The office 시즌3 - 3x08
The Office 3x08
"The Merger"
Jim : The Stamford branch is closing. And everybody's just packing off their stuff. And, Bernard, made this staple hats. (Bernard는 이 종이모자를 만들었고요)
Andy : That's the other thing you have to watch out. (그것도 조심해야돼) Yo, tuna. I want to talk to you about the new boss, Michael Scott. So, what's he like? (어떤 사람이야?) Likes, dislikes, favorites sports, favorite movies, favorite man's magazine
Jim : You know what? I think you just need to meet him. (그냥 직접 만나봐)
Andy : Playing your cards close to the vest? (혼자만 알겠다?) I get it. Good luck over there, tuna. Cross me, and I will destroy you. (방해하면 끝장인줄 알아)
Jim : Sounds good, Andy.
Karen : It's gonna be an adventure.
Jim : Yeah. This is going to be very interesting. Alright. I'm outta here. See you later.
Karen : Hey, is that Josh's computer?
Andy : What?
Pam : Hey. How did the run go?
Tobby : Pretty good. I finished.
Pam : That's great.
Dwight : Why is that great?
Pam : Because he accomplished something.
Dwight : What was your mile time?
Tobby : About seven.
Dwight : I can beat that on a skateboard.
Tobby : Well, that has wheels. (그건 바퀴달렸잖아)
Dwight : And, well, my feet don't and I could still crush that time. (제 발에 바퀴가 없어도 그 정도 시간은 단축시킬 수 있죠)
Pam : Really, Dwight? How fast are you? (얼마나 빠른데?)
Dwight : Let's just put it this way. (이렇게 말하면 어떨까) Last weekend I outran a black pepper snake. (난 지난주에 검은 방울뱀을 앞질렀지)
Pam : Really?
Dwight : I'm fast. To give you a reference point, (기준점을 알려드리자면) I'm somewhere between a snake and a mongoose. And a panther.
Dwight : Damn, what is taking Tobby so long? (Tobby는 왜이리 늦는거야)
Pam : Oh, I'll just time him later. (Tobby 기록은 나중에 재지 뭐)
Dwight : And, you compare the times.
Pam : Yeah. Are you ready?
Dwight : No, my glutes are really tight. (내 엉덩이 근육이 굳었나봐)
Pam : Set, go!
Dwight : I.. I can't!
Pam : Am I being mean to Dwight? (제가 Dwight한테 못되게 군다구요?) I don't know. I did just make him run around the building and I have no intention of timing him. This isn't even a stopwatch. It's a digital thermometer. (온도계) He does make my life harder sometimes, and on purpose. Like he tried to put meters on the bathroom stalls as a way of bringing in more money for the company. (화장실 칸마다 계량기를 달아서 회사 수입을 늘리겠다고 하질 않나) Hey. Three more laps to go. (3바퀴 남았어) You've gotta pick it up if you're gonna beat Tobby. (Tobby를 이기고 싶으면 속력을 내라고) I should probably get back to work.
Micheal : Here.. who's here? (여긴 누구 자리지?)
Dwight : Name tag? (이름표 드릴까요?)
Micheal : Yes, please.
Dwight : Karen Filippelli
Micheal : Karen Filip.. Karen Filippelli
Dwight : She's probably an Italian. Possibly, Filipino
Micheal : My branch is absorbing the Stamford branch. Or, as I like to put it, my family is doubling in size. (아니면, 제 가족이 2배로 늘어나는 거라고 표현하고 싶네요) That's all I'm going to say about it because I have a gigantic performance ahead of me and I have to get into my head and focus. (할말은 이게 답니다. 엄청난 공연이 있을 예정이라 구상에 몰두해야 하거든요)
Dwight : Here's next. That's Andy Bernard
Micheal : Andy Bernard.
Dwight : If I were you.. (제가 지점장님이라면)
Micheal : Saint Bernard.
Dwight : I would fire Anthony Gardner.
Micheal : What?
Dwight : Before noon.
Micheal : I'm not..
Dwight : The consolidate power. (권력강화의 일환으로)
Micheal : I'm not gonna firing somebody in the first day.
Dwight : No, no, no, no. Not somebody. Gardner.
Dwight : The Japanese camp guards of World War Two always chose one man to kill whenever a batch of new prisoners arrived. (2차 세계대전 당시 일본인 포로수용소장은 새로운 죄수 한무리가 도착하면 언제나 죽일 사람 한명을 골랐죠) I always wondered how they chose the man who was to die. I think I would have been good at choosing the person. (제가 사람 고르는 안목이 있었군요)
Pam : Good morning.
Micheal : Got the food, good. (음식 사왔군)
Micheal : Looky, looky, looky. What I want you to do, Set it up in conference room, please. Make it look nice. As if you are trying to impress much older man who's way out of your league. (한물 간 늙은이를 감동시키려고 노력할 때처럼 해보라고)
Pam : Okay.
Pam : Yes, I'm in a good mute today. (제가 오늘 좀 호의적이죠) I'm exited to meet all of the new people. and to see my old friend again, definitely. That's always a thing to make people happy. To have an old friend back.
Pam : Hello.
Micheal : Ah, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, our first arrival. Welcome to Scranton. This is Hannah Smotrich-Barr
Dwight : Hannah Smotrich-Barr
Micheal : Welcome to our home boulevard. Follow me to your desk. Your ball and chain is right over here. (자네의 족쇄가 바로 여기 있다네)
Micheal : You know, a lot of these people, this is the only family they have, so, as far as I am concerned.. this says "World's Best Dad.” (이 사람들 대다수는 이곳이 유일한 가정이에요 그러니 제 생각으로는 이건 세계 최고의 아빠가 되는거죠)
Micheal : Ah, there he is. Tony. What's your last name?
Tony : Gardner
Micheal : Gardner. I knew that. There you go. (이거 받으시고) Gift bag.. for you. Okay.
Tony : Thanks.
Kevin : Michael, I didn't get a gift bag.
Micheal : Well, they're just for guest. If there's any left over, you can buy one later. (나중에 남는게 있으면 돈내고 사던지)
Hannah : My bag is mostly pencils.
Micheal : And, coupons to various hot spots around Scranton. Alright, let me show you to your area, sir. Come on, big guy.
Kevin : Can I have your pencils?
Hannah : No.
Pam : Hi, I'm Pam.
Karen : Karen. I love your sweater. (스웨터 예쁘네요)
Pam : Oh, thanks. My mom made it for me.
Karen : Really, that's so cool. I've always wanted to learn that knit.
Micheal : Welcome, welcome, welcome. Take-me-to-your-leader. (주인님께 안내해 드리겠습니다) Oh-wait,-I-am-your-leader.
Karen : Uh, wait, are you a robot or a Martian? (화성인)
Micheal : I'm actually your boss, Michael Schott. Welcome. Wow, you are very exotic looking. (이국적이네) Was your dad a G.I. or..? (군인)
Andy : I'll be the number two guy here in Scranton in six weeks. (6주 안에) How? Name repitition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off handshakes. (어떻게요? 이름을 반복해서 불러주고, 상대방 특징을 똑같이 따라하고, 악수할 때 절대 먼저 손을 놓지 않는거죠) I'm always thinking one step ahead. (전 언제나 한발 앞서 생각하거든요) Like a.. carpenter that make stairs.
Andy : Hello.
Micheal : Ah, you must be Andy Bernard. Aloha and welcome!
Andy : And you must be Michael Scott. Aloha and.. hello.
Micheal : Ah ha! Very good! Welcome to our little kingdom. We have a bag of nifty gifties for you. (끝내주는 선물 보따리)
Andy : Michael, thank you for welcoming me to your little kingdom.. Mike. Nifty! (끝내주네!)
Micheal : They are nifty! They're nifty gifties.
Micheal : You know who I really like? Is this guy Andy Bernard?
? : which is why they just needed to investigate. (이게 바로 조사해봐야 하는 이유야)
Jim : Right.
Micheal : No way. Get him out of here. We don't wanna use this kind of hair. Good to see you, man. How are you, Martin Nash, I presume? This is a little gift bag for you, free of charge. (공짜고요) Follow me, I will show you where all the slaves work. Not.. So, your desk is...
Jim : Hi, I'm Jim. I'm new here.
Pam : Oh my god! It's really you!
Jim : I was just doing a little joke there about how we had never met.. (난 그냥 우리가 한번도 만난 적 없는 것처럼 농담하려고..)
Pam : I know, I don't care! (상관없어)
Jim : Awesome! Good to be back. The place looks really good.
Pam : It's really good to see you.
Jim : You too.
Jim : Where do I stand with Pam? (Pam에 대한 제 입장이요?) Um.. no idea. I mean, we're friends.
Always have been friends. That is where we stand.
Dwight : Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in from Stamford. (Stamford에서 질질 끌려온 녀석 좀 보게)
Jim : Hey, Dwight!
Dwight : Fact. I am older. I am wiser. Do not mess with me. (까불지 말라고)
Jim : Okay. Sounds good.
Dwight : What are you doing?
Jim : I don't know what you're talking about.
Dwight : Do I have a smudge on my forehead? (내 이마에 뭐 묻었나?)
Jim : No, you're good.
Dwight : Why are you looking at my forehead?
Jim : I'm not.
Dwight : Meet my eye line, Jim!
Jim : I am. (그러고 있어)
Dwight : Stop acting like an idiot!
Jim : Okay.
Ryan : Hey, everybody. Welcome back
Jim : Hey. How are you man. It's good to see you.
Ryan : I'm good. How are you? So..
Jim : Oh, I'm sorry, you sitting here now?
Ryan : Yeah.
Jim : Oh.
Ryan : Um.. Then I must be really really wanna pack.
Jim : You know, that's really your call.
Ryan : Thank you.
Jim : Get that for you. (치워줄게)
Ryan : Got it.
Jim : This one taken? No? Good. (임자 있나? 아니라고? 좋아.)
Ryan : Yeah, Jim is a nice guy. That's why I got the desk.
Tobby : Hey, this came with the Stamford people. (이거 Stamford 사람들이 가져온건데) Can you take care of it? (처리해줄 수 있겠어?)
Kevin : Oh, yes I can.
Kevin : In general, they do not give me much responsibility. But, they do let me shred the company documents. And that is really all I need.
Andy : Michael Scott. Thank you. I appreciate it, Mike.
Dwight : Hello, I don't believe we've been introduced. (우리가 아직 인사를 안했다는게 믿겨지지 않는군요) Dwight Schrute, Assistant Regional Manager.
Andy : Andy Bernard, Regional Director in charge of sales. (지역영업담당부장)
Dwight : So, you'll be reporting to me, then. (그럼 저한테 업무보고를 해야겠군요)
Andy : On the contrary.. (그 반대죠)
M : My title has "manager” in it. (제 직함엔 매니저가 들어가는데)
Andy : And, I'm a director, which on a film set is the highest title there is. (영화판에선 제일 높은 사람이지) Do you know anything about film?
Dwight : I know everything about film. I've seen over 240 of them.
Andy : Congratulations.
Jim : Hey, Tobby.
Tobby : Hey, Jim
Jim : How are you, man.
Tobby : Oh, really good. Thank you. Hey, Welcome back.
Jim : Oh, is that like a new thing, or..?
Tobby : No, I'm sorry, it's..
Jim : No, it's cool.
Tobby : No, it's nothing. just..
Jim : Alright, good to have you back. Alright.
Tobby : Okay. Alright, Sorry, sorry about that.
Jim : No problem.
Tobby : Just..
Jim : What?
Tobby : Nothing.
Kevin : This thing is so awesome. (이거 정말 끝내줘요) It will shred anything. It will shred a CD. It will shred.. a credit card. It will shred.. oh. Shut.
Micheal : I present the orientation video. (오리엔테이션 비디오를 보시겠습니다)
Dwight : We need to talk
Micheal : Not now
Dwight : Which is higher? (누가 더 높죠?) Assistant Regional Manager or Regional Director in charge of sales?
Micheal : I told you the titles are not relevant. They just relate to pay scale. (직함은 아무 상관없다고 말했잖아. 그냥 월급 액수에 관련된거라고)
Dwight : Okay. So, who gets paid more? Me or Andy?
Micheal : It is not matter of more or less. (많고 적고가 문제가 아니네) Your pay is just different. Okay?
Micheal : Alright. Show time part one. (행사 1부를 시작해볼까)
Dwight : Okay, who reports to who? (누가 누구한테 보고하죠?)
Micheal : I don't care! (상관없어) Dwight, you all report to me. That's all that matters. (그게 중요한거야) The rest of is just work it out amongst yourselves, okay? (나머지는 자네들끼리 알아서하고)
Dwight : And, then if I want...
Micheal : Work it out amongst yourselves! (자네들끼리 알아서 하라고!) I have company to run. Will you let me run the company? (내가 회사를관리하게 해주겠나?) Will you? (해주겠나?)
Dwight : One..
Micheal : Please.
Kelly : Jiiiiiiim!
Jim : Kelly!
Kelly : Oh my god! I have so much to tell you!
Jim : Really?
Kelly : Yes! Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes? They had a baby, they named it Suri. And then Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie? They had a baby too and they named it Shiloh, and both babies are amazing!
Jim : Great. What's new with you?
Kelly : I just told you.
Micheal : Okay, everybody settled in? (모두 자리 잡았나요?) Good. Why don't we all precede into the conference room? Or, should I say the banquet hall. (아니, 연회장이라고 해야하나) For drum roll plays.. (드럼 울리고) The official merger day. (공식 합병일) All family welcome breakfast. (가족 환영 아침식사입니다) Come on in.
Micheal : Don't be shy.
Meredith : Hey, champagne
Micheal : No, no, guest only.
Kelly : Smoked salmon.
Micheal : No. For you, consider it cow meat. Strictly taboo. (자네한테는 쇠고기네. 엄격하게 금기되는거)
Kelly : I eat beef.
Micheal : Well, then consider it poisoned beef. It's no touch. (그럼 독이 든 쇠고기라고 하지)
Kevin : The- the- the beef is poisoned?
Micheal : No, it's not.. beef.. Just.. sit down, please. Welcome. Help yourself.
Tobby : Um, you might want these orientation materials. (OT 자료가 필요할거 같아서요)
Micheal : Wrong, Tobby. This is an orientation, not a bore-ientation. Okay. Do not worry, all of your questions are about to be answered. (여러분의 모든 질문은 답변될 예정이오니) Cell phones and pagers off, please.
Jim : Oh, this looks promising. (뭔가 있어보이는데)
Pam : You won't be disappointed. (후회할 일 없을거야)
Micheal : Let's face it. (인정합시다) Moving to a new job can be very stressful. So I have made an orientation video, especially for you new comers. But, it's not like any orientation video that any of you've have ever seen, it's funny. It's got a little bit of zing to it. (생동감이 있죠) And I hope that it gives you a flavor of what we are all about here at Dunder-Mifflin. (이 비디오가 여러분이 여기 Dunder-Mifflin과) And, what we are all about here in Scranton. (Scranton에 모인 이유에 의미를 더할 수 있길 바랍니다) So, let's just all laugh together and watch "Lazy Scranton.”
Micheal : Sittin' in my office with a plate of grilled bacon, (구운 베이컨 한 접시를 들고 사무실에 앉아) Call my man Dwight just to see what was shakin' (내 친구 Dwight한테 별일 없나 전화해볼까)
Dwight : Yo Mike, our town is dope and pretty (뿅가게 좋아)
Micheal & Dwight : So check out how we live in the Electric City!
Micheal : They call it Scranton.
Dwight : What?
Micheal : The Electric City. Scranton
Dwight : What?
Micheal : The Electric City. Call poison control if you're bit by a spider (거미한테 물리면 독약 관리국에 전화해)
Dwight : But check that it's covered by your health care provider!
Jim : It reminds me of the orientation video Michael showed on my first day. The Scranton Which Project.
Micheal : I'm so scared! When people don't label their personal food. (사람들이 자기 음식에 이름을 안써놓으면) You lack coal mines and you wanna see'em, Well, check it out, yo, the Anthracite Museum! (연탄 박물관) Plenty of space in the parking lot, (주차할 공간은 넘쳐나지만)
Dwight : But the little cars go in the compact spot (작은 차는 전용 공간에 주차해)
Micheal : Spot, spot, spot, spot..
Micheal : Well, so far, I think it is killing! (지금까진 아주 죽여주네요) I thought it would be an A or A+ But I completely forgot there was an A++ (A++이 있었다는 걸 완전히 잊었네요)
Karen : This is Karen Filippelli, please leave a message.
Jim : Terrible. Totally uncommented! (완전 밋밋해)
Karen : This is Karen Filippelli, please leave a message.
Jim : Not bad. But you are Italian, so.. Try more Italian.
Karen : Italian? Alright Karen Filippelli..
Andy : Hey buddy. Anything new to report? (새로 보고할거 있나?)
Dwight : You mean, to me, from you? Cause that's how it works. (그렇게 돌아가는거거든)
Andy : Sure thing, buddy. (물론이지, 친구)
Andy : Am I trying to get under his skin? (제가 Dwight의 성질을 건드리고 있냐고요?) Yes. Because the angrier that he gets, the more marginalize he becomes! (왜냐면 Dwight가 열을 내면 낼수록 점점 더 사람들한테 무시당할테니까요) Meanwhile, Andy Bernard is out there. Layng on the charm (그런 와중에 Andy는 매력을 발산하는거죠)
Andy : Hey, Angela. Check this out. It's my new screen saver. Do you like it?
Angela : I do like it, actually.
Andy : Thank you. You have such a pretty smile by the way.
Angela : Thank you.
Andy : You're welcome.
Pam : Hey. What happened to grape soda? (포도맛 음료수는 어쩌고?)
Jim : Oh, yeah, I'm trying to move away from that. (그건 좀 멀리하려고 노력중이야) Getting into more of a bottled water phase. (생수를 마시는 단계로 접어들고 있지)
Pam : Oh, you've changed so much.
Jim : Well, I'm evolving, Pam.
Pam : So, when do I get to hear everything? (그동안 있었던 얘기는 언제 들을 수 있는거야?) Are you still getting unpacked, or..? (아직도 짐정리 하는 중이야?) You wanna grap a coffee or something after work? (일 끝나고 커피한잔할래?)
Jim : Oh, um.. it's night. Actually, no. I'm.. I'm.. just still getting settled. (짐정리 중이라서)
Pam : Oh, yeah. I know. whatever. (아무때나 해도돼)
Jim : Okay.
Dwight : Sorry to interrupt. I..
Jim : No, you are not interrupting anything. No, I'm.. Don't..
Dwight : Alright. Okay. Alright
Jim : I should probably get back to work. Crack the whip. (일하라고 난리네)
Pam : Yeah, I know. me too.
Pam : The day's going fine. It's been a little chaotic, but it's fine. It's great. A lot of distractions, but.. it's good. (좀 산만하긴 하지만)
Hannah : Take a picture. It'll last longer. (사진을 찍지 그래. 더 오래 갈텐데)
Ryan : I'm sorry.. it's just.. it's a little distracting. (그냥 좀 집중이 안돼서)
Creed : Ditto that, my brother. (동감이네)
Hannah : Look what's on his computer!
Micheal : What is that? It's squid's eye or..
Hannah : It's my left breast. / M : How did you..
Creed : Right place at the right time. (적시적소에 포착했지)
Karen : What's this smell?
Phylis : What smell?
Karen : Must a Febrize air freshner is pluged in somewhere. (공기청정제가 어디 꽂혀있는거 같은데) It smells like a funeral home. (장의사 냄새 같네요)
Phylis : Oh, I'll help you find it.
Karen : Oh, you know. Never- Nevermind. (신경쓰지 마세요)
Phylis : What is it?
Karen : I- I think I'm just allergic to your perfume.
Phylis : My perfume?
Karen : It's just my crazy nose. (제 코가 좀 유난해서 그래요) I.. um, I'm used to different smells. (다른 냄새에 익숙해서)
Phylis : Bob Vance bought this perfume for me in metropolitan Orlando. (Orlando 시내) It's made from real pine. (진짜 소나무로 만든거라고)
Karen : Who's Bob Vance?
Phylis : You have a lot to learn about this town, sweetie.
Stanley : I don't know who this new people think they are. (이 새로온 사람들은 자기네가 뭐나 되는 줄 아는 모양이군요) I have sat down windows to Philly's stinky perfume for years. (전 Phylis의 구린 향수냄새가 정면으로 풍기는 자리에 몇 년동안 앉아있는데 말입니다) Never said a word. (한마디도 안했습니다)
Micheal : People hate people that are different from them. That's natural. But, you know what makes people to forget their differences? A great show. That is why I created the integration celebration. (이게 바로 제가 합병식을 기획한 이유죠) This is the moment when Scranton is stand for come together as one. United in applause. (박수갈채를 받으며 하나가 되는겁니다)
Micheal : I know what a lot of you must be thinking. (여러분 대부분이 무슨 생각을 하는지 압니다) Wow. What a day! (굉장한 날이군!) Feel's more like at night at a party than a day of work. (회사가 아니라 한밤의 파티에 와있는 것 같은데) Well, in my opinion, business should feel like a night out. (한밤의 외출) A night at.. the Roxbury. Okay. It's supposed to be music, and.. (음악이 나와야 하는데..) I got it, I got it! Dwight! Just..
Dwight : Do you have a battery in the back? (뒤에 배터리 넣었어요?)
Micheal : Stupid!
Andy : Haddaway - What is love What is love? Oh that's it! That's it! Oh baby, don't hurt me. Okay here we go. Don't hurt me no more. Everyone! Oh what is love, baby don't hurt me. Here we go, here we go. Don't hurt me no more.
Micheal : Oh, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. You me, you me, me you! You me, bam bam bam! You me, you you you! You me, you you you! Oh my nose is so itchy. (아 코가 너무 가려워) Oh my nose is so itchy.
Andy : Oh, probably 'cause of nose candy. (코로 약하셨나봐요?)
Micheal : I told you this guy had a sense of humor.
Dwight : Very funny, Michael. Really, funny Michael.
Micheal : Alright, Alright, I'm on a roll. (너무 웃겨서 그래)
Micheal : Why are the new people on the table? To show them that we are not about them. (이분들은 우리와 다르다는 걸 보여주기 위해서입니다)
Karen : Shouldn't we be equals? (평등해야 하는거 아닌가요?)
Micheal : Not today. No. Tony, please join your cohorts on the table, if you would. (괜찮다면 자네 무기도 이 테이블에 합류시키겠나?)
Tony : Ah, this is difficult, for me.
Micheal : I.. I understand. We are all friends.
Tony : No, I mean I can't, physically. I can't get on the table.
Micheal : Oh, well. Just use the momentum of your lower half to hoist yourself up. (하체의 반동을 이용해서 순간적으로 올라가면 돼) You know what? I'll help. I will help.
Tony : No, please don't.
Micheal : Don't be shy. Dwight, let's do this. Come on, we are doing this thing. Let's get up! Ready? On three. One, two.. Bend at the knees Okay here we go. Here we go. I'm under this, I'm under this hock Here. I don't know what I'm grabbing here. (내가 뭘 쥐고 있는지 모르겠네) But it really feels good. Push it, push it.
Tony : No!
Micheal : Right in your crap.
Tony : No, put me down, now! Put me down, now! Put me down, now!
Micheal : You got it, you got it! (거의 다 됐어!)
Tony : I had enough! Put me down right now!
Micheal : Well, hey, easy. Easy
Tony : I'm sorry.
Micheal : Don't..
Tony : It's just not going to work for me. (전 이거 못하겠어요) I have to go.
Micheal : I don't understand.
Tony : I was on offence about this, And, it's just not a good fit.
Micheal : Well, we will squeeze you, man. (그럼 쑤셔넣어줄게)
Tony : I can't work here. I have to quit.
Micheal : You can't quit on the first day! That's heresy, my friend! (그건 이단이라고) Okay, let's talk about this. What happened? I mean, Dwight.. Was it Tobby? Did he say something? Because he's...
Tony : No, Tobby was helpful, he was very kind. It's just your management style.
Micheal : My management style? Didn't you think Lazy Scranton was funny? (Scranton이 재밌다고 생각하지 않나?
Tony : No. Was that supposed to be funny? (그거 재밌는거였어요?)
Micheal : Okay, well. Don't bother quitting. (그만두고 말고 할 것 없네) Because you're fired.
Tony : Excuse me?
Micheal : You are fired! I'm sorry, but we don't have quitters on this team. (우리 팀에 툭하면 그만두겠다는 사람은 필요없어) Just clean out your desk.
Tony : There's nothing in my desk except the coupons.
Micheal : Don't try to apologize to me, man. It's too late! Just get out. That your bad vibes with you. (자네 나쁜 기운도 가져가게)
Dwight : It was my advice. Remember I'm the one suggested that you fire him! (제가 Tony를 해고하라고 했던 사람이라는거 기억하세요?)
Micheal : Probably, the best advice that you ever gave me, Dwight.
Dwight : And, what advice has Andy given to you today that you have act done? (그럼 오늘 Andy가 제안한 의견 중에 실행한 건 뭔가요?) Would none be accurate estimate? (정확한 판단을 한게 없었나요?) None advice? Fire Andy. Fire Andy.
Andy : Dwight may have won the battle. (그 대결에선 Dwight가 이겼을진 몰라도) But I will win.. the next battle.
Hannah : Tony was right. This environment is dysfunctional.
Angela : Maybe that's because some people treated like their own private Hooter's strip club. (누군가 여기를 Hooter's 스트립 클럽으로 착각해서 그렇겠지)
Micheal : Woo.. Angela, hold on. (잠깐만) Hooter's is a restaurant. With over 400 locations worldwide. (세계적으로 400개의 지점이 있다고)
Stanley : But, after work, we don't have to get along. (퇴근하고나면 같이 어울릴 일도 없잖아) We just have to work together, you know.
Micheal : No, we do have to get along. Can't we all just get along? (우리 그냥 잘 지낼순 없을까?) Or have we forgotten the words of Reverend King? (King 목사가 한 말은 다들 잊은건가?)
Micheal : The word "merger” comes from the word "marriage.” And that was what today was supposed to be. (오늘 바로 그렇게 되었어야 하는거에요) The loving union between people. Instead, it has become like when my mom moved in with Jeff. (마치 우리 엄마가 Jeff씨와 살림을 합쳤을때같이 되었군요) And once again, it becomes my job to fix it.
Micheal : Hey, hey everybody! Something happen. Those guys of Vance Refrigeration. They let the air out of our tires. (우리 타이어 바람을 다 빼놨어)
Dwight : What?
Micheal : Yeah, they punk us! They punk us goods! Come on! Come on!
Karen : Does Bob Vance work for Vance Refrigeration?
Jim : Does he ever. (평생 그랬지)
Micheal : Man, he got us so bad. (Vance가 우릴 물먹인거야) We cannot let him get away of this. (그냥 이러고 도망가게 내버려둘 순 없어) We have got to pull together as one and steal their refrigerators! (우리 모두 하나로 뭉쳐서 그놈들 냉장고를 털어야해!)
Dwight : Yeah!
Micheal : Yeah?
Tobby : I don't- I don't think we can do that.
Micheal : Go home, Toby. Just..
? : Hey, what doesn't your car have flat tires?
Micheal : Why? I will tell you why. Because they saved the worse for me. (그놈들이 나한테는 더 나쁜걸 남기고 갔거든) They put "I-hate” note under my windshield wipers. Check this out. It's so hateful. (증오로 가득차있어) "You guys suck!" "You can never pull together as one and revenge us." "That is why you suck!” (이게 너희가 한심한 이유다)
? : Crying out, wow! (무서워 죽겠네)
Micheal : No, no, no, no, no. No! You are following forward. you are playing right on their hands! Cause' this is just what they want you to do! What's wrong with this guy? God, now I'm trying to explain. This is egregious! This is egregious! (큰 실수하는거라고!)
Stanley : Trust me, it only gets worse. (내 말 믿어. 더 나빠질 뿐이야)
? : Is he always like this?
Ryan : Sometimes he brings more costumes. (가끔 의상을 챙겨오기도 해요)
Hannah : When do people work?
Phylis : Oh, we find little times during the day. (가끔 짬날때가 있어)
Karen : How are we gonna get home?
Phylis : Bob Vance has an air pump. He said he'd fill all our tires up.
Karen : Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration?
Micheal : See that. Mission accomplished! they're like a bunch of fourth graders. (4학년 꼬마애들같네요) Sometimes what brings the kids together is hating the lunch lady. (가끔 어린애들이 뭉치는 이유는 급식 아줌마를 욕하려고 그러는 거잖아요) Although that'll change. (결국 그 마음은 변하겠지만) Because, by the end of the fourth grade, the lunch lady was actually the person I hung out with the most. (왜냐면 4학년 말에 제가 가장 자주 어울린 사람은 사실 급식아줌마였거든요) Jello!
Jan : Michael
Micheal : Hi Jan.
Jan : You fired Tony Gardner of when he was trying to request. (Tony가 요청을 하는 중에 해고했더군요)
Micheal : I did. Major personal crisis averted. (엄청난 감정폭발을 다스렸죠) Complement accepted. (칭찬은 받아들일게요)
Tony : You realize Michael that now we have to pay him exuberance? (엄청난 돈을 물어줘야 하는거 알죠?)
Micheal : Yes
Jan : You do (안다고요)
Micheal : But, do you realize that was actually Dwight's idea? (그런데 이게 사실은 Dwight의 생각이었다는건 아시나요?) That is advice from my number two.
Jan : What, no, no, no. No. Jim is your number two.
Micheal : What?
Jan : He's the only one who has worked for both group. So, I sent you a memo about this.
Micheal : Yes, I know that, or I do read the memos. (저는 늘 메모를 확인하죠)
Micheal : So, after a great deal of thought and introspective-shun, (그래서 한참을 생각하고 인물탐구를 한 끝에) I have decided to make Jim my new number two.
Dwight : If he even once said. It doesn't come with pay raise. (Jim이 한번이라도 언급했는지는 모르지만 이건 월급 인상과는 상관없어)
Jim : No, it does, actually. (사실 상관있어)
Dwight : So, who will be your number three?
Micheal : Ah, that I have not decided yet.
Andy : Michael, I would just like to say that you have handled this entire situation with great Aplam. (제가 말하고 싶은 것은 이번 사태를 아주 훌륭하게 조율하셨다는 겁니다)
Micheal : Thank you, Andy. That's very kind. Thank.
Dwight : And, I have to say that your leadership has..
Micheal : Shhh, shut it. That's.. Suck up. (사탕발림이잖아)
Jim : Hey, where you at? (어디야?)
Karen : I'm at the grocery store buying a cork screw to give myself lobotomy. (뇌수술하려고)
Jim : What's wrong. You didn't have a good first day? (왜그래. 첫출근 별로였어?)
Karen : Oh my god! Hey you want to meet in a Cooper's in an hour? (한시간 후에) I need to drink.
Jim : Yeah, sure. Sounds good. I.. Hey, you know what. Can I call you right back?
Karen : Yeah
Jim : Okay, thanks. Hey.
Pam : Hey.
Jim : I thought you had already left.
Pam : Uh, no. I just had some other stuff I had to do.
Jim : Ah, Good.
Pam : What's up?
Jim : Oh, nothing. I just feel bad. I feel like things were a little weird today or something. (오늘 좀 어색한 일이 있던거 같아서)
Pam : What do you mean?
Jim : I just think I should tell you that I've sorta started seeing someone, and um.. (그냥 너한테 요즘 만나는 사람이 생겼다는 말을 해야 할 것 같아서)
Pam : Oh, that's totally cool. You can do whatever you want. (네가 하고싶은대로 하는거지)
Jim : Oh? okay. Um.. Good.
Pam : We're friends. We'll always be friends.
Jim : Right.
Pam : It's good to have you back.
Jim : Yeah, it's good to be back.
Meredith : Where did you get that salad? (샐러드 어디서 났어?)
Kevin : Staples.
Andy : I saw your dorkmobile in the parking lot. (네 똥차 주차장에서 봤는데) What does it get, like four miles to the gallon? (연비가 갤런당 4마일쯤 되나?)
Dwight : Uh, try double that. (두 배로 늘려) Classic Trans Am, vintage American muscle. Please.
Andy : Yeah, my Xterra's pretty sweet. Luxurious yet rugged. (고급스러운데다가 힘도 좋아) Leave it to the Japanese. (일본산이지)
Dwight : Xterra's not even a real word. (Xterr라는 단어는 없어)
Andy : Actually, it is. It's Latin for "earth.” (사실 라틴어로 지구라는 뜻이 있다네)
Dwight : Oh, so you drive an X-Earth?
Andy : Yeah.
Dwight : That makes sense. I'd rather drive a classic Trans Am than an XEarth. (XEarth를 모느니 클래식 Trans Am이 낫겠다)
Andy : Yeah, I bet you would. (그래, 그러시겠지) Oh, and by the way, 1985 called and wants its car back. (그나저나, 1985에서 네 차를 돌려달라고 연락이 왔는데)
Dwight : Well I hope 1985 has a time machine 'cause I drive an 87. (1985는 타임머신이 필요하겠는데, 내 차는 87년 식이거든)
Andy : Oh, speaking of time machines, (타임머신 얘기가 나와서 말인데) I just got back from the future and I went to your funeral and guess what, nobody came. (내가 방금 미래에 갔다 왔는데 네 장례식에 갔는데 어땠을거 같아. 아무도 안왔어)
Dwight : Speaking of funerals, why don't you go ahead and go die. (얼른 가서 죽어버리는게 어떄?)
Andy : Oh, that was a really well-constructed sentence. You should be an English professor at Cor-not University.
Dwight : Idiot!
Andy : If I were an idiot, I'd be driving a Trans Am.
Dwight : If you were driving a Trans Am, you would be the smartest idiot in the whole world.
Andy : Idiot!
Dwight : You're the idiot!
Andy : Nice comeback!
Dwight : I was making fun of your comeback! That's why it worked. (그래야 말이 되지) I totally got the best of that interchange. (이 대결은 저의 완벽한 승리로군요)
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