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[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.21. Conflict Resolution

by 럭키피플 2024. 4. 14.




The office 시즌2 - 2x21

Episode 21 - Season 2

Conflict resolution








Kevin : So, you found a band yet for your wedding?

Pam : No

Kevin : 'Cause I'm in a band. We really rock.




Jim : Yeah, I mean, it's inevitable. (뭐 어쩔 수 없는거죠) I definitely overhear some wedding preparation, but I'm fine with it. She hears me arranging my social life.. (Pam도 제 사생활 얘기를 듣는걸요) and we both have to hear Dwight order deer urine over the internet, (그리고 우리 둘다 Dwight가 인터넷으로 사슴 오줌을 주문했다는 얘기도 들었어요) so it evens out.




Phylis : So I got the Save The Date. (초청창 받았어)

Pam : Yeah?

Phylis : Yeah, pretty stationary. (카드 예쁘더라)

Pam : Oh, thanks.

Angela : I didn't get mine yet.




Pam : There are a few people I decided not to invite. And that might make things kind of awkward, but.. (이것 때문에 좀 거북해질지는 모르겠지만..) it's my wedding. And I don't want anyone there who has called me a hussy. (저보고 싸구려같다는 사람은 올 필요 없어요)




Micheal : Yes, thanks. Fantastic Sam's. (Fantastic Sam's에서 한거에요) Adult cut plus. (성인 커트 추가옵션으로요) Comes with a shampoo and blow dry. We're doing I.D. photos today. Gotta represent. (잘 나와야죠)




Phylis : On or off? (쓸까요, 벗을까요?)

? : Off.

Dwight : What is on your face? Is that a disguise?

Phylis : Excuse me.

Dwight : Clown paint. (광대분장이네)




Dwight : I.D. badges are long overdue. (신분증 나오는게 엄청 늦어지고 있어요) Security in this office park is a joke. (이 사무실 보안은 완전 장난이라니까요) Last year I came to work with my spud gun in a duffel bag. (작년에 스퍼드건을 더플백에 넣어왔는데) I sat at my desk all day with a rifle that shoots potatoes at 60 pounds per square inch. (하루종일 아무 문제도 없었죠 60파운드짜리 공기압으로 감자를 날려버리는 무기를 가지고 있었는데도요) Can you imagine if I was deranged? (그때 제가 정신이라도 나갔으면 어땠겠어요?)




Micheal : That's a nice tie.

Ryan : Thank you.

Micheal : That is.. who makes that?

Ryan : I don't know.

Micheal : Do you mind if I wear that for the photo?

Ryan : Let's.. let's keep our clothes. (그냥 입고온대로 하죠)

Oscar : It's like child abuse! (이건 아동학대야) I say, if Jesus saw that, he'd freak out! (완전 열받으실거라고) He'd freak out, Tobby.

Tobby : I mean, on so many levels! And I'm supposed to work there! (솔직히 그렇잖아! 난 그 자리에서 일해야 한다고!) / Oscar : I'm supposed to..

Micheal : What's the deal... e... o ?

Tobby : Just letting Oscar vent a little. (Oscar가 화풀이하게 놔두고 있는거에요) We would use the break room, but the photographer's back there.

Micheal : What's the problem?

Oscar : Angela.

Tobby : It's just a little dispute over a poster in their workspace.

Oscar : Since Christmas.

Micheal : So what, you're having a little spat? (그래서 승강이질 하는건가?) I forget, are you guys dating? (기억이 안나는데, 자네들 사귀나?)

Oscar : No.

Tobby : Michael, can I talk to you for a second, please ?




Tobby : Here's how I usually handle this. All I do is listen. (이런건 해결하는 방법이 있어요. 그냥 들어주면 돼요) You know, these things just have a way of working themselves out. (그럼 알아서 풀리게 돼있어요) It's like if you write someone a letter when you're really angry. They say to keep it in your drawer for a couple days, and then you just never end up sending it. (서랍속에 넣어두고 며칠 잊고 지내면 나중에 편지 보낼일이 없어지는거랑 같은 이치에요)

Micheal : What do you know about conflict resolution? (자네가 갈등 해결에 대해 뭘 아나?) Your answer to everything is to get divorced, so.. (모든 일에 자네가 하는 대답은 이혼하라는 거잖아)

Tobby : Okay.

Micheal : Okay, what?

Tobby : That was a right decision for me and my marriage.

Micheal : Well, that's not gonna fly here because in this office it is till death do us part. ( , 그건 죽음이 우릴 갈라놓을때까진. 이 사무실에선 안통해) Assuming that we don't get downsized. (인원감축이 없다는 가정하에 말이지) Pam, would you get Angela and meet us in the conference room, please? (Angela한테 회의실에서 좀 보자고 전해주겠나?)




Micheal : A Mediator's Toolchest. (중재인의 도구상자) Okay, well, before we get started, you should know that there are five different styles of conflict. My Shaolin Temple style defeats your Monkey Style. (소림사 스타일, 취권 스타일)

Angela : Can we go? I have a lot of work to do.

Micheal : No. This is important. The first style is "lose-lose".

Oscar : What's the next one?

Micheal : Just, hold on, please. (진정하시라고) Okay, if we do lose-lose, neither of you gets what you want. Do you understand? You.. you would both lose. Now, I need to ask you, do you want to pursue a lose-lose negotiation?

Angela : Can we just skip to whatever number five is? Win-win or whatever? (그냥 다섯 번째 방법인지 뭔지로 넘어가면 안되나요? -승인지 뭔지)

Micheal : Win-win, is number four, and number five is win-win-win. The important difference here is with win-win-win, we all win. Me too. I win for having successfully mediated a conflict at work. (나도, 일터에서 일어나는 분쟁을 성공적으로 중재하고 이기는거야)




Micheal : Okay, so this is the disputed poster. Now, one at a time, I want you to express your feelings using "I" emotion language and no judging, or "you" statements. (한명씩 돌아가면서 자기 생각을 말해보도록 해 나는이라는 감정표현을 사용하고 비판조나 같은 표현은 삼가 )

Angela : I got this poster for Christmas, and I feel I want to see it every day. It makes me feel like the babies are the true artists, and God has a really cute sense of humor. (이 포스터는 아기들이 진짜 예술가 같은 기분이 들게 해줘요 그리고 하느님이 정말 귀여운 유머감각을 가졌다는 생각도 들고요)

Micheal : Come on, seriously. That?

Oscar : I don't like looking at it. It's creepy and in bad taste, and it's just offensive to me. (오싹하고, 저질취향인데다, 불쾌하단 말이에요) It makes me think of the horrible, frigid stage mothers who forced the babies into it. (끔찍하고 매정한 아줌마 치맛바람이 떠오른다고요 아기들한테 이런걸 강요하는 사람들요) It's kitsch. (이건 저질이야) It's the opposite of art. (예술의 정반대라고) It destroys art. It destroys souls. This is so much more offensive to me than hard-core porno. I'm talking about the kind...

Angela : Oh my God.

Micheal : Okay, okay, okay, stop. Stop. Let's see if we can't just brainstorm and find some creative alternatives (우리가 머리를 맞대고 뭔가 창의적인 대안을 찾을 수 있는지 보자고) that are win-win.

Pam : Win

Micheal : Yes. Thank you, Pam. How about, Angela makes the poster into a t-shirt which Oscar wears. That way he can never see it, and whenever she looks at Oscar, she can see it. Win-win-win. / O : No. / A : That's... no.

Micheal : Well, brainstorm. Own the solution. (머리를 맞대니까 답이 나오잖아)

Angela : How about I leave it up? (그냥 걸어두는건 어떨까요?)

Oscar : How about she takes it down? (떼버리는건 어떨까요?)

Angela : How about Angela can keep it up on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Micheal  : Okay, that is called a compromise. (절충안) And it is style three, and it is not ideal. To sum up, win-win, make the poster into a t-shirt. (윈윈으로 결론을 내리려면) Win-lose, take the poster down. Compromise, Tuesdays and Thursdays. And the answer is.. make the poster into a t-shirt. Win-win.

Pam : Win.

Oscar : Fine.

Angela : But...

Micheal : It is done!




? : No, you're all good. (아뇨, 괜찮아요)

Creed : Great.




Pam : Hey, Angela. I didn't have your zip code. (네 우편번호를 몰랐어)

Angela : Thanks.




Angela : It was hand-delivered. but I did get a Save The Date after all. (손으로 전달받았지만 결국엔 초청장을 맏은거죠) It's not my taste.




Tobby : You solved it.

Micheal : Yes

Kebby : We can, throw that one out. (그럼 하나 빼버릴 수 있겠네요)

Micheal : Are those all the other complaints? I would like to see those please.

Tobby : I can't do that.

Micheal : You can't do that, huh? Now you and I have a conflict. I order you to give me that file.

Tobby : That..

Micheal : There! No more conflict. (이제! 문제없지) I had to use the win-lose on that. It was not pretty. (보지 좋진 않군요) All right. Is that it? (이게 단가?)

Tobby : It's all Dwight's.




Tobby : Every Friday at 4:00, I have a standing appointment with Dwight for him to file a grievance against Jim. (매주 금요일 4시에 저는 Dwight와 고정약속이 있어요 Jim에 대한 불평을 제기하는 시간이죠) I tell him that I'm sending them to a special file in New York. That box is the special file in New York. (이 박스가 뉴욕 본사에요)




Micheal : Oh, God. All right. Why do I have to do everything? (왜 내가 모든 일을 처리해야 하지?)




? : Are you sure? (정말이세요?)

D : Oh, he's sure. Just shoot.




Micheal : This, is from Kevin. He says Stanley uses his Miracle Whip without asking. (Stanley Kevin Miracle Whip을 묻지도 않고 먹는다고 쓰여있네) Meredith complains that everyone talks too loud in the morning and the lights are too bright. Creed.. Creed is sick of looking at the redhead all day and wants a seat facing the receptionist. (Creed는 하루종일 빨간머리를 지켜보는데 지쳐서 접수원을 마주보는 자리에 앉고 싶다고 하고)

Pam : Nice.

Micheal : You will notice that not one of these complaints is against me. (나한테 불평하는건 이중에 하나도 없다는 걸 눈치챘겠지)




Tobby : Actually, I have a separate folder for complaints against Michael. This is January through March of this year.




Micheal : How many of you have at one time gone to Tobby to complain about another employee? (자네들중 한번이라도 다른 직원을 불평하러 Tobby를 찾은 사람이 몇 명이나 되지?) And, did you get what you wanted, or were you merely listened to, you forget about your problem, and you move on? (그럼, 자네들의 문제가 해결된건가? 아니면 그냥 들려주기만하고 문제를 잊어버리고 넘어갔나?) That is outrageous! (그건 부당한 처사야!) I love this place.. and it pains me to see all of the negativity.. (이런 소극적인 반응을 보는게 고통스럽네) festering.. (내 마음이 아프다고) Today we are going to get everything out of these files and into the open, where it can be resolved. (해결될 수 있는 문제인지 진의를 표명해보겠어요) All right, how about the Phyllis-Angela dispute?

Angela : You already did me. (전 이미 했잖아요)

Micheal : That's what she said. The thing is, Angela, you are in here an awful lot. (문제는, Angela. 자네 이름이 여기 엄청나게 많다는거야) You have complained about everybody in the office, except Dwight, which is odd because everyone else has had run in with Dwight. (자넨 이 사무실에 있는 모든 사람에 대해 불평을 했어 Dwight만 빼고 이상하구만 다른 사람들은 전부 Dwight를 언급했거든) Tobby, by the way, what does "redacted" mean? (수정본이 무슨 뜻이지?) There is a file full of complaints in here marked "redacted." (수정본이라고 표시된 파일 한 묶음이 있는데)

Tobby : It just means whoever complained came to me later and withdrew it, so I took their name off. (그건 그냥 불만을 접수했던 사람이 나중에 와서 해당 내용을 기각했다는 뜻이에요 그래서 제가 그 사람들 이름을 지웠어요)

Micheal : There were a bunch of complaints about Dwight that were put in the redacted file about six months ago. (Dwight에 관한 불만사항이 엄청 많았는데 대략 6개월 전에 수정되었군)

Dwight : Wait! If someone has a problem with me, why would they withdraw it six months ago? ( 6개월 전에 취소를 했을까요?)

Pam : Let's move on. I volunteer. (그냥 넘어가요 제가 지원할게요) Did anyone have a problem with me?

Micheal : All right, Pamela. Come on down! (이리 나오세요) Let's do it. And.. okay. Just one complaint. Actually, it has been withdrawn. So that is no help to us. Next. (그럼 도움될게 없지)

Pam : Wait, what did it say?

Micheal : "Does she have to plan her wedding on office time?" "Shouldn't she do that at home?" Who else? Why don't we just warm up first? (가벼운 걸로 해보는게 어때?) Warm up emotionally, all right? (가볍게 감정을 다스려보자고, 좋지?)




Pam : I have this kind of big secret about Angela. ( Angela의 대단한 비밀을 알고 있었어요) And I've been really nice to her and I haven't told anyone, and.. (그래도 전 Angela를 친절하게 대했구요) what the hell!



Micheal : Here is a Kelly complaint. "Ryan never returns my calls." Ah, join the club. (나도 그런데)

Ryan : My voice mail's real spotty.. sometimes. (제 응답기에 문제가 많아서요.. 가끔)

Kelly : I didn't file a complaint. I was just talking.

(전 불만사항을 접수한게 아니에요 그냥 말한거에요)

Tobby : To your HR representative. (인사과 직원한테)

Kelly : To my friend, I thought. I want that withdrawn. (친구한테 말한거라고 생각했어. 그거 취소할래)

Tobby : Fine, I'll take your name off. So no one will know.

Micheal : Making progress. (진전이 있군요)

Jim : Dwight tried to kiss me.

Dwight : What?

Jim : And I didn't tell anyone 'cause I'm not really sure how I feel about it.

Dwight : That is not true. Redact it. Redact it! (시정해)

Jim : Well, I'm not actually making a formal complaint. I just really think we should talk about it. (뭐 정식으로 불만사항을 접수하는건 아니고 그냥 이 문제에 대해 얘기해 볼 필요가 있다고 생각해요)

Dwight : Okay, question. When a name is withdrawn, does that also apply to the permanent misbehavior file in New York? (이름이 지워지면 뉴욕 본사에 있는 영구적인 부정행위 기록에도 영향이 있나요?)

Tobby: Sure.

Micheal : Stanley.

Pam : Thanks for ratting me out. (고자질 해줘서 고마워)

Angela : I didn't do it.

Pam : I find that hard to believe considering you have problems with every single person in this entire office except Bobblehead Joe. (믿기가 힘든데, 네가 이사무실의 모든 사람에게 문제가 있다는 걸 생각하면 말이지 머리통 흔들리는 아무개씨만 빼고)

Micheal : Someone complained that the men's room is "whites only". Stanley, you know that's not true.

Stanley : I didn't say that.

Creed : Then why is there a picture of a white man on the door?

Micheal : Okay, Phyllis. You complained that Angela is giving you dirty looks. (Angela가 짜증나게 군다며 불만접수를 했군) And you tried to get off the party planning committee. (그래서 파티준비위원회에서 나오고 싶어했고)

Phylis : No, I never said any such thing. Angela and I are close.

Micheal : And.. also, Phyllis, Stanley says that you cry too much, and that bugs him.

Phylis : Stanley and I are close too.

Stanley : We sit close. (가까이 앉았지)

Micheal : O.. kay.




Tobby : Just take it. (그냥 찍으세요)




Angela : I can't believe Angela. I went against my better judgment, and I gave her a Save The Date. (난 내 옳은 결정에도 불구하고 초청장을 줬는데) And now it turns out she complained about me to Tobby.

Jim : Well, it was redacted. Look, if she wants an invite, maybe she's just trying to be friends. (생각해봐, Angela가 초대받고 싶었으면 친하게 지내려고 했을거야)

Pam : Don't take her side.

Jim : Well, what does Roy think about everything? (그럼 Roy는 전부 어떻게 생각하는데?)

Pam : I don't know. I try not to bother him about this kind of stuff.

Jim : You mean like your thoughts and your feelings? (네 생각이나 감정같은 문제로?)

Pam : Yeah.




Phylis : I know you keep saying it's your space, even though there's no assigned parking, but I keep forgetting. (니가 계속 그 자리는 네꺼라고 말하는건 알겠는데 뭐 네자리라고 써있는건 아니지만, 난 계속 잊어버린다고)

Angela : Yes, that's the problem.

Phylis : I guess so. (그렇겠지)

Micheal : Okay, well, all settled then. (다들 진정하라고)

Phylis : I don't like you.




Micheal : Okay, Ryan, you told Tobby that Creed has a distinct old man smell?




Creed : I know exactly what he's talking about. I sprout mung beans on a damp paper towel in my desk drawer. (전 서랍 안에서 녹두 싹을 틔우거든요) Very nutritious. (영양가가 많아요) But they smell like death.




Micheal : All right, Kevin. You are accused of making sexually suggestive remarks to Angela that made her feel uncomfortable. (자네는 Angela에게 외설적인 말을 한 명목으로 고발됐네) Solution. Angela, you are to make sexually suggestive remarks to Kevin that will make him uncomfortable.

Kevin : I accept your decision.




Jim : You know what, Dwight? Maybe we should get our photo I.D. taken together. (아무래도 우린 신분증 사진을 같이 찍어야 겠는데)

Dwight : That doesn't make any sense.

Jim : Well, it saves time, you know. 'Cause we could just meet in the parking lot every morning. Walk in together. Perfect.

? : Smile.

Dwight : No.




Dwight : I never smile if I can help it. (전 제가 조절이 가능할 땐 절대로 웃지 않아요) Showing one's teeth is a submission signal in primates. (동물세계에서 이빨을 보인다는 건 복종의 신호에요) When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life. (잘 좀 봐달라고 애원하는 침팬지로밖에 안보여요)




Jim : This came out really well. (진짜 잘 나왔다) There you go.

Dwight : This is humongous. (터무니없이 크군) am not a security threat. (난 보안의 적이 아니야) And my middle name is Kurt. Not Fart. (방귀가 아니라고)

Jim : What did I write?

Dwight : I have another complaint for Jim's permanent file. (Jim의 영구기록에 하나 더 추가할게 있는데요)

Tobby : Talk to Michael. I gave him the box.

Dwight : What box?




Phylis : But I didn't report your snoring.. (전 당신이 코곤다고 이르진 않았어요)

Stanley : Wednesdays, tearful. Tuesdays.. (수요일엔 질질짜고..)

Dwight : Four years of malfeasance unreported. This cannot stand. (4년씩이나 부정행위를 보고하지 않다니, 용납할 수 없어요)

Micheal : Okay. Calm down.

Dwight : No! You calm down. Whose side is Tobby on? (누가 Tobby 편인거죠?) Whose side are you on?! (도대체 누구 편이세요?) Him or me?

Micheal : Stop.

Dwight : Him or me? I cannot work with Jim anymore. Either he goes, or I go.

Micheal : Dwight..

Dwight : You choose!

Micheal : Stop..

Dwight : One of us is out of here by the end of today.




Dwight : I am not bluffing! Do the right thing here, Michael. (옳은 일을 하세요) Okay, I have served you loyally for years. I deserve this, you know I do! (전 이럴 자격이 있어요. 그렇다는거 아시잖아요!)

Micheal  : You know your I.D. says you're a security threat? (자네 신분증에 보안의 적이라고 써있는거 아나?)

Dwight : You have 'till 5:00.




Dwight : Oh, look, Jim. There's a sales manager position open in Stamford. Want me to call Jan and tell her you're interested? I could put in a good word for you. (내가 널 추천해줄 수 있다고) 'Cause I'll still be working here. Transfer, (전근) transfer, everybody. Transfer, transfer, transfer!

Micheal : You two, in the conference room, with me. Nobody leaves until we work this out. (이 문제를 해결할 때까지 여기서 아무도 못나가) Cage match.




Micheal : Cage matches ? Yeah, they work. (당연히 가능하죠) How could they not work? (어떻게 이게 불가능한가요?) If they didn't work, everybody would still be in the cage.




Micheal : Okay, so, Dwight, in your own words. (자네 말에 따르면) "Someone replaced all my pens and pencils with crayons." "I suspect Jim Halpert." "Everyone has called me Dwayne all day." "I think Jim Halpert paid them to." (제 생각엔 Jim이 사람들에게 돈을 준 것 같습니다)




Jim : Yes, five bucks each. And it was totally worth it. (충분히 그럴만한 가치가 있었어요)




Micheal : "This morning I found a bloody glove in my desk drawer" "and Jim Halpert tried to convince me I committed murder." (Jim은 제가 살인을 저질렀다고 납득시키려 했습니다) "I think he may be the real murderer." "Jim Halpert said there was an abandoned infant" "in the woman's room. (Jim이 여자화장실에 버려진 아기가 있다고 해서) When I went to save the child," "I saw Meredith on the can." (변기에 Meredith가 앉아있었습니다) Gaaad. (맙소사) "This morning I knocked myself in the head with the phone." (저는 오늘 아침 전화기에 머리를 박았습니다)




Jim : That actually took a while. (그건 좀 시간이 걸리는 작업이었어요) I had to put more an more nickels into his handset, (Dwight의 전화 수화기에 5센트짜리 동전을 조금씩 넣어야 했거든요) 'till he got used to the weight, (그 무게에 익숙해질때까지요) and then I just..took 'em all out.




Micheal : "Everytime I typed my name it said 'Diapers'." (제가 제 이름을 입력할때마다 기저귀라고 나옵니다)




Jim : Just a simple macro. You know, these actually don't sound that funny one after another. (그런데, 연달아 얘기하니까 그렇게 재밌지만은 않네요) But he does deserve it, though. (하지만 Dwight가 자초한거에요)




Micheal : "By the end of the day," "my desk was about two feet closer to the copier." (퇴근할 무렵에 제 책상은 복사기에서 겨우 2피트 떨어져 있었습니다)




Jim : Yeah, I just moved it an inch every time he went to the bathroom. And that's how I spent my entire day that day. (그날은 그러면서 하루를 다 보냈죠)




Micheal : The Japanese have this thing called shiatsu massage where they dig into your body very hard. (일본인들은 이걸 지압 마사지라고 부르죠. 엄청 세게 몸을 쥐어짜는 거에요) And it is very painful. And apparently, some people throw up. (사람들이 토하기도 한답니다) But the next day they feel great. I've never had one. They sound awful. (제가 해본적은 없어요. 끔찍하게 들리거든요)




Jim : Maybe Stamford would be cool. (Stamford가 좋을 것 같아)

Dwight : It's a good market. Higher volume. (거래량도 더 많고)

Jim : Maybe we should both go.

Dwight : I have a girlfriend.

Jim : Sure you do, Dwight, sure.

Micheal : Hey, there's like, 300 more of these. Let's get to them later. (이런게 300개나 더 있네. 그건 나중에 보도록 하자고)

Dwight : So you're gonna transfer Jim or not?

Micheal : Maybe, I haven't decided yet. Let's get to work.

Dwight : I want an answer by tomorrow.

Micheal : Actually, tomorrow's not good. How about later in the week? (다음주 중으로 어떤가?)

Dwight : Fine.

Micheal : Good. Okay.




Micheal : Wait. How about a group picture while you're here? (기왕 오신김에)

? : I can't. I only get reimbursed for the I.D. photos. (전 신분증 사진 찍는 비용만 받아요)

Micheal : Well, that's, what, a computer camera, right? (사실 그거 컴퓨터 카메라잖아요)

? : You mean, digital?

Micheal : Yeah, it'll take, like, two seconds. (찍는데 2초밖에 안걸리잖아요)

? : 20 bucks.

Micheal : All right. Everybody, come on. Group photo for the newsletter. (사보에 나갈 단체사진입니다)

Stanley : You gotta be kidding.

Micheal : Come on, everybody. Come on, let's go. Creed, Kevin, Oscar, andale, let's go.




? : One, two, three, smile. Try to smile.

Micheal : We resolved a lot today, everybody. Think happy thoughts.

? : Alright, I'm just gonna take it on three whether you smile or not. (웃던지 말던지 셋 세고 찍겠습니다)

Micheal : Good, let's check that out. All right. One more. We'll take one more.

? : That'll be another 20.

Micheal : What?

Pam : Angela, I want to talk to you about something.

Angela : What?

Jim : No, Pam, don't.

Pam : I am. (아니 해야겠어) It's about the Save The Date.

Jim : Pam it wasn't her.

Pam : What?

Jim : I'm the one who complained about you.

Micheal : Alright, come on, one more time!

Jim : I didn't know that Tobby was gonna write it down. (Tobby가 그걸 적어놓았을 줄은 몰랐어) I was just venting. You know, it was one day. (난 그냥 화풀이한건데 그냥 그때만 그런거야)

Micheal : That's terrible.

Jim : And I took it right back. (그리고 금방 괜찮아졌어) It was like...

Micheal : Let's pay Mr... Oh, dear. Price gouger.

Pam : Okay.

Micheal : We can do this. Come on, everybody. All right. Here we go.




Micheal : It was really hard getting a good picture of 15 people. (15명이 잘 나온 사진을 찍기란 매우 어려웠어요) He would not give me a discount. And eight tries added up.




Micheal : One, two.. Didn't say three, did I? (셋이라고 안했는데) But I'm sort of an expert at Photoshop. (하지만, 제가 포토샵을 좀 한답니다) So it turned out fine in the end. (그래서 결국엔 훌륭한 작품이 나왔죠) When people work together there is going to be conflict. (사람들이 함께 일하면 의견충돌은 생기기 마련이에요) You can't outrun your problems. (문제를 피해갈수는 없어요)




Jim : Hey, Pam, it's Jim. I have a doctor's appointment in the city. So I probably won't be in 'till the late afternoon. Just thought I'd let you know. (그냥 알려줘야 할 것 같아서) Okay, bye.

? : Okay, Jan will see you now.

Jim : Oh, thanks.




Micheal : And that is why the idea of a cage match is so universally appealing. (그게 바로 철창경기가 세계적으로 인기를 끄는 이유죠) But here's the thing about cage matches. (하지만 철창경기에 대해 알아둘 점이 있어요) Sometimes you have to open the cage. And that is something that Tobby will never understand.







◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.1. Pilot. 

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.2. Sexual Harassment.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.3. Office Olympics.

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.4. The Fire.

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.5. Halloween.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.6. The Fight.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.7. The client.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.8. Performance Review.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.9. Email-surveillance.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.10. Christmas Party.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.11. Booze Cruise

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.12. The Injury.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.13. The Secret.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.14. The Carpet.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.15. Boys and Girls

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.16. Valentine's Day.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.17. Dwight's Speech.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.18. Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.19. Michael's Birthday.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.20. Drug Testing.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.21. Conflict Resolution

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.22. Casino Night.

