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[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.4. The Fire.

by 럭키피플 2024. 4. 12.


The office 시즌2 2x04

The Fire








Pam : Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam. Sure, can I ask who's calling? (누구신지 여쭤봐도 될까요?) Just a second.

Jim : Jim Halpert What? How did you get this number? (이 번호는 어떻게 알았어요?) Stalker. (스토커)




Pam : Keity, and Jim, met in the office. And now I guess they're like, going out, or dating, or something. And, uh... I don't know ! You know, they're just, she calls him, and they... You know, I'm sorry, I feel like I'm talking really loud. (아 죄송해요. 제 목소리 너무 큰 것 같네요) Am I talking really loud? (제 목소리 정말 큰가요?)




Jim : So we're still on for lunch? (점심 약속은 유효한거죠?) You're meeting me here? Okay. Great. Bye.

Pam : Hey. You can just give her your extension. (Keity한테 네 내선번호 알려줘도 돼)

Jim : Okay.




Micheal : Howard, slash Ryan. Ryan Howard is sitting in my office, and he has been a temp here for a couple of months (몇 달동안 여기서 임시직으로 일하고 있고요) and he's kind of gotten, a lay of the land, a little bit. (이제 조금 돌아가는 것도 익히고) Had a few laughs along the way, and now he wants to know, (조금 여유도 생기고 하니, 이제 알고싶다는군요) what I think.

Ryan : The temp agency wants to know what you think. (직업소개소에서 지점장님 생각을 알고싶어해요)

Micheal : Shall we? Let us proceed (그럼 진행해볼까?) First up, proficiency in necessary skills (첫째, 필수 기술능력) Aaaaaaa-eeeeexcellent !




Dwight : Michael's in there right now evaluating the temp. (지점장님은 지금 임시직을 평가하고 있습니다) He hasn't evaluated me in years. (지난 몇 년동안 저는 평가해주지 않으셨죠)




Micheal : Five years from now, what do you want to do? Where you wanna be? (지금부터 5년 후에 뭘 하고 싶나? 어디에 있고 싶어?)

Ryan : Ah, well, I'm interested in business.

Micheal : Oh. Good, ambitious. Excellent. Want to be a manager? (관리자가 되고싶나?)

Ryan : Uh, no, Actually, ah, what I want is to own my own company.

Micheal  : That is ridiculous.




Micheal : Ryan's about to attend the Michael Scott school of business. I'm like Mr. Miyagi and Yoda rolled into one. (저는 Miyaki씨와 Yoda를 합쳐놓은 것 같은 사람입니다)




Micheal : Much advice you seek. (원하는 만큼 물어봐) Do you know who that is? (누군지 아나?)

Ryan : Fozzie bear?

Micheal : Mm, no. That was Yoda. There are ten rules in business that you need to learn. Number one. You need to play to win. (성공하려면 즐겨야 한다) But, you also, have to win, to play.

Ryan : Got it. (알겠어요)

Micheal : And I will give you the rest of the, ten at lunch. Hey.




Dwight : Michael and I have a very special connection. He's like Batman, I'm like Robin. He's like the Lone Ranger, and I'm like Tonto. And it's not like there was the Lone Ranger, and Tonto, and Bonto. (Lone RangerTonto 말고 Bonto도 있는 건 아닙니다)




Dwight : People!

Angela : Okay, everybody...

Dwight : This is not a test ! Move to the exits !

Angela : Devon, head towards the exits.

Dwight : Do not panic.

Angela : Safety partners-

Dwight : Get up off your desks!

Angela : Do not panic.

Dwight : No, panic is warranted ! This is not at drill! (당황해도 됩니다! 연습상황이 아닙니다) Go in a single file line. (일렬종대로 서세요)

Angela : Arms at your sides, arms at your sides. (팔은 양 옆에 붙이고)

Dwight : Please, move quickly! This is a paper company people...

Micheal : ...Step lively!

Dwight : Go, let's go. This whole place is a tinder box, it is ready to blow! (건물 전체가 화재 위험에 노출돼 있어서 불나는 건 순간입니다) This is not a test! Can you leave?! (안나가요?)

Phylis : Oh, you say that every time.


Phylis : Oh, boy..

Dwight : Do you want to die!? OUT!!

Phylis : Alright, let's go, let's go.

Dwight : STANLEY! Have you ever seen a burn victim!? (Stanley, 화상입은 사람 본 적 있어요?) Move to the exits! You're safety partners! We've got smoke! We've got smoke! SMOKE! (연기가 난다! 연기!) Oh! Kelly! Are you okay? Don't worry, I got you! (내가 있잖아!)

Kelly : I'm okay!

Dwight : Cover your nose and face. Breathe through your nose.

Kelly : Let go of me! (좀 놔줘!)

Dwight : Remove your stockings. Okay? They'll melt right into your flesh! (그건 피부로 녹아들어간다고) Stay below the smoke line. (연기층 밑으로 유지하고) Let's go! Clear out, stat! (갑시다! 대피완료! 서둘러요!) STAT MEANS NOW! (당장 서두르라는 말입니다!)




Micheal : Yes, I was the first one out, and yes, I've heard women and children first. (맞습니다. 여자와 아이가 우선이라는 말은 들었습니다) But, we do not employ children. We are not a sweat shop. Thankfully. (우리는 노동착취공장이 아닙니다. 다행스럽게도) And, uh, women are equal, in the workplace, by law. So, I let them out first, I have a lawsuit on my hands. (그러니까 여자들을 먼저 내보내면 소송에 걸렸겠죠)




Micheal : Another rule of business is being able to adapt to different situations.

Ryan : Yeah.

Micheal : Adapt. React. Re-adapt. Act. Alright? (실행. 알겠나?) That's rule number two.

Dwight : Okay, guys, listen up, we need a head count. (좋아요, 주목. 인원수를 파악해야 합니다) We need to count off. Michael's number one. Where's, where is he?

Micheal : So what was rule number two? (두 번째 규칙이 뭐라고?)

Ryan : Ah, adapt, react, re-adapt, act.

Micheal : Okay, well, let's just kind of take it a little slower. (좋아, 좀 천천히 진행하도록 하지)

Dwight : Oh, hey, Michael. Ryan needs a number for the count off. (지점장님. 구령하려면 Ryan도 번호가 필요한데요)

Micheal : Okay, well, one is taken.

Ryan : Okay, two?

Dwight : NO!

Ryan : Ok. Oh, sorry ?

Dwight : Okay, he can have 14, Margerie isn't here today. (Margerie가 오늘 안나왔으니까)

Micheal : Well, he needs a permanent number, right?

Ryan : No, I don't. (전 괜찮아요)

Dwight : Oh, you know what else, I thought of a nickname for the three of us. (그냐저나 우리 세명의 별명을 제가 생각해봤는데요) The Three Musketeers. (삼총사)

Micheal : Um, yeah, okay. Oh, no, no, no, no. I got one. I got one. The Three Stooges. (생각났어. 3인의 어릿광대)

Dwight : That's funny too. But if we're the Three Musketeers... (그것도 재미있지만 삼총사로 하면...)




Ryan : I don't want to be like, a guy here. (저는 여기서 어떤 사람이 되고 싶지 않아요) You know? Like, Stanley is the crossword puzzle guy. (Stanley는 낱말 퍼즐의 사나이이고) And Angela has cats. I don't wanna have a thing, here. You know, I don't want to be, the something guy.






Jim : Okay, you know what? I think I'm going to be, setting the agenda here. (제가 제안을 하나 할까 하는데) Okay? Can everybody gather up please? Important announcement, very important announcement. I think this is a perfect opportunity for all of us to participate in some really intense, (이 기회를 통해 우리 모두가 아주 강도 높게 심리를 드러내는) psychologically revealing conversations. (대화에 참여할 수 있을 것 같습니다) So we're going to be playing, desert island. Who would you do? (그럼 무인도 게임과 누구랑 잘래 게임) And, um...

Pam : ..would you rather?

Jim : Would you rather. (그러느니 게임을 하겠습니다) Would you rather? Is our third game. (그러느니가 세 번째 게임입니다)

Dwight : Hey guys, great response time. (반응시간이 훌륭하군요) Listen up, I got some theories, there's a..

Jim : Okay, so, three books on a desert island...Angela. (좋아요, 그럼 무인도에 가져갈 세가지 책은? Angela?)

Angela : The Bible.

Stanley : That's one book, you got two others.

Angela : A Purpose Driven Life.

Jim : Nice. Third book.

Angela : No.

Jim : Okay. Phyllis.

Phylis : Um, The DaVinci Code.

Angela : The DaVinci Code. I would take The DaVinci Code, (나 다빈치코드 가져갈래) so I could burn The DaVinci Code. (거기가서 태워버리게)

Dwight : Okay great, that is going to keep you warm for like 7 seconds. (대단하군, 7초 정도 온기를 느끼겠는걸) Question, is there fire wood on the island ?

Jim : I guess. (그럴걸)

Dwight : Then I would bring an axe, no books.

Jim : Uh, it has to be a book Dwight. (책이어야해)

Dwight : Fine. Physician's Desk Reference. (의사 처방 참고서)

Jim : Nice, smart.

Dwight : Hallowed out, inside, waterproof matches, iodine tablets, beet seeds, protein bars, NASA blanket, (속이 빈 책 안에 방수 성냥, 정수알약, 사탕무 씨, 단백질 보조제, 나사제 담요를 넣고) and, in case I get bored, (심심할 때를 대비해서) Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone. No, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Question, did my shoes come off in the plane crash? (비행기 사고 때 내 신발 없어지는거야?)




Micheal : Rule number four. In business, image is everything, Andre Augessi. (사업은 이미지가 좌우한다) This car is an investment. (차는 일종의 투자라네) Right? If I have to take out a client, or I'm seen around Scranton in it. I love it, I love this car. Do you like it?

Ryan : Yeah.




Jim : Okay, I thought people read more books. DVDs! Five movies. What would you bring to the island? Yes, Meredith.

Meredith : Legends of the Fall, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Legally Blond, Bridges of Madison County...

Jim : Wow.

Pam : Legends of the Fall.

Jim : Wow. Bridges of Madison County, Legally Blond, these movies are just-

Pam : Well, I kind of like Legally...

Jim : Wait, wait, Pam, no. Do you understand? The, the game is desert island movies, not guilty pleasure movies. (이 게임은 무인도에 가져갈 영화를 고르는거야. 혼자 몰래 보는 그런 영화가 아니라고) Desert island movies are the movies you are going to watch, for the rest of your life. Forever! Unforgivable. (영원히 볼거라고! 용서할 수 없군)

Pam : I take it back. (취소할래)

Jim : Unforgivable.

Pam : I take it back!

Jim : Good.

Meredith : And Ghost. But, just that one scene.. (그런데 이 장면만..)




Micheal : Is this your car Ryan? Wow, those are some pretty big books back there, huh? (뒷자리에 꽤 두꺼운 책이 있는데?)

Dwight : Good shocks. (완충장치 좋군)

Micheal : Hello, Mr. Egghead (안녕, 인텔리 양반) So...oh, Stanley Kaplan, I know him. 'M' is for murder, (M은 살인의 약자) 'P' is for...

Ryan : That's actually a test prep book. (그건 사실 시험문제집이에요)

Micheal : For phone. What? (전화기의 약자. 뭐라고?)

Ryan : That's a test prep, for business school?

Micheal : Oh, thinking about business school ?

Ryan : I just got in. I applied, I go at night. (얼마전에 합격했거든요. 야간과정에 지원했어요)

Micheal : Really?

Ryan : Yeah.

Micheal : So you think you know a lot about business?

Ryan : No, not yet. Just started.

Micheal : Uh huh. Yeah. Quiz me.

Jim : I wouldn't even know where to start. (어떻게 시작해야 할지도 모르겠어요)

Dwight : Oh, come on. Come on, egghead. Let's do it.

Micheal : Do it. Quiz me up.

Ryan : Alright, um, why have people been rethinking the Microsoft model in the past few years? (왜 최근 몇 년동안 사람들이 마이크로소프트사 사업구조를 재고하고 있을까요?)




Micheal : When I was Ryan's age, I worked in a fast food restaurant, to save up money for school. And I, then I, lost it in a pyramid scheme, but I learned more about business, right then and there, than business school would ever teach me, (그 때의 경험은 경영대학에서는 절대 가르쳐 줄 수 없는 것이었죠) or Ryan would ever teach me. (Ryan도 가르쳐 줄 수 없고요)




Ryan : Is it cheaper to sign a new customer? Or to keep an existing customer? (새로운 고객과 계약하는 것과 기존의 고객을 유지하는 것 중 어느것이 저렴할까요?) / D : Keep an existing cus-

Micheal  : Shut, it. (조용히 해) Can I, can I just do it please? Ah, it's equal.

Ryan : It is ten times more expensive to sign a new customer.

Micheal : Okay, yes, it was a trick question. (넌센스 퀴즈였군)

Dwight : He, but, look, okay, he didn't need business school. (지점장님은 경영대학이 필요 없어) Okay, Michael, he, comes from the school of hard knocks. (지점장님은 사회에서 배우셨어) Self taught. (독학하셨지) You didn't even go to college.

Micheal : You know what, you don't need to help me here. Okay? Well, you know, maybe you should go to business school like Ryan, (자네도 Ryan 처럼 경영대학원에 가야할지도 몰라) then, then you'd know what you were talking about. (그럼 자네가 무슨 말 하고 있었는지 알겠지) Come on. I'm studying with the master, huh? (대학원생한테 배우고 있잖아요)

Micheal  : Why don't you go to business

Dwight : Why don't you learn from him, right? (지점장님한테 배우는게 어때?)

Micheal : Stop it. Dwight. You know what, you're acting like a dork. (자네 지금 멍청하게 굴고있어)

Would you cool it ? Please. (진정해주겠나?) Hey, hey ! He's not your five year old brother, Dwight. (Ryan은 자네 5살짜리 동생이 아니야) He's a valued member of this company, and you know what, he's knows more about business than you ever will. (사업에 대해 자네보다 훨씬 더 많이 알게될 사람이야)

Dwight : Stupid. (짜증나)




Micheal : I did not go to business school. You know who else didn't go to business school? (또 누가 경영대학에 다니지 않았는지 아세요?) Labron James, Tracey McGrady, Kobe Bryant. They right from high school to the NBA. So... so it's not the same thing, at all.




Micheal : Look at this stuff. Market fragments, what is that suppose to be? (시장조각이 무슨 뜻이야?)

Ryan : It's a way of looking at consumers as subsets of a larger client base. (전체 소비자를 작은 그룹으로 나누어 생각하는 방식이에요)

Micheal : You are so smart. You are so eff-ing smart. (정말 환상적으로 똑똑하군) You should be teaching me. (날 가르쳐도 되겠어)




Jim : Pam, get us back into it. (Pam, 제대로 해봐Five movies, go ahead.

Pam : Okay, um, Fargo, um, Edward Scissorhands, Dazed and Confused...

Jim : Oh, definitely in my top five. (내 최고 5개 영화에도 들어가)

Pam : Yes, in my top three, so suck it. (좀 가만히 있어) Breakfast Club. Um, - The Princess Bride and-

Jim : Okay that's five.

Pam : No, my all time favorite !

Jim : Pam, play by the rules. Play by the rules.

Pam : All, time, favorite.

Jim : Dwight. All time favorite movie. (평생 최고의 영화) The Crow.




Micheal : I became a sales man. Because of people, (사람들 때문에) I love making friends. But then I was promoted to manager, very young age. I still try to be a friend first, but, (난 우선 친구가 되려고 여전히 노력하는데) you know? I'm very successful, your coworkers look at you differently... (너무 성공해버리니까 동료 직원들이 나를 다르게 보는거야) what do you think?

Ryan : Maybe we should get some air. (바람 좀 쐬는게 어떨까요)

Micheal : Nah, I'm okay. (아냐, 난 괜찮아)

Ryan : I'm really uncomfortable.





Jim : Alright, let's move on. (계속 합시다) Let's move on to the main event, who would you do?

Kevin : Present company excluded? (이자리에 있는 사람은 빼고?)

Jim : Um, not neccessaril

Kevin : Pam.

Jim : Okay. Ah, you know what? Maybe I'll, I'll finish explaining the rules, let's, let me explain it first, and then... Yeah, so we'll get right, you know what? (그래야 게임을 제대로 하죠) I'll be right back. (저기, 금방 돌아올게요) Stanley, you're taking over for me buddy. (Stanley, 저 대신 진행을 맡아주세요) I'll be right back

Stanley : Okay, um...

Jim : Dwight. Dwight. Come on buddy, use words. (왜 이래, 말로 해)

Dwight : Why didn't I go to business school? (왜 내가 경영대학원에 안갔냐고?)

Jim : Who goes to business school?

Dwight : The temp. Yeah, it's all him and Michael talk about anymore. (그녀석이랑 지점장님이랑 그 얘기밖에 안해)

Pam : You know, I bet Ryan thinks to himself, (있잖아, Ryan은 혼자 이런 생각을 할 거 같은데) I wish I were a volunteer sheriff on the weekends (자기도 주말에 자율 보안관을 하고 싶다고 말이야)

Dwight : He doesn't even know that I do that. (걔는 내가 그걸 하는지도 모른다고)

Pam : You should tell him.

Dwight : Oh yeah Pam, right. That's going to help things, just talk it out. (참 도움이 되겠군, 그냥 말해주는거) I hope the war goes on forever and Ryan gets drafted. (전쟁이나 영원히 계속되서 Ryan이 징용당했으면 좋겠다)

Pam : Dwight...

Dwight : What ? I'm sorry I said that, I didn't... Just part of me meant it. (그냥 내 안의 뭔가가 한 말이야) Besides, he'd end up being a hero anyway. (게다가 어쨌든 그 녀석이 결국엔 영웅이 될거라고)

Jim : You know what you should do? (니가 뭘 해야하는지 알아?) You should quit. (회사 그만둬) And then, that would stick it to both of them. (그럼 저 둘이 죄책감 들테니까)

Dwight : Jim, I'm not going to quit. Then Ryan wins.

Jim : Yeah, you're right.

Dwight : Thanks you guy I just need some alone time. (혼자만의 시간이 좀 필요하다)

Pam : Okay.

Jim : Alright buddy.

Roy : Hey you guys, what's going on ?

J : Nothing / Roy : Hey. / P : What's up ?

Roy : Can I hang out with you guys for a bit ?

(나도 너희들이랑 좀 놀아도 될까?) The warehouse guys are a bunch of jackasses sometimes. (창고 직원들이 단체로 짜증나게 굴거든)

Stanley : Come on, people, you know the rules of the game now (왜이래, 너희들 이제 게임 규칙은 다 알잖아)

Micheal : hey, gang, what game are we playing here?

Stanley : It's called, who would you do?

Micheal : I play this at home all the time, while I'm falling asleep. What, ah, where are we? (이제 누구 차례야?) Where are we here?

Stanley : Roy?

Micheal : Roy? Who would do Roy?

Roy : I got it, uh, what's the name of that uh, (그 이름이 뭐지) tight ass, Christian, chick the blond? (깐깐한 엉덩이상 받은 기독교인, 금발머리)

Angela : My name is Angela.

Roy : Hey, Angela, Roy. Nice to meet you.

Micheal : Aaaalright, who's next, who's next, who's next, who's next? Jim ? You're next. Who would you do?

Jim : Kevin, hands down. (쉽잖아요) Yeah He's really got that teddy bear thing going on, (테디 베어같은 푸근함에다) and afterwards, we could just watch bowling. (그거 한 다음엔 같이 볼링게임도 볼 수 있고요)

Micheal : Well, I would definitely have sex with Ryan. (난 당연히 Ryan이랑 섹스하겠어) Cause he is going to own his own business. (Ryan은 자기 사업 할 예정이거든)

Roy : You're all gay.

Micheal : Who's, ah, who's next? Who we got? Who...

Ryan : Hey, no, I can talk, (아니야 통화할 수 있어) I can talk, I can talk... That is great timing (딱 맞춰서 전화했어)

Micheal : Wish I had my cell phone, but I left it inside. So...

Dwight : Would that make you happy? (그럼 기쁘시겠어요?)

Micheal : What that?

Dwight : If you had your cell phone, it would make you happy? (제가 핸드폰을 가지고 오면 기쁘시겠어요?)

Micheal  : Yeah.

Dwight : I'm on it. (제가 하죠)

Micheal : Dwight. Hey! You can't go back in yet! Dwight don't! He is an idiot. The man is an idiot ladies and gentlemen.

Kevin : What if he dies in the fire? And that's the last thing you ever said to him.

Micheal : I didn't say it to him. I said it about him.




Meredith : Jim / Kelly : Definitely Jim.

Phylis : Definitely, definitely, Jim.

Kelly : Come on, Pam. Come on, Pam. Oscar's kind of cute.

Meredith : Yeah, I like Oscar.

Pam : Ooh, Toby.

Micheal : How long does it take to find a cell phone?

Meredith : I don't know, is there anybody else.

Jim : Hey, where are you? Oh good. Yeah, we're just here, we're playing desert island. It's when you pick your five favorite DVDs...

Micheal : Seriously, where the hell is Dwight? (정말 도대체 Dwight 어디 있는거야) Hey, Call my cell phone, It'll make it easier for him to find.

Ryan : What's your number?

Micheal : I gave it to you in the car. (차에서 번호 줬잖아) I saw you program it in. (입력하는거 봤는데)

Ryan : You got to... You got to give it to me again. (다시 한번 알려주세요)

Micheal : Okay, alright.

Ryan : Now I have it. (이젠 알아요)

Micheal : I better tell somebody. (누군가에게 말해야겠어) Excuse me sir... Dwight !? Great God man. Why did you, why did you go in there? What did you, everybody was scared out of their wits okay? (다들 겁나서 정신 나갔었어)

Dwight : Everyone, okay, I have an announcement. Apparently, in business school, they don't teach you how to operate a toaster oven. Because some smart, sexy, left his cheese pita on oven instead of timing it for the toaster thing. (시간설정을 안하고 치즈 피타를 오븐에 넣었거든요)

Micheal : Wow. Okay. Well, I guess they don't, how to operate a toaster oven in business school.

Dwight : That's exactly what I said.

Micheal : Hey, did you miss that day there Ryan? (그 수업 못들었나, Ryan?) Were you absent? Toaster oven 101? You failed?

Ryan : I am so sorry.




Micheal : Hey, I know what'll impress everybody, I'll start a fire. (사람들한테 인상을 남기는 법을 알겠어요. 불지르면 돼요) Oh, man. Bad idea. Bad Idea Jeans.




Dwight : I have a song, attention everyone, that I want sing. That I wrote specially for this occasion when I was up there among the flames. (불길 속에서 이 상황을 생각하며 특별히 지은 곡입니다) Ready? RYAN STARTED THE FI-AH! IT WAS ALWAYS BURNING SINCE THE WORLD WAS TURNING! (지구가 돌아가던 순간부터 불타고 있었지) RYAN STARTED THE FI-AH! IT WAS ALWAYS BURNING SINCE THE WORLD WAS TURNING. Everybody!




Ryan : I can't believe, I started, the fire.




Dwight : RYAN STARTED THE FIRE! MARILYN MONROE! RYAN STARTED THE FIRE! Now eat it, you have to eat it. / J : Hey!

Keity : Hey.

Jim : How are you ?

Keity : I'm great, good to see you.

Jim : It's good to see you too.

Keity : I'm hungry.

Jim : Yeah, I am too.

Keity : I have been thinking the whole way over. (오는 동안 내내 생각했는데) And I have my answers.

Jim : What answers?

Keity : For the, the desert island...

Jim : Oh! Right! Right, right, right, right, come on Ladies and gentlemen, gather around, we have one more participant, Come on, be polite. Be polite. (친절하게 대하세요) Desert island, five movies, go.

Keity : Okay First, legally Blond.




Pam : I forgot what a super, nice, girl Keity is (Keity가 얼마나 괜찮은 사람인지 잊고 있었네요) And just, good for Jim. (Jim한테 딱이에요) They are so cute together. (둘이 너무 귀여워요) And, what an adorable car. (차는 또 얼마나 깜찍하던지)




Jim : Okay. I think the game's over, people are like leaving (다들 자리를 뜨는거 보니 게임은 끝난거 같네요) there was a bigger crowd last time. Do you just want to go to lunch ?

Keity : Okay.

Jim : Yeah?

Keity : Alright, you want to drive? They are so cute.

Ryan : I'm really sorry Dwight.

Dwight : Answer me this though.

Ryan : What?

Dwight : Was it worth it? (대학원이 소용있던가?) Was it worth it temp? (소용있던가, 임시직?)

Ryan : No.

Dwight : Was it worth it? Really?

Ryan : I'm really sorry Dwight.

Dwight : The fire guy! The fire guy! (방화범)




Dwight : Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, Television, North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe, RYAN STARTED THE FIRE!




Micheal : Okay, rule five, safety first. (안전이 최우선이다) I.e, don't burn the building down. (, 빌딩을 태워먹지 말아라) Okay? That should be a no brainer. (기초중의 기초야)




Micheal : Oh, look! (, 글쎄요) Ryan, is book smart. (Ryan은 책의 달인) And I am street smart. And book smart. (저는 거리의 달인이자 책의 달인)




Micheal : I'll give you the rest of the ten, tomorrow.







◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.1. Pilot. 

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.2. Sexual Harassment.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.3. Office Olympics.

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.4. The Fire.

 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.5. Halloween.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.6. The Fight.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.7. The client.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.8. Performance Review.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.9. Email-surveillance.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.10. Christmas Party.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.11. Booze Cruise

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.12. The Injury.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.13. The Secret.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.14. The Carpet.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.15. Boys and Girls

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.16. Valentine's Day.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.17. Dwight's Speech.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.18. Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.19. Michael's Birthday.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.20. Drug Testing.

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.21. Conflict Resolution

◆ [미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.22. Casino Night.




