girls
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.16. Valentine's Day.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.17. Dwight's Speech.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.18. Take Your Daughter to Work Day.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.19. Michael's Birthday.
◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.20. Drug Testing.
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[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.18. Take Your Daughter to Work Day. (0) | 2024.04.14 |
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