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[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.8. Performance Review. The office 시즌2 - 2x08 Performance Review Dwight : You should get one of these. (너도 이거 하나 사) Jim : No, thank you. Dwight : Do you even know what this is? (이게 뭔지나 아는거야?) It is a fitness orb. (피트니스 볼이야) And it has completely changed my life Forget everything you thought you knew about ab workouts. (복근운동에 대해 알고있던것들은 모두 잊어) Jim : Done. (했어) Dwight : This ab workout is specifically designed, to streng.. 2024. 4. 13.
[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.7. The client. The office 시즌2 - 207 Episode 7 - season 2 "The client" Ryan : Hey. Any luck with that big meeting yet? (아직 그 중요한 회의 전이죠?) I've got Michael's lucky tie. (지점장님 행운의 타이를 가져왔는데) Jim : No, they're in the conference room. Ryan : Okay. Pam : Wait, are those Michael's Levis? (잠깐, 그거 지점장님 리바이스 청바지야?) Ryan : Yeah, who dry-cleans jeans? (네, 청바지 드라이 클리닝하는 사람이 어딨어요?) --------------------------------------- Pa.. 2024. 4. 13.
[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.6. The Fight. The office 시즌2 - 206 Season 2 - Episode 6 The Fight Dwight : Where is my desk ? Jim : That is weird. (거 참 이상하군) Dwight : This is not funny, this is totally unprofessional. Jim : Okay, well, you're the one who lost the desk. (그래, 책상을 잃어버린 사람은 너 뿐이니까) Dwight : I didn't lose my desk Jim : Okay, calm down. Where was the last place you saw it? Dwight : Okay, who moved my desk? Jim : I think you shoul.. 2024. 4. 13.
[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.5. Halloween. The office 시즌2 - 2x05 Halloween Micheal : Happy Halloween, everyone. Oh, that's great. Pam : Hey. Happy Halloween. Jan called. Micheal : Ohh, 'kay. --------------------------------------- Micheal : I know, why she's calling. It's the end of the month, and I was supposed, to let somebody go by the end of the month. (이제 월말이고, 월말까지는 누군가를 내보내기로 되어있었죠) And somehow I'm supposed to put on a costume and.. 2024. 4. 13.
[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.4. The Fire. The office 시즌2 – 2x04 The Fire Pam : Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam. Sure, can I ask who's calling? (누구신지 여쭤봐도 될까요?) Just a second. Jim : Jim Halpert What? How did you get this number? (이 번호는 어떻게 알았어요?) Stalker. (스토커) --------------------------------------- Pam : Keity, and Jim, met in the office. And now I guess they're like, going out, or dating, or something. And, uh... I don't know ! You know, .. 2024. 4. 12.
[미드 대본] The Office 시즌2 ep.3. Office Olympics. The office 시즌2 - 203 2x03 Office Olympics Micheal : I'm an early bird, and I'm a night owl, so I'm wise, and I have worms. (그리고 벌레를 먹죠) So.. oh breakfast Ryan : I got your sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. (소시지, 달걀, 비스킷 사왔어요) Micheal : Yummy yummy? (맛있겠는걸?) thank you Ryan. Ryan : What was the thing you needed me to come in early for? (저 일찍 나오라고 하신 이유가 뭐에요?) Micheal : The sausage, egg and cheese b.. 2024. 4. 12.