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The Office 시즌3 ep.9. The Convict.

by 럭키피플 2024. 5. 7.

The office 시즌3 - 309

Episode 9 Season 3

"The Convict "







Pam : Oh!! She's absolutely adorable!

Hannah : He!

Pam : Oh, sorry. He's dressing color pink

Hannah : That's his favorite color

Pam : Oh, that's fun for him.

S : Fantastic

Micheal : Oh, wow, look at that. How cute

Hannah : Thank you.

Micheal : Oh, may I..

Hannah : I am sure.

Micheal : Hey, look at me. I am a baby. I'm one of babies from "Look Who's Talking"! What am I thinking? Look at all those staplers! What's a stapler? I don't even know! I'm a baby! Hey Mom. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, Mama. I want some milk. And you know where milk comes from. Breasts!




Karen : Hey. You almost done? (다 됐어?)

Jim : Just about, yeah. (이제 막) Now. (끝났다)




Jim : Yes, I've started to see Karen. (Karen이랑 사귀기 시작했어요) It's very new, (얼마 안됐죠) and I'm not really ready to talk about it openly yet just because I think once the word gets out there, (왜냐하면 한번 말을 꺼내면) it might affect the way people behave around us. Or.. I don't know. Just not yet.




Micheal : Yeah, Jan, it.. um.. looks like a check. (수표같이 생겼어요) A piece of paper of some sort A receipt. (종이로 된 영수증같은거?) I don't know..

Angela : Jan, this is Angela Martin from accounting.

Jan : Mm-hmm.

Angela : Look, we have a rebate from the Federal Work Opportunity Program. (연방 고용창출 프로그램에서 환불을 받았어요) And no one knows what that means.

Jan : We get that money for hiring an ex-convict. (전과자)

Micheal : I didn't hire an ex-convict. Unless they mean Tobby. (Tobby를 말하는게 아닌 이상) Convicted rapist. (강간범) I'm just kidding.

Jan : When did the check come? (수표를 언제 받았죠?)

Angela : Last week.

Jan : Okay, that's when the branches merged, so Josh must've been taking advantage of this program. (Josh가 이 프로그램으로 이득을 챙기던게 틀림없어요) Smart move. (머리 잘 썼네요)

Angela : One of the Stamford people is a criminal?

Micheal : Hey, Jan, speaking of Stamford, Hannah brought in a baby.

Angela : Jan, which one of new employees is a criminal?

Jan : A reformed convict. (모범수일텐데) And I'm not sure. Don't hang on. (끊지 마세요) Let me email our H.R. Stay on the line. (기다리세요)

Pam : Who is it?

Micheal : Hannah?

Kevin : Hmm.

Micheal : Andy?

Pam : Andy.

Kevin : Martin?

Micheal : Oh, you are such a racist.

Kevin : Wait, why am I a racist?

Micheal : Because you think he's black.

Kevin : He is black, right?

Micheal : Stop it. Stop it right now!

Jan : Okay, it's someone named Martin Nash.

Kevin : Yeah! / Jan : Michael?




Micheal : Why did the convict have to be a black guy? (왜 범죄자는 흑인이어야 하죠?) It is such a stereotype. I just wish that Josh had made a more progressive choice, like a white guy.. who went to prison for polluting a black guy's lake. ( Josh가 좀 더 진보적인 선택을 했길 바랄 뿐이에요 그러니까 어떤 흑인의 호수를 오염시켜서 감옥에 간 백인처럼요)




Kevin : I wonder what he did.

Micheal : In our society, a black man can be arrested for almost anything. He was probably at a sporting event and saw some people pushing each other. And he intervened.

Pam : Why would anyone go to jail for that? (누가 그런 일로 감옥에 가겠어요?)

Micheal : So.. What we need to do is to forget about this whole "Martin in prison" thing. People will draw unfair conclusions about Martin and/or black people. / Kevin : Cool.

PAM : Okay. Angela?

Angela : Sure. Let's protect the convicts at the expense of the general feeling of safety in the workplace. (일반적인 근무환경의 안전성을 희생하면서) As a 90-pound female that sits in an ill-lit, rarely-visited corner of the office, Naturally I agree with that. (당연히 동의합니다)

Micheal : Good. All right.




Jim : Jim Halpert.

Andy : I am so horny. (나 달아올랐어)

Jim : Okay, I can't help you with that.

Andy : Oh, I think you can, Big Tuna. Tell me about that Indian chick Kelly. She seems pretty slutty. (아주 화끈해 보이는데) Good for a romp in the sack. (침대에서 같이 놀기 딱이겠어)

Jim : She is dating Ryan, I think.

Andy : Oh, and I care why? (, 그래서 안되는 이유라도?)

Jim : She's high maintenance. (Kelly가 한 성격하거든)

Andy : Next, How about.. Blondes are more fun, come on. Trust me on that.

Jim : Yeah, trust me. That would be fun for no one. (아무도 재미없을거야) Okay, fine.

Andy : Okay. Pam, the receptionist. Pam. Should I go for it? (Pam을 노려볼까?)

Jim : Absolutely you should. (당연히 그래야지)

Andy : Jackpot. (당첨)




Micheal : Just try to be cool.

Dwight : I am cool.

Micheal : Are you cool really?

Dwight : I'm so cool. Tell me what is going on.

Micheal : Um, Martin from Stamford was at one time in prison. No, Dwight. Be cool, be cool.




Dwight : I am greatly concerned about having a convict in the office. (사무실에 범죄자가 있다는게 엄청나게 신경쓰이네요) And I do not care if that convict is white, black, Asian, German, or some kind of halfsy. (혼혈) I do not like criminals.




Dwight : Oh, God.




Andy : All righty. Let's get started. What is she into? (Pam은 뭐에 관심있지?)




Jim : I know Pam pretty well. I know the things that she likes. And just as important, (그리고 중요한건) I know the things that she hates. So one of the things that she likes is pranks. (재밌는 장난) And the things that she hates.




Jim : Frisbee-based competitions. (원반으로 하는 경기)

Andy : Are you kidding?

Jim : She...

Andy : I started the main Frisbee golf club at Cornell where I went to college. I live to frolf. ( frolf 하는 낙으로 살아)

Jim : Lead off with that. (거기 데리고가)

Andy : Okay.

Jim : She loves hunting. She also loves those ads for Six Flags with the old guy. (Pam Six Flags 광고도 좋아해 늙은 남자 나오는거) Got it. Also.. do you speak pig Latin? (pig Latin 할 줄 알아?)




Micheal : Hey, Martin. How's it going?

Martin : Good. Getting settled, (적응 중이죠) you know.

Micheal : Ah, good, good. Good. Just a second. Everybody, may I have your attention please? I realize that a lot of you have already heard that Martin here has had some trouble with the law. But I just want to declare publicly that I trust him completely. (하지만 저는 이 자리에서 공식적으로 선언합니다) And that anybody who doesn't is an ignorant, dumb person, okay? (그러므로 그렇게 믿지 않는 사람은 무식한 멍청이입니다) As a matter of fact, (실제로) you show me a white man you trust, and I will show you a black man that I trust even more. (내가 훨씬 더 신뢰하는 흑인남자) Pam, tell me a white person you trust.

Pam : My dad.

Micheal : Danny Glover. Yeah?

Jim : Jonas Salk.

Micheal : Who?

Jim : Justin Timberlake.

Micheal : Oh, please. Colin Powell.

Karen : Hey, I got one.

Micheal : Yeah?

Karen : Jesus. / M : Apollo Creed.




Micheal : Close your eyes. Picture a convict. (범죄자를 떠올려보세요) What's he wearing? Nothing special. Baseball cap on backward, (야구모자를 뒤집어 쓰고) baggy pants. He says something ordinary like, (뭔가 평범한 말을 하죠) "Yo, that's shizzle." (물론이지) Okay, now slowly open your eyes again. Who were you picturing? A black man? Wrong. That was a white woman. Surprised? Well, shame on you. (부끄러운줄 아세요)




Martin : So, you all want to know what I was in for?

Micheal : No, that's not cool. You don't have to tell them.

Martin : I really don't mind. It was a stupid mistake. I was working in finance, and I got involved in some insider trading. (내부거래에 말려들었죠) So I spent a little time in the clink. (교도소)

Micheal : Oh! That is awesome.




Kevin : I had Martin explain to me three times what he got arrested for, (저는 Martin이 구속된 이유를 세 번이나 물어봐야 했어요) because.. it sounds an awful lot like I what I do here every day.




Pam : What was prison like?

Martin : Not terrible. (그렇게 나쁘지 않았어요) Boring. We do the same thing every day. But at least we'd get outdoors time.

Kevin : You got outdoors time?

Martin : Two hours every day. Sometimes we'd play pickup football games.

Kevin : Michael, why don't we get outdoors time?

Pam : Yeah, some days I never go outside.

Micheal : Well, we are running a business.

Meredith : What was your cell like? (감방은 어땠나요?)

Martin : Not good. (별로 좋진 않았어요) It was a little bit bigger than Michael's office. But you know, I really only slept there. You know, during the day our time was our own. (낮에는 시간을 마음대로 쓸 수 있으니까) We had classes. I took some watercolor classes.

Pam : They have art classes?

Martin : Yeah.

Roy : They have business classes there?

Martin : They did, taught by some Harvard Business School guys. A lot of the guys also that were in the class The inmates, a lot of them have gone on to do extraordinary things in business. (그 수업을 듣던 사람들도 그러니까 수감자 중 많은 사람이 업계에서 한 몫하던 사람들이었어요)

Micheal : Terrible

Pam : Kind of sounds like prison's better than Dunder-Mifflin. (감옥이 Dunder-Mifflin보다 낫다는 소리로 들리네요)

Micheal  : Okay, well, that's not true.

Kevin : I would so rather be in prison. (난 진짜로 감옥에 있었으면 좋겠다)

Meredith : Yeah

Roy : Prison sounds great.

Micheal : No, you would not. (아니, 그러고 싶지 않을거야)




Micheal : This place is not prison. This place.. It's way better than prison.




Creed : Baby! Hello, baby! Hey, you want to play with this?

Karen : You can't give paperclips to a baby. He could swallow.

Creed : Oh, it's okay. I've got tons of 'em. (나한테 클립 엄청 많아) You like that?




Andy : Pam-a-lama-ding-dong. Listen, you're cute. There's no getting around it. So I don't know if I like country music, but I was thinking maybe one of these days We could drive out to the fields, Crank up some tunes. (우리 언제 한번 야외로 드라이브 가는게 어때? 음악도 틀어 놓고) Smoke a few Macanudos. Maybe even toss a disc around. (가볍게 원반도 던지고) Utway ooday ooyay inkthay, Ampay?

Pam : Wow. I..

Andy : Shh! Think about it. I'll hit you back. (곧 연락하지)




Pam : Wow. That was.. Wow.




Micheal : Okay, listen up, everybody. Um, you guys said that prison was better than this place. And I heard you loud and clear. (그렇게 말하는거 아주 똑똑히 들었거든요) So I am instituting some changes to make this more like prison. (그래서 여기를 감옥같이 만들기 위해 약간의 변화를 시행합니다) We are going to start with an hour of outdoor time. So let's go!




Pam : Michael, it's freezing out. (추워죽겠어요)

Phylis : I can't feel my toes.

Micheal : Why don't we pump some iron? (아령을 들어보는게 어때?) Anybody want to pump up?

Jim : What is that, like, 5 pounds?

Micheal : It' two and a half. I'm not going for bulk. I'm going for tone. (난 근육키우려는게 아니야. 몸매관리 하는거야)

Stanley : I'm going back inside. It's freezing.

Micheal : Yeah, it is freaking cold out here. Anybody wants to stay out, you got about 27 minutes of rec time.




Micheal : Oh, hey, Martin! You have TV in the joint? (공동구역에 TV 있었나?)

Martin : Yeah, in the rec room.

Micheal : Ah, got a ten-inch black and white?

Martin : Actually, our TV was bigger than that one.




Micheal : These people do realize how lucky they are. This office is the American Dream. And they would rather be in the hole. (그런데 이 사람들은 감방에 갔으면 좋겠다는군요)




Jim : Oh, Andy. I thought of one last tack you can take with Pam. (Pam한테 최종 공격할게 생각났는데)

Andy : Yeah, what?

Jim : Quick question. (간단히 물어보지) Do you play the guitar?

Andy : I play the banjo.

Jim : Hold on. Let me think about that. (잠깐 생각좀 해보자) Yes, that'll work. (그거 통하겠어) But can you sing in a sexy high falsetto voice? (근데 너 섹시한 고음 가성으로 부를 수 있어?)

Andy : You know I can, my man.

Jim : Yep, that's perfect.

Karen : Hey.

Jim : Hey.

Andy : I'm gonna go get my banjo out of my car.

Jim : Perfect.

Karen : What is going on?

Jim : I'm messing with Andy. (Andy를 놀려먹는 중이지) I'm sending him to all the women in the office with just terrible information on how to get them to go out with him. (데이트 신청하는데 필요한 끔찍한 정보를 주면서 말이야)

Karen : I love it. I want in. Who's the target?

Jim : Oh, you know what? It was gonna be Pam, but.. (Pam한테 하려고 했는데)

Karen : Perfect. What do I do? Just give me an assignment. (임무만 맡겨줘)

Jim : Oh, you know what though? (근데 그게 있잖아) I feel like I already sicced him on Pam. (Pam은 이미 충분히 당한거 같아) We'll give her a break. Let's think of someone else.




Micheal : All right, everybody. There has been a lot of name-calling against our office today. (요즘 사무실에 아주 안좋은 말들이 떠돌고 있는데) Corporate maligning, slurring. (회사를 헐뜯고 모욕하고) Much of it coming from one of you )여러분 중 누구 때문에 시작됐죠) who claims that prison is better than here. And none of us can say "boo" (그런데 우리 중 누구도 ""이라고 할 수 없습니다) because none of us have ever been to prison. Well, here's somebody I'd like you to meet. Somebody else who has been to prison who can tell you what it is really like. I'm Prison Mike. You know why they call me Prison Mike?

Angela : Do you really expect us to believe you're somebody else? (저희가 정말 지점장님을 다른 사람으로 믿길 바라나요?)

Micheal : Do you really expect me to not push you up against the wall, beeyotch? (정말 내가 너를 벽으로 몰아붙이길 바라는거냐 이년아)

Dwight : Hey!

Micheal : Whoa, whoa! Hey, that's just the way we talk in the clink. (감옥에서 이런식으로 말한다고) Been a lot of fun talk about prison today. (오늘 감옥이 좋다고들 떠들던데) But I am here to scare you straight. (난 너희를 제대로 겁주려고 왔다) I am here to scare you straight! In prison, you are somebody's bitch. (감옥에서 너희들은 누군가의 개일 뿐이야) Oh, and you. You, my friend, would be da belle of da ball. (너는 방울달린 이쁜이가 될거다) Don't drop the soap.

Roy : Michael, please.

Jim : Where did you learn all of this?

Micheal : Internet.

Jim : So not prison.

Micheal : And prison. It's 50/50. (반반이다) Both. Look, prison stinks is what I'm saying. (감옥은 아주 구리다는게 내가 하려는 말이다) It's not like you can go home and recharge your batteries and come back in the morning and be with your friends having fun in the office.

Jim : What did you do, Prison Mike?

Micheal : I stole. And I robbed. And I kidnapped the President's son and held him for ransom. (몸값을 요구했다)

Jim : That is quite the rap sheet, Prison Mike. (그거 참 랩 가사 같네요)

Micheal : An I never got caught neither. (그리고 난 한번도 잡힌 적이 없다)

Jim : Well, you're in prison, but, mm-hmm.

Pam : Prison Mike, what was the food like in prison? (감옥에서 주는 음식은 어떤가요?)

Micheal : Gruel sandwiches. (샌드위치 죽) Gruel omelets. Nothing but gruel. (죽밖에 없다) Plus, you can eat your own hair.

Andy : Wow. Prison sounds horrible.

Micheal : Yeah, yeah. Well, thank you, Andy. Thanks.

Dwight : Prison Mike, What's the very, very worst thing about prison?

Angela : Don't encourage him, Dwight. (부추기지마)

Micheal : The worst thing about prison was.. was the Dementors. They were flying all over the place, and they were scary. (그놈들은 여기저기 날아다니고 정말 무서운 놈들이다) And then they'd come down and they'd suck the soul out of your body and it hurts! (그리고 너희를 찾아와서 영혼을 빨아먹는다. 그럼 엄청 아프다)

Karen : Dementors like in Harry Potter?

Micheal : No, not Harry Potter. There were no movies in prison. This is my point. (내 말의 핵심은 이거다) You guys got it soft and cushy. (너희들은 배부르고 등 따시게 살고 있다) This place is freaking awesome. (여기는 아주 끝내주는구나) The people are awesome. Your boss is nice. Everybody seems to get along. (모두 사이좋게 지내는군) People are tolerant. (모두 아량이 있어서) People who would jump to conclusions can redeem themselves. (성급하게 결론을 짓는 사람들도 반성할 기회가 있다) Nobody's nobody's bitch. (아무도 서로를 욕하지 않는군) I hope that this scared you. (이걸로 너희가 겁먹었길 바란다) And from me, Prison Mike, to you, (그리고 나 Prison Mike, 너희들에게) I just want to thank you for listening to me. And letting me be a part of your life today. (오늘 내가 너희들 인생의 한 부분이 되게 해 준것도) 'Cause you got a good life! (왜냐면 너희들은 팔자좋은 인생을 살고 있잖아) You got a good life. A good life. So, what do you think? It doesn't sound so great, does it? (감옥이 그렇게 좋은것만도 아니지, 안그런가?)

Pam : Wow. Thank you. Um, that must have been hard for you to relive that. (생생히 재연하느라 힘드셨겠어요) Both of you.

Martin : Yeah, that wasn't really at all my experience. (그게, 내 경험과는 전혀 다른데) There were certain elements of what you performed I've seen on television, But it didn't remind me of my time in prison. (지점장님이 공연하신 것 중 몇 가지는 확실히 TV에서 본거야. 하지만, 내가 감옥에서 보낸 시간은 확실히 상기시켜주는군)

Micheal : Okay, okay. Fine. You guys think prison is so great? All right. Well, here you go. (그럼 이렇게 하지)

Kevin : Okay, Michael. Come on, let us out.

Micheal : No, if you think prison is so wonderful, then enjoy prison.

Martin : Are we locked in here? (우리 안에 갇힌거야?)

Micheal : They are such babies. I am going to leave them in there until they can appreciate what it's like to have freedom. (자유를 얻는다는게 뭔지 이해할때까지요) And if this doesn't bother them, then I am out of ideas. (그래도 이사람들이 상관않는다면 저도 더 이상은 방법이 없네요)




Kevin : Hey! Let us out of here! Hey, I have..




Tobby : This is Tobby. Hey, Pam. Where are you calling from?




Tobby : Michael, why is everyone locked in the conference room?

Dwight : They were very disreectful to me and to the office. And Martin has had a bad influence. To think that I gave him the benefit of a doubt. (자기한테 유리한 쪽으로 사람들을 선동하고 있다고)

Tobby : It's.. Well, you're gonna have to let them out or I will. (지점장님이 사람들을 내보내지 않으시면 제가 하겠어요)

Micheal : Okay, you know what, Tobby? I am teaching them a lesson, so..

Tobby : You know they're teasing you. (사람들은 그냥 짓궂게 구는거에요) I mean, obviously this is a much nicer place than an actual prison. (제 말은, 당연히 여기는 실제 감옥보다 훨씬 멋진 곳이에요) We get paid to be here. (우린 여기 있는 대가로 돈을 받는다고요) We go home afterward and have social lives. (일 끝나면 집에 가고, 사교생활을 하고) And we have parties here. They're teasing you. To be funny. (재미있으려고요)

Micheal : Okay, nut cases, (고집불통들) get out of there. Good work. (잘했네) Long day. Really long. Why don't you guys head home early? (집에 일찍 가는게 어떤가?) Time off for good behavior! (착한 일을 했으니 쉬어야지) Good job. Enjoy your freedoms.




Micheal : Martin went from being a new guy from Stamford to a convict, to my friend, back to a convict, Then to kind of a nuisance, actually, if we can be completely honest. (Martin Stamford에서 온 새로운 인물이었다가, 범죄자가 됐다가, 제 친구가 됐다가 다시 법죄자가 됐다가 사실 참 성가시네요. 정말 솔직히 말해서요) And finally to a quitter. (그리고 마침내 그만두는 사람이 됐죠) And I will not miss him. And that is not because he is black.




Andy : So we’ve been told (우리는 이야기를 들었고) and some choose to believe it (누군가는 그 말을 믿기로 했지) I know they’re wrong. wait and see (두고보라고) cause one day we’ll find it. the ainbowray onnectionkay the lovers, the dreamers, and me..



