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[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.10. Christmas Party.

by 럭키피플 2024. 4. 13.




The office 시즌2 - 210

Christmas Party.








Micheal : Go. Get the door. Here we are. Go. Push. (당기세요) Oh, God. Push. No, no, no. Turn it around. Really shove it. You'll break it. Shove it through. Break it! You shove it. Shove it back. Here we go. Don't break the branches, Dwight. (가지 부러뜨리지마)

Dwight : All right. I got a splinter. (아 파편이)

Micheal : Well, suck it up. We all have problems. (참게. 나도 지금 그러니까)

Micheal : Hey, everybody. Look what we have. Nice, huh?

Dwight  : I've got it leveraged. Push. Straight up.

Micheal : On three. Ready? Big. One, two, three.

Dwight : One, two, three.

Micheal : Merry Christmas.




Micheal : Did it work? (잘되나?)

Kevin : Well, sort of. (, 어느 정도요) Why did you get it so big?

Micheal : A, that's what she said, and, (첫째, 그냥 거기서 그렇게 준거고) B, I wanted it to be impressive. The biggest day of the year deserves the biggest tree of the year.

Kevin : But what are we gonna do with this hacked-off part? (그럼 이 잘라낸 부분으론 뭘하죠?)

Micheal : Well, that is a perfectly good mini-tree, Kevin, and we are going to sell that to charity. (자선물품으로 내는게 좋겠군요) That's what Christmas is all about. (그게 크리스마스의 전부니까요)




Jim : So this year, for the first time ever, I got Pam in Secret Santa, (그래서 이번 해에 처음으로 제가 Pam의 비밀산타가 되었어요) and I got her this teapot, (그리고 이 차주전자를 줄 생각이에요) which I know she really wants, so she can make tea at her desk. But I'm also gonna stuff it with some inside jokes. (그치만 이게 다가 아니라 여기에 재밌는 것들을 넣어주려구요) Like, this is my high school yearbook photo. She saw it at the party, and it really makes her laugh. Not sure why. (왜 웃는지 모르겠네요) What else? (또 뭐가 있더라) This is a hot sauce packet. She put this on a hot dog a couple years ago (2년전쯤 이걸 핫도그 위에 뿌리더라구요) because she thought it was ketchup. And it was really funny, so I kept the other two. (2개를 더 넣어놨구요) This would take a little too long to explain, so I won't. (이걸 왜 넣는지 말씀드리기엔 너무 시간이 많이 걸릴 것 같네요 그래서 말하지 않을래요) And this is the card. Because Christmas is the time to tell people how you feel.




Angela : Is there anything we're missing? Phyllis, you got the lights? (조명 있어?)

Phylis : Yes, I got those cute little ones. Do you think I should have gotten the big ones?

Angela : We'll see. (우선 보고)




Ryan : Angela drafted me into the party planning committee. (Angela가 파티 위원회에 저를 집어넣더라구요) Her memo said that we need to prepare for every possible disaster, which to me seems excessive. (메모에 파티중에 문제가 생기면 대책이 필요하다나요. 제 생각엔 엄청 오바하는거 같네요)




Micheal : Merry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho, pimp. (포주네)

I'm kidding. What do we got? What do we got? (얼마나 있어?) How many plates are we getting?

Angela : Fifty.

Micheal : Double it. Double everything. Double ice cream. Double napkins. Double it. On me. (내 돈으로)




Micheal : It was a tough year. I had to fire somebody this year. This party has to really rock. (오늘 파티는 정말 멋져야 해요) Check it out. Christmas bonus, 3,000 Gs. I got this for helping save the company money. (전 이걸 회사예산 절약을 위해 쓸 예정입니다) So I guess some good came out of firing Devin after all. (제 생각엔 Devin을 해고한 이유로 받은 거 같네요) Maybe I should call him and tell him that. (전화를 해서 말을 해줘야 할 것 같네요)




Micheal : I want people to cut loose. (난 사람들이 흥청망청 놀길 워해) I want people making out in closets. (난 사람들이 서로 가까워지길 원한다고) I want people hanging from the ceilings, lamp shades on the heads. (난 사람들이 천장에 붙어서 전등갓을 머리에 쓰고 놀길 원한다고) I want it to be a Playboy Mansion party. And also, I want you to know and spread the word that I will have my digital camera. (그리고 여러분들이 알아줬으면 하는게 난 내 디지털 카메라로 모두를 찍을 생각이야) And I'll be taking pictures all along the way. (파티 내내 찍어줄거야) And the best and craziest thing that happens will be on the cover of the newsletter. Incentive. (제일 미친 짓을 한 사람을 골라서 시사 회보 표지로 쓰겠어. 자극유발이죠)

Pam : You do realize that we can't serve liquor at the party.

Micheal : Yeah. I know. Damn it. Stupid corporate wet blankets. Like booze ever killed anybody. (술이 사람을 망쳐놓는 거랑 뭐가 달라)




Oscar : One. Two. Three.

Dwight : You guys should use a hand truck. (손수레 쓰는게 좋을텐데)

Kevin : Do we have one?

Dwight : No.




Angela : Will you help me?




Micheal : No! No way. It... No.

? : Come on, Mike. Let me borrow the hat for just a couple of hours.

Micheal : You wanna be Santa?

? : Yeah.

Micheal : Have you ever seen Santa?

? : Yeah, I've seen Santa. Okay. Who cares? (누가 신경이나 써요?)

Micheal : Well, I'm sorry. It just doesn't work. (빌려줄 수 없어)

Dwight : Michael, I would like to be the elf.

Micheal : That makes sense because he has elfish features. (저거 말 되네)




Dwight : Okay, everyone. Listen up. It is time to get your presents, wrap them (선물 받을 시간이야 포장하고나서) and place them under the tree, like so. (나무 밑에 쌓아놓길바래 이렇게) If you do not get your present wrapped and under the tree within the next five minutes, (아직 포장 못한 사람이 있다면 5분 이내에 트리 밑에 놔두길 바래) you will be disqualified from Secret Santa. All right? (그러지 못하면 비밀산타할 자격도 없는거야) No exceptions except Michael.






Tobby : I got Angela. ( Angela의 비밀산타에요) She is into these posters of babies dressed as adults. (Angela가 이 포스터의 아기들을 매우 좋아하거든요 어른처럼 행동하는 아기들) I got her one of those. I felt kind of weird buying that. (그녀를 위해 샀어요. 이런걸 샀단게 이상할 따름이죠)




Oscar : I got Creed. And to tell you the truth, I don't know anything about Creed. I know his name's Creed. I know he works right over there. I think he's Irish and I... I got him this shamrock keychain. (이 클로버 열쇠고리를 줄 생각이에요)




Kevin : I got myself for Secret Santa. I was supposed to tell somebody, but I didn't. (말하려고 했지만 안했죠)




Micheal : You get something good this year? (이번 해 잘 보낸 것 같나?)

Jim : I think I did a pretty good job.

Micheal : Yeah? Who did you have? (누구의 비밀산탄가?)

Jim : Well, I can't tell you, 'cause it's a secret.

Micheal : I think I got something pretty nice for my guy. (내 생각엔 내가 그 사람을 위해 좋은 걸 산것 같네)

Jim : Yeah?

Micheal : I spent a lot of dough. Lot of dough. Wow. (돈을 많이 썼지. 많이도)

Jim : Well, there's a $20 limit, right? (20 달러가 한도액 맞죠?)

Micheal : So... Yeah. I wanted this party to be really special so I sort of went above and beyond. (그래서 좀 돈을 더 썼지)

Jim : That's great. Well, don't tell me who it is, 'cause I can... (웬만하면 누군지 말하지 마세요)

Micheal : It was Ryan. Yeah. I have Ryan.




Dwight : Gather round. (다들 모여봐) Secret Santa, let's go. Let's go. Come on. Stanley, no. I'm gonna handle the cord. (코드는 내가 꽂을거야) Okay, safety reasons.

Stanley : I know how to plug something in.

Dwight : I want to do it.

Micheal : All right, let's count it down, like Rockefeller Center. (다들 모여봐. Rockfeller 센터 구경하는 것처럼) Ready? Three, two, one. Not great. (좋지 않아)

Phylis : I'm sorry, everybody.

Pam : I think the tree looks nice.

Dwight : Hey, I could get some flares from my car. (제 차에 좀 더 큰거 있어요)

Micheal : No. No. Shake it off, (그냥 잊어버려) everybody. Just, let's do Secret Santa. (그냥 선물이나 보자고)




Micheal : Presents are the best way to show someone how much you care. It is like this tangible thing that you can point to and say, (명백하게 자신이 말하려는 것을 가리키는 것이죠) "Hey, man, I love you this many dollars' worth." (난 이 선물이 돈보다 가치가 있다네)




Dwight : First present, Oscar.

Oscar : Shower radio. Neat.

Kelly : Oh, good, that was from me.

Oscar : Thanks, Kelly. You know I was gonna get one of... (내가 이걸 갖고 싶었...)

Dwight : Okay. Okay. That's enough. Let's keep it moving on. Jim. / J : Oh, cool.

? : That's from me.

Jim : Great. Where did you get it?

? : I don't know. It was so long ago.




Jim : He obviously forgot to get me something, and then he went into his closet and dug out this little number and then threw it in a bag.




? : Yep. That's exactly what happened. (, 보신대로입니다)




? : Pam.

Pam : Oh, my God! Thank you very much, Santa, whoever you are. (누구든지 간에요) It's awesome.

Jim : There's a little more to it. (그 안에 다른 것도 좀 있는데)

Dwight : All right. Next. Ryan.

Micheal : No. Don't.

Ryan : Whoa, a video iPod.

Micheal : Whoa. Wow. Jeez.

? : Somebody really got carried away with the spirit of Christmas. (누군지 몰라도 마음 씀씀이를 심하게 썼네)

Micheal : That was me. I got carried away with the spirit.

Ryan : Wasn't there a $20 limit on the gift? This is 400 bucks.

Micheal : You don't know that.

Ryan : Yeah, you left the price tag on. (태그를 남겨놨는데요)

Micheal : I did? Yeah. What? Oh, shoot. (깜빡했나보다) Wow. Okay, well, who cares? It doesn't matter what I spent. (누가 신경써? 내가 얼마나 쓰건) What matters is that Christmas is fun, right? (신경 쓸 유일한 건 재미있는 크리스마스지)

Dwight : Michael.

Micheal : Oh, hey, for me. What is in here? Oh, come on.

Phylis : I knitted it for you. (직접 짰어요)

Micheal : An oven mitt? (오븐 장갑을?) Okay.




Micheal : So Phyllis is basically saying, "Hey, Michael, I know you did a lot to help the office this year "but I only care about you a homemade oven mitt's worth." (그리고 오직 점장님을 생각하는 마음은 제가 만든 오븐장갑을 드리는 거였답니다) I gave Ryan an iPod.




Kevin : Should we just keep opening up the presents? (우리 그냥 계속 선물개봉하면 안될까?)

Dwight : We don't do anything until Michael gives us further instructions.

Micheal : I got it. (나 왔어) We are going to turn Secret Santa into Yankee Swap. (비밀 산타고 뭐고 양키식 교환을 하도록 하지)

Jim : What is Yankee Swap?

Micheal : One person chooses a gift. The next person can either choose a gift or steal that person's gift. If your gift gets stolen, then you can steal someone else's gift or choose a new gift.

Jim : I thought that was called Nasty Christmas. (저는 그걸 크리스마스 중 하나의 추악한 행위라고 보는데요)

Pam : Yeah, we call it White Elephant. (, 저희는 그걸 어이없다고 했는데요)

Micheal : Well, I call it fun! (난 그걸 재미있다고 했는걸!)

Oscar : Why are we doing this?

Micheal : Because it's better. Because it's more special.

Angela : It sounds mean. (제 생각엔...)

Micheal : Shut it. No, it's not... Okay, just give it a shot. (사진이나 찍어줘)




Angela : Michael should have asked the party planning committee first. (점장님은 누가 파티 플래너인지 먼저 물어봤어야 했었어요) He's not supposed to just spring things on us out of nowhere. (파티를 이런식으로 진행하고 싶진 않으셨을거 아닌가요)




Micheal : Okay, Meredith is up first. Here's the deal. You can either pick a new gift or you can steal somebody else's gift that they've already gotten, like the oven mitt.

Meredith : I'll take the teapot.

Jim : Oh. Shouldn't we... (우리 이거 안하기로) I bought that specifically for Pam.

Micheal : Yankee Swap! That's what makes it fun.

Micheal : Pam, you can steal the oven mitt now.

Pam : I'll take the iPod.

Ryan : And I have to give it to her? I don't have a choice? (아무 말도 못하고 줘야 하나요? 선택의 여지조차도 없는건가요?)

Micheal : Yes. Now, you can steal the oven mitt,

Dwight : the old shirt or the shower radio or pick a new gift.

Stanley : That was meant for Kelly. (그건 보란듯이 Kelly 거라고 써있잖아)

Ryan : Yeah, I figured. (알아, 이젠 내거야)

Micheal : I think this is going great. (내 생각엔 잘 되고 있는거 같아)




Kelly : Yikes. (...)

? : Well, it's for Angela, so...

Kelly : That's, like, the creepiest thing that I've ever seen. (내가 본 것중 가장 괴상한 사진이다)

Micheal : Angela, you're up. (너도 골라)

Angela : I'll take the poster. Some people like these.

Kelly : I will steal the iPod.




Micheal : Everyone wants the iPod. It's a huge hit. (대단한 인기였죠) It is almost a Christmas miracle.




Micheal : Oh, well, Oscar, you little gourmand, (먹보 사나이) you have the next turn.

Oscar : I'll take the teapot. / Meredith : Damn it.

Micheal : Okay. Moving along, (계속하자) Meredith, let's go.

Meredith : I really want the iPod.

Dwight : It's already been stolen this round. Pick something else.

Micheal : I hope nobody takes this baby, (난 아무도 이거 안가져갔으면 좋겠어) 'cause this is great. Wow, look at that fine craftsmanship. Somebody really put a lot of work into that. (누군지 여기에 엄청 시간을 들였어) It's beautiful.

Meredith : I'll take the oven mitt.

Micheal : Sucker! See, I wanted somebody to take it. Boom! Reverse psychology. (봤지? 난 누군가 저거 가져갔으면 했어. 가지던지 말던지 반 심리학이었어)




Micheal : Reverse psychology is an awesome tool. (반심리학은 멋진 방법입니다) I don't know if you guys know about it, (그게 뭔지 아실진 모릅니다만) but basically you make someone think the opposite of what you believe and that tricks them into doing something stupid. Works like a charm. (마법같다니까요)




Micheal : "In addition to these paint ball pellets, "your gift includes two paint ball lessons with Dwight Shrute." (그 외에 이 페인트공 저격 레슨권도 선물에 포함합니다 두장씩이나요 Dwight.)

Dwight : You and me, Michael. Yes.

Micheal : Who wants to take paint ball lessons? How is that better than an iPod? (어째서 이게 아이팟보다 나은건데?)

Dwight : I never said it was better than an iPod.




Dwight : Michael keeps bragging about his iPod, (점장님은 자꾸 그 아이팟이 무슨 멋진 선물이라고 자랑하세요) but you know what? Two paint ball lessons with someone as experienced as I am is worth easily, like, 2 grand. (두 장의 페인트공 레슨권이 더 삶을 사는데 해볼만한 가치가 있는 거에요) Take that, Saddam. (널 위한 사격이었다, 사담 후세인)




Micheal : Last gift, Kevin.

Kevin : I want the foot bath. (족욕기요)




Kevin : That's the thing I bought myself. I'm really psyched to use it. (저걸 쓸 생각을 하니 당황스럽네요) Maybe I should have taken the iPod. Oh, shoot. (제길)






Dwight : Pam, steal something or pick the final gift.

Pam : I want the iPod.

Kelly : Damn it.

Jim : Sure you don't want the teapot?

Pam : Well, I mean, it's an iPod. But...

Jim : Right.

Pam : Sorry, I...

Jim : No. No. Definitely. It's...

Kelly : Okay, well, I guess I will take that book of short stories. (알았어, 그럼 난 저 단편동화책을 가져가야겠구나)

Dwight : Yes! There you go. I want the tea pot. Gracias.

Jim : Got to be kidding me. (이건 말도 안돼지)




Dwight : Yankee Swap is like Machiavelli meets Christmas. (양키식 교환은 마키아벨리가 크리스마스를 만난 듯 하네요)




Micheal : What is she so upset about?

Pam : Maybe because you hated her present so much.

Micheal : Come on! I think that Yankee Swap was a big hit. I think it was a success, and I'm the one who ended up with Dwight's stupid paint ball pellets. (Dwight의 말같지도 않은 선물을 누가 받게 만들지도 않았고 말이야)

Jim : Yeah, but, Michael, the point is that we all bought gifts for specific people.

Stanley : And you should have just bought a $20 gift like everyone else.

Micheal : Well, I didn't. I got a big bonus because I fired Devon, and I used the money to buy something awesome. Sue me! (불만있으면 고소하던가!)

Oscar : You got a bonus check?

Pam : How much?

Micheal : It wasn't... It wasn't that much. It was $3,000.

Stanley : All right, I'm done now. (전 갈랍니다)




Micheal : Unbelievable. I do the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for these people, (누군가를 위해 이렇게 좋은 일을 한 것도 처음인데) and they freak out. (사람들이 기겁을 하네요) Well, happy birthday, Jesus. Sorry your party's so lame. (당신의 생일을 망쳐 죄송하군요)




? : It comes to $166.41.

Micheal : All right, now, you're the expert. Is this enough to get 20 people plastered? (근데 이게 20명이서 만취하기 적당한 양인가요?)

? : Fifteen bottles of vodka? Yeah, that should do it. (, 충분히요)

Micheal : Cool, cool. Box it up.




Jim : I bought this teapot for Pam, and I know she really wants it. So, can I trade you for it?

Dwight : No trades.

Jim : Come on. It's a shamrock keychain. Good luck. (왜 그래, 이거 클로버 열쇠고린데 행운을 빈다고 하잖아)

Dwight : "A real man makes his own luck." Billy Zane, Titanic. (진정한 남자는 자신의 운을 개척하며 산다)

Jim : Look it has sentimental value, Dwight. (이건 정말 이유가 있는 거잖아) Can I buy it from you?

Dwight : No. I want it. I'm going to use it.

Jim : You don't even drink tea. (차는 마시지도 않으면서)

Dwight : True. But I get sinus infections, and sinus infections can be cured by making your tea from green tea leaf stems.. (이 입구를 더럽게 만들어 줄거야 그리고 입구를 더럽게 만들고 나서 녹찻잎을 우려낼거야) Okay.. and pouring it directly into your nose, like so. (그리고 그 우려낸 물을 코에 이렇게 쭉 부어마실거야)




Jim : To think that my gift to Pam will be used for that, (제가 Pam에게 주려던 선물이 저렇게 쓰일거라니) it's a little too much to handle. (견디기가 힘드네요)




Roy : This is awesome. (진짜 멋지다)

Pam : I know. It's totally gonna change the way I work out. (이제 출근할 때 다른 방법으로 출근할 수 있겠다)

Yeah, I was gonna get you one of these for Christmas, now I don't have to. (, 게다가 난 이거 너한테 크리스마스 선물로 주려고 했는데) I'm gonna save a ton of money.

Pam : So what are you gonna get me instead?

Roy : I don't know. Probably, like, a sweater or something.

Micheal : Uh-oh. Looks like Santa was a little naughty. (산타가 조금 성격이 안좋았나보군)

Angela : What is that?

Micheal : This is Christmas spirit, as in spirits, booze. (크리스마스의 활력제야, 활력이지. !)

Meredith : We can drink?

Tobby : We're really not supposed to serve alcohol.

Micheal : Zip it, Tobby! Just... I mean, it's a party. Come on. If I can't throw a good party for my employees, (내가 이런 대접도 안해주면) then I am a terrible boss. Who wants a drink?

Meredith : Me. Please.

Micheal : Go! Here we go! (다들 마셔!)




Meredith : The deal is that this is my last hurrah, (술을 마신건 마지막 환호같은 거였어요) 'cause I made a New Year's resolution that I'm not gonna drink anymore during the week.




Phylis : Hi, guys.

Bob : Hey.

Phylis : Does everyone know my boyfriend, Bob Vance?

Kevin : Kevin Malone.

Bob : Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. (냉장부서 Vance입니다)

Stanley : Stanley Hudson.

Bob : Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.

Ryan : Ryan Howard.

B : Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.

Ryan : What line of work you in, Bob?




Roy : I think after I lost Culpepper and T.O. It was over, man. (난 컬페퍼를 방어체제로 했는데 완전 망했어)

? : Oh, yeah, I need McMahon, Deion Branch to have big games, or else I'm done. (,  Mcmahon이랑 Deion이 필요해 걔내 아니면 망할거야)

Roy : It's possible. I can't believe you traded Shaun Alexander, man. (난 니가 Shaun이랑 바꿨는지 몰랐어)

? : I had to, I needed defense.

Roy : Come on! Shaun Alexander?

? : He's the best back in the league.

Roy : It's defense.

? : Oh, no. That's not worth it.

Roy : It is worth it.

? : Never.

Roy : Are you kidding? You wait.




Micheal : Anybody making out in here? Not yet. Give it time. (아무도 여기서 안 놀고 있나? 아직 없네..) Oh, hey, Ebenezer, boink. Okay, how's it going in here? (다들 재밌게 놀고 있나?)

Ryan : We're running low on cups. Do you want me to just run out and get some? (우리 이제 술 그만 마셔야 할 거 같은데요, 집에 운전을 못하고 갈거 같아서요)

Micheal : No, no, no, mo. Yeah, there should be some... (누군가 있겠지) We'll find some. Don't leave the party.




? : One, two, three! Kudos to Ryan, king of the party committee. (Ryan에게 축배를! 파티플래너잖아!)

Ryan : Oh, no. I really did not do anything.

Micheal : Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Micheal : Oh, no, no. No false modesty, my friend.




Jim : You know, you don't have to answer calls during a party. Just thought you should know. (니가 알아야 할 것 같아서)

Pam : No, I was just checking out my present. But... I traded with Dwight. Just, I figured, you know, you went to a lot of trouble and it means a lot. (그냥 그랬지, 너도 알다시피 여기엔 문제도 많고 사연도 많거든) And also, Roy got me an iPod or was going to get me an iPod, so.. (내가 살 참이었거든)

Jim : Well, either way. This is an amazing gift because it comes with bonus gifts. (이게 생겼으니 아이팟이 덤으로 생길테잖아) Look inside.

Pam : Oh, my God! The yearbook picture.




Pam : Yeah, I think I made the right choice. (바꾸길 잘한거 같네요)




Pam : Oh, my God! It's incredible. Is this the bottle timer? (깜짝 선물인거야?)

Jim : I didn't think you were gonna get that one. I really didn't. (난 니가 이걸 다시 바꿀지 몰랐어 정말로)




Dwight : This is so awesome. (정말 멋져요) Not bad. And if it couldn't go to Ryan, you are the guy I'd want it to go to. (나쁘지 않네 Ryan 다음으로 자네에게 주고싶었다네)

Dwight : Thank you.

Micheal : You're welcome.

Todd : Merry Christmas, asswipe.

Micheal : No way. Oh, you're kidding me. Packer! Yes! Todd Packer, ladies and gentlemen.

Todd : What's up, my nerds? (잘 지내나 멍청이들?)

Micheal : Check it out! (이거봐라) Oh, no, no. Oh, look at that. Icing on the cake. (금상첨화구만)

Todd : Pacman need a drinky. (Packer는 술이 필요해)

Micheal : Oh, let's fix you up. (자네 좀 손봐줘야겠는데) Who wants to fix up... (누가 그럴까) Tobby?

Todd : Toby's gonna fix you up.




Kevin : Yeah.

Micheal : Darryl. There you go. You earned it. (여기. 갖고싶다며)

Darryl : That's okay, Mike.

Micheal : No, no, no, no. I really, really want you to have it.

Darryl : All right. Thanks, man.

Micheal : Hey, Merry Christmas.




Ryan : Whose butt is that? (누구 엉덩이야?)

Kevin : Mine.

Ryan : Oh, how did I not guess that? (왜 몰라봤을까?)




Micheal : Lampshade on head! It's happening! (전등갓을 머리에 썼다! 재밌지!) / Tobby : Oh, no.




Kelly : Hey.

Dwight : Oh, hello there. But what are you doing?

kelly : I don't know.

Dwight : You shouldn't do things like that. The man is supposed to do that.




Kevin : Thanks for the party, Michael.

Micheal : Yeah.

Bob : Oh, hey... Listen up. We're going to Poor Richard's. Who's in?

Dwight : I'm in.

Bob : Yes. Michael?

Micheal : Poor Richard's? Yeah. That sounds good.




Micheal : Christmas is awesome. (크리스마스는 최고의 날입니다) First of all, you get to spend time with people you love. Secondly, you can get drunk and no one can say anything. Third, you give presents. What's better than giving presents? And fourth, getting presents. So, four things. Not bad for one day. (이 네가지로 인해 하루가 좋게 가죠) It's really the greatest day of all time. (정말 다른 날보다도 더 좋은 날인거죠)




Micheal : Hey, Meredith. Heading over to Poor Richard's?

Meredith : Yep.

Micheal : Cool, cool, cool. Do you need a ride? All right, let's head out. Sounds good. Do you have a coat?

Meredith : Yeah.

Micheal : Okay!





◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.1. Pilot. 

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.2. Sexual Harassment.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.3. Office Olympics.

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.4. The Fire.

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.5. Halloween.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.6. The Fight.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.7. The client.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.8. Performance Review.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.9. Email-surveillance.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.10. Christmas Party.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.11. Booze Cruise

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.12. The Injury.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.13. The Secret.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.14. The Carpet.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.15. Boys and Girls

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.16. Valentine's Day.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.17. Dwight's Speech.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.18. Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.19. Michael's Birthday.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.20. Drug Testing.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.21. Conflict Resolution

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.22. Casino Night.

