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[미드 대본] The Office 시즌3 ep.2. The Convention.

by 럭키피플 2024. 4. 15.




The office 시즌3 - 3x02

The Convention








Micheal : Pam?

Pam : Yeah?

Micheal : Did you see Oprah yesterday? (오프라 쇼)

Pam : No, I didn't.

Micheal : I, uh.. I am going to be a father. (아빠가 될 생각이야)

Pam : What was Oprah about? (무슨 이야기였죠?)

Micheal : Angelina Jolie was on. (Angelina Jolie가 나왔어) And she adopted a baby from Asia and she said that it changed her life. And that really inspired me. So I want you to look in to see how much a little Chinese baby would cost. (그래서 중국아이를 입양하려 하는데 과정좀 알아봐줘)

Pam : That's a really big decision.

Micheal : I know.

Pam : Maybe you should wait before you adopt. Or not adopt.

Micheal : Just do it, okay?

Pam : Roy's sister looked into it. And the application alone costs $1,000. (신청하는데만 1000달러가 든데요)

Micheal : Find out if there's a cheaper.. Less expensive baby out there, okay? (별로 돈 안들 아이들로)

Pam : You know, she also said the waiting list is like eight months.

Micheal : Eight months?

Pam : Yeah.

Micheal : I don't even know if I want a baby in eight months. (그 안에 내 마음이 바뀔지조차도 모르는데)

Pam : Probably won't. (바뀌지 말아야죠)

Micheal : You know, Pam, if in ten years.. I haven't had a baby, (내가 아이가 없고) and you haven't had a baby..

Pam : No, Michael.

Micheal : 20 years.

Pam : No, Michael.

Micheal : 30.

Pam : Sure.

Micheal : It's a deal.




Ryan : All right, three pairs of pants. (바지 세벌이랑) Three pairs of socks. Three packs of condoms.

Micheal : Yeeeash.

Ryan : Uh, fun jeans. (웃긴 바지)

Angela : Sign.

Micheal : Per diem. (일당 말이군)




Micheal : Guess where I am going? (제가 어디로 가게요?) I will give you a hint. It is a booze-fueled sex romp where anything goes. (여긴 아무데나 술먹고 뛰어노는거에요) You are correct sir! I am headed to Philadelphia for the annual Northeastern Mid-market Office Supply Convention. (정기적인 행사인데 동북부에서 열리는 중간시장 컨벤션이죠) And Jim Halpert is going to be coming, which will be fun. Poor little guy has been stuck working under Josh. (Josh 밑에서 찍소리 못내며 일만 하는 불쌍한 청년이죠) The poor man's Michael Scott, (불쌍한 사람은 저였죠) as he is known around my condo. (Jim이 이 지점에 있을 때는 말이죠)




Dwight : Don't be mad. (화내지마) It is a business trip.

Angela : But I don't understand. It's for managers.

Dwight : Monkey, I am an ARM. Assistant Regional Manager.

Angela : I know. I was just really hoping we could spend some time together. Are you still there? (듣고 있어?)

Dwight : Yes, Monkey.

Angela : Don't monkey me. You can't wait to get out of here, ARM. (나 따라오지마)




Angela : In the Martin family, we like to say.. looks like someone took the slow train from Philly. (저희 Martin가 사람들이 주로 쓰는 말이 필라델피아 열차타고 온 사람 같다인데) That's code for "Check out the slut." (의미가 창녀 몸값을 줬다 였어요) What is.. (왜 자꾸..) Why are there flies in here? (왜 파리가 여기 날아다니는거죠?)




Kelly : Oh, my God! Are you so excited for tonight? I'm so excited you guys are gonna click. I can feel it. (둘이서 잘 되리라고 벌써부터 느껴져) So what are you wearing?

Pam : This.

Kelly : You look so pretty.

Pam : Thank you.




Pam : Yes, I have a date. He's a cartoonist for the local paper. Which is really neat, (정말 잘 된거죠) because I like to draw too. I'm kind of nervous. (조금 떨리네요) I haven't been on a first date in nine years. Probably shouldn't broadcast that. (Roy와 헤어진걸 괜히 말했나봐요)




Kelly : Well, remember, no matter how much you may want to, do not sleep with him on the first date. (기억할게 있는데, 아무리 네가 원하더라도 첫 데이트부터 남자랑 자면 안돼) It gives him all the power.

Micheal : Sleep with who? Whom. Whom?

Kelly : My neighbor Allen. They're going on a date tonight.

Micheal : Oh, wow. Oh, my God. I have a great idea. You know what you should do? Be hilarious? Wear your wedding dress. (웃기고 싶다? 샀던 웨딩드레스 입어) That would be a great icebreaker. (그만큼 첫인상 남기는 법도 없지)

Dwight : And your veil.

Micheal : Yeah. Do it.

Pam : I'll probably just wear this. (그냥 이거 입고 갈건데요

Micheal : Really? Okay. Well, a word of advice, (조언 하나 해주자면) unbutton that top button. Let those things breathe. (숨 좀 쉬게 하라고) Any message you want me to relate to Jim? (Jim하고 잘된다는 이야기는 언제 해줄거야?)

Pam : Um..

Micheal : Um. Okay, um. Um. You got that? (들었어?)

Dwight : I got it.

Micheal : Write it down. (적어놔)

Dwight : Um. Um..




Creed : There's my girl. (여기 있구만) I noticed you handing out some shekels. (내가 셰클 좀 달라 말했잖아) How would one get on that train? (열차 타려는데 하나만 달라니까)

Angela : That was per diem for Philadelphia. (그건 Philadelphia에서 받은 일당이에요)

Meredith : Ugh, that town smells like cheese steaks.

Angela : That town is full of history.

Creed : Andrea's the office bitch. (Andrea는 사무실의 개년이죠) You'll get used to her. (곧 익숙해 질겁니다) Creed.




Micheal : Can I have my neck pillow back? (제 목베개 좀 주시면 안돼요?) Michael! Can I have my neck pillow back?




Josh : Hey, Michael.

Micheal : Hey, Josh, how you doing?

Josh : Pretty good. How you doing?

Micheal : Great to see you. There he is. (저기 있네) There's the traitor. (배신자) Traitor! Traitor! Come here, you. Come here! The product the progital.. (창작물) My son returns.




Micheal : I was shocked when he told me he was transferring to Stamford. It's like with firemen. (소방관 같은거죠) You don't leave your brothers behind. (동료를 뒤에 놔두고 가버리지 않잖아요) Even if you find out that there is a better fire in Connecticut. (만약 더 멋진 불길이 Connecticut에 있는걸 알아도 말이에요)




Jim : Really good to see you, man.

Micheal : Yeah. Wow. I didn't expect that. It's good to see you too.

Dwight : Oh, hey. How's it going up there? Have you made any sales yet? (아직 건수 하나도 못올린거야?)

Jim : Yeah, sold about 40,000.

Dwight : Shut up. That's impossible.

Jim : No, it's not. And I did. Yeah.

Dwight : Well, I did it too.




Jim : You know, when I saw Dwight, I realized how stupid and petty all those pranks I pulled on him were. (제가 Dwight를 괴롭혔던 일들이 얼마나 바보같고 어리석었는지요) And then he spoke. (그리고 말하는거 보고도요) I wonder how hard it would be to get a copy of his room key. (Dwight의 방 열쇠를 복사하기가 얼마나 쉬울지 궁금하네요)






Kevin : So did you hear?

Tobby : What?

Kevin : Pam's back on the market again.

Tobby : Really? She's dating?

Kevin : Oh, if I weren't engaged, I would so hit that. (정말 제대로 한 번 잡는건데)



Dwight : So what kind of commissions you get up there? (거기에선 무슨 일 시키던?)

Jim : Oh, Dwight, I missed you so much.

Dwight : You're so immature. (프로답지 못하긴)

Josh : Listen, Michael, I heard you were a great salesman. And I just wanna let you know that if our branch absorbs your branch, (그리고 말씀드리고 싶은게) I'm gonna look for a place for you in Stamford.

Jan : Oh, hey!

Josh : Hey, Jan.

Jan : We all checked in?

Josh : Yes.

Jan : Great. Let's dump our stuff (짐풀고) and meet back down here in a half an hour.

Josh : Okay.

Jan : Okay.

Micheal : Jan? Look, I think we need to set some ground rules. (제 생각엔 여기선 우리 행동 조심해야 할 거 같아요)

Jan : What are you talking about?

Micheal : The 800-pound gorilla in the room. Carol. I'm still dating her. So nothing can happen between us at the convention. (그러니 우리 둘이 여기 있는 동안 아무일 없었으면 좋겠어요)

Jan : Step away from me, Michael. (좀 떨어져요)

Micheal : Thank you for being so brave with all of this. (우리 둘에게 정말 좋은 결정이에요) Thank you.




Kelly : Allen's cartoon is so funny, right? And they're, like, so smart. I don't even know what they mean half the time.




Dwight : This party is gonna be awesome.

Micheal : I know. That is specifically why I chose a room close to the elevator. More foot traffic (그게 내가 이 방을 택한 이유인거지. 엘리베이터랑 가까워서 시간낭비가 없다고)

Dwight : Check it out.

Micheal : That is crooked on that side. (저 쪽으로 좀 더 기울어 졌잖아) Hey hey!

Jim : That is a lot of liquor. (술 많이 준비했네요)

Micheal : Yeah.

Jim : And a dart board.

Micheal : Well, that's how we do it in Scranton. Or did you forget? Ain't no party like a Scranton party (그 어떤 파티도 Scranton 파티에는 못 미쳐) Cause a Scranton party don't stop

Jan : We should probably head on down, you know, hook up with Jan. (저흰 내려가봐야겠네요 Jan하고 약속이 있어서요)

Micheal : Well, we have time. One for the road, gentlemen? (한잔만 하고 가요)

Josh : A shot of Midori, perhaps. (Midori라면 마실진 몰라도요)

Jim : Oh, no, sorry, it's an inside joke. (사내 농담인데) There was this bartender in Stamford who.. You know what? You just have to be there. (거기 있어봐야 알아요)

Micheal : Wish I was. (그랬으면 좋겠네) I love inside jokes. Love to be a part of one someday. (언젠간 그 농담을 좋아하게 되겠지)

Josh : We should..

Jim : Yeah, all right.

Micheal : All right, see you guys down there.

Jim : See you guys.

Micheal : Change your mind, come back up. (마음이 바뀌면 올라오라구)

Dwight : I'll do a shot with you, Michael.

Micheal : Yechh, don't be gross. (, 역겹게 굴지마) It's not even lunch yet.




Micheal : SWAG! Stuff We All Get. (물건 많이 얻었어요) I basically decorated my condo for free with all of my SWAG! (전 기본적으로 제 콘도를 공짜로 얻은 SWAG로 꾸미죠)




Micheal : Check it out. Oh my God! Hi, I'm Michael Scott. Dunder Mifflin.

Dwight : Dwight Schrute. Assistant Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin.

Micheal : I am a huge fan.

? : Thanks. I appreciate it, guys.

Micheal : You know what? I am having a big blowout tonight, room 308. (제가 308호에서 밤에 파티를 열건데 Hope you can come.

? : I.. maybe. If I can. (가능하다면요)

Micheal : Well, cool! Okay, so can I tell people you're gonna be there? (그럼 저희가 사람들에게 오실거라고 자랑해도 될까요?)

? : No, you cannot.

Micheal : So maybe. (그러니 만약이군요) See ya.

Dwight : Why do they call him The Bus? (왜 사람들이 그를 버스라고 부르죠?)

Micheal : Because he's afraid to fly.




Dwight : Smile.

Micheal : Do you remember me from last year? There's a party in my room, 308. Can't miss it. Right off the elevator. (엘리베이터 바로 옆이에요) Tonight. Be there. (꼭 오세요)




Josh : All right, Jan just emailed me. She wants us to meet her up front.

Micheal : Yep. Yeah, she's up front.

Dwight : You don't have email on your phone.

Micheal : I don't have to, I just know. (그럴 필요 없어 난 다 알 수 있어) Yes, hello?

Dwight : No one just called you.

Jim : All right, nice meeting you. Take care. See you soon.

Josh : Take care. Bye-bye.

Micheal : May I have a moment of your time, please?




Micheal : I need you to do something for me.

Dwight : Yes, anything. (뭐든지요)

Micheal : I want you to dig up some dirt on Josh. (Josh한테 망신 좀 주고 싶은데) Find out if there are any skeletons in his attic.

Dwight : I'll talk to my buddy down at the station stat. (제 친구와 정거장에서 얘기해 보죠)




Tobby : Hey, Pam.

Pam : Hey, what's up?

Tobby : What's up? I wanted to ask if you wanted..

Pam : Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam. He's not in the office. Can I take a message? I will. (그러죠) You too. (들어가세요) Sorry. What's up?

Tobby : Um, if, uh.. I just completely forgot what I was going to say. That's so weird. (정말 이상하다)

Pam : Okay. Well, if you think of it, I'll be here.

Tobby : Okay.




Dwight : So I called my buddy down at the station today. I had him run a background check on Josh Porter. See if there's any known aliases, etc. (다른 가명을 쓴다던가 하는거 말이에요)

Micheal : And?

Dwight : He wasn't volunteering today. (오늘은 보안관 일을 안한대요)




Micheal : Yeah. Things have been pretty crazy around the office. (요즘 우리 사무실 꼴이 말도 아니야)

Jim : Oh, yeah?

Micheal : Yeah. We moved Ryan over to your desk.

Jim : Oh. Tell him I say hi. (안부 전해주세요)

Micheal : I will call him later with that message. (좀 이따 전화할 때 말할게)

Jim : Hey, how's.. Tobby?

Micheal : Tobby Flenderson is everything that is wrong with the paper industry. (Tobby는 회사로 인해 모든게 엉망이야) Is he why you left? (그래서 자네가 떠난건가?)

Jim : Oh, no. It was just.. you know, a good opportunity for me, a promotion.

Micheal : Opportunity, promotion. Blah blah. You know, Jim, those are just words. Have you taken into account other factors? Vis-? vis bosses? (상사들과 상대하기?) Is Josh funnier than I am? Does he even have a girlfriend? Because I have two, basically. (난 두가지가 다 갖춰졌어)

Jim : Michael, it's really not a competition.




Josh : Jim got a us a great lead with a new rep from National Envelope. (JimNational Envelope의 외판원과 만날 수 있는 기회를 만들었어요) We can grab lunch with him tomorrow. (내일 점심약속을 잡았죠)

Micheal : Hey, Jan. Jan? Don't worry. I have got the tip. 나 팁있으니까)

Dwight : Whoa, Michael.

? : Wow. Oh, my God, thank you.

Dwight : Is that your per diem? (그거 일당 아니에요?)

Micheal : No, that was a different hundred dollar bill. (아니, 그건 별개의 100달러였어)

Jan : What have you generated, Michael? (언제부터 그렇게 인심이 후했어요?)

Micheal : I have generated a lot of interest in my party this evening. (오늘 밤에 있을 파티를 기대할 때부터 인심이 후해졌죠)

Jan : What party?

Micheal : Party I'm having tonight in 308. Obviously, you are invited.

Jan : Michael, um.. Jim and Josh are in meetings all day and I am in and out of meetings. I can't stay on top of you 24/7.






Phylis : You should order the most expensive thing on the menu. So he knows you're worth it. (제일 비산 메뉴를 시켜야 네가 그럴만한 가치가 있단걸 알지)

Stanley : If you do that, you're gonna have to put out. (잘못했다간 Pam이 돈 다 낼수도 있어)

Phylis : Oh, yeah. You'll have to put out. (남자에 따라 달라)

Angela : Is there a key for Jane Doe? (가명으로 등록된 방 열쇠 있나요?) Thank you.

Micheal : Any messages for 308? All right. Hey hey, fellers.

Jim : Michael. Hey, what's up?

Josh : Hey, Michael. Uh, well, Jim and I have a meeting with Uniball in about 45 minutes, (45분 후에) so we should probably go.

Micheal : Hey, check this out. How about that? A little friendly competition. (어때요? 동료들끼리 시합하는거) Stamford versus Scranton.

Josh : I don't think so.

Micheal : Oh. Jim? Looks like you picked a bad time to defect, my friend. (별로 자신없어 보이는 모습인데 내 친구여)

Josh : Fine. All right.

Micheal : Okay. Excellent. Oh, just shut it. (하필 이런 때) Hey, Pam, what's up? Yeah uh, no. Tell him I will give him general specifics tomorrow, okay? (내가 내일 특별사항 보고한다고 해) Yes. Say hi to Pam! / Everyone : Hi, Pam.

Micheal : Yes, that is Josh and Dwight and Jim. Pam says hi. Have fun on your date. Very good. Talk to you later. Bye. You first.

Dwight : Oh, nice try, Josh!

Micheal : Not. Hit the rim. (아냐, 가장자리였어) Okay, and.. Okay, double or nothing. (2배 아니면 패하기)

Josh : What, we didn't bet anything, Michael. (내기 하는거 아니잖아요)

Micheal : Well, let's..

Josh : You know, we should go.

Micheal : Come on, come on. Come on! We gotta go

Josh : We'll do it later.

? : Say, while I have you here, can I talk to you about some new and exciting advances to our product line? (여기 계시는거 쭉 봤는데요 저희 회사의 신제품과 그 외 제품에 대해 이야기 좀 할 수 있을까요?)

Micheal : Fine.




Micheal : Jim and I have different definitions of friendship. (Jim과 저는 우정에 대해 다른 가치관을 갖고 있어요) I think it's talking and being friends and Jim thinks it's moving to Connecticut and being best friends with Josh. (저는 같이 말 상대가 되어주고 친구로 있어주는 거라 생각했는데 JimConnecticut으로 가서 상사랑 잘 지내는 걸로 아나봐요) Well.. phooey on that. (지들끼리 잘 하라죠) I, uh.. I'm done. (전 됐다 이거에요) I am not going to be speaking with him anymore. Whatevs. Long distance relationships never work. (멀리 있으면 관계가 나빠지기 마련이죠)

? : That is so true. Ready? Okay, let me tell you what we're looking for.




Micheal : All right. My meeting ran late. (미팅이 길었어요)

Jan : Really?

Micheal : Yes, Jan. Really. With a rep from Hammermill. (Hammermill 외판원하고요)

Josh : They're exclusive with Staples. (스테이플러 독점기업이잖아요)

Micheal : Used to be. Evan'll call you in the morning to work out the details. (Evan이 내일 아침 전화할테니 자세히 이야기 하자고 하자더군요) We can now sell Hammermill products.

Dwight : Yes!

Jan : Well, Michael.. I underestimated you.

Micheal  : Yeah, well, maybe next time you will estimate me.




Jim : Dwight's room key. And Dwight's room. What can I say? Old habits die hard. (드릴 말씀이 없네요. 제 버릇 남 못 주죠)

Angela : D?

Jim : Oh, my God. Dwight got a hooker. (Dwight가 매춘부 불렀나봐요) Oh, my God, I gotta call.. (전화를 해야겠는데) I gotta call somebody. I don't even know who to call. (말은 해야겠는데 누구한테 해야할지 모르겠네요) Dwight got a hooker!




Kelly : So, Allen, Pam is obsessed with your cartoons. (Pam이 당신 만화에 반했어요) She reads them every day.

Allen : Oh, great.

Ryan : I don't like ketchup.

kelly : You love ketchup. He loves ketchup.

Pam : So how do you come up with your cartoons? (아이디어는 주로 어디서 얻으세요?)

Allen : I just I kinda think about stuff that I see. (그냥 별거 없이 있었던 일을 주제로 삼아요) Or dream them.

Pam : You dream in cartoons? (꿈에서 만화를 봐요?) How fun. (재밌겠네)




Micheal : Hey! First guest! You are going to have some tequila, my friend. (데킬라 한잔 마셔요)

? : I thought there was a party in here.

Micheal : This is the party.

? : This is room 308?

Micheal : Party central. So what can I do you for? All right.




Allen : See this one is great. Because it could work on a couple different levels. (왜냐면 완전히 다른 시각으로 볼 수도 있으니까요) Your freedom fries for the table. (특별히 프리덤 프라이를 드리죠)

Pam : Freedom fries. Yeah.

Allen : Yeah. People always say, like, don't be edgy. But, I don't know. I don't know any other way. (사람들은 항상 날카롭게 굴지말라 하지만 잘 모르겠네요 다른 방법을 모르겠군요) Yeah, you get it. (알아들으시는군요)




Pam : Well, it was really nice meeting you, Allen.

Allen : Yeah, next time bring some of your illustrations. I'll let you pick my brain. (Pam의 재치도 보고싶네요)

Pam : More freedom fries.

Allen : Yeah.

Pam : That's great.

Allen : Okay.


P : I went on a date. It wasn't a love connection. I think when I like someone again, I'll just kind of know. (만약 좋아하는 사람이 생긴다면 그 땐 느낌이 올 거 같아요)


Jim : Michael. Am I the first the arrive?

Micheal : People have been filtering in and out. (이미 모두들 왔다 갔어)

Jim : Can I get a drink?

Micheal : What?

Jim : Can I get a drink?

Micheal : Sure. You like cosmos?

Jim : Yeah, sure. Sounds good.

Micheal : So why are you here? Is Josh busy? (Josh가 바쁜가?)

Jim : Michael..

Micheal : I get it, you know? (나도 다 안다고)

Jim : Did I do something? (제가 무슨 잘못했나요?)

Micheal : No, I totally get it. (아니, 나도 다 안다고) He made a better paper airplane. Stamford does better in sales. I get it. We had some fun. We had some laughs.

Jim : Wait wait wait, I didn't transfer because of you. You're a good boss. You're a great boss.

Micheal : Not better than Josh.

Jim : Michael, it's not about.. I transferred because of Pam.

Micheal : Oh, my God. You don't even know. (자넨 알지도 못하잖아) She's single now.

Jim : No, I heard something about that. It's just, I kind of put it all on the line. (저도 마음을 전달할 만큼 했어요) Twice, actually. And she said no. Twice.

Micheal : I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. Hey, you know what? I will talk to her.

Jim : No, that's okay.

Micheal : Yeah.

Jim : That's all right.

Micheal : I will. I'll talk to her. You should at least talk to.. Roy. I mean, he knows exactly how you're feeling.

Jim : Yeah. Okay, maybe.

Evan : Are we early?

Micheal : Hey, no. You know, people have been filtering in and out. Hey. Evan, this is Jim.

Jim : How are ya?

Evan : Hey, Arnie Risman. Michael, Jim.

Jim : Hey, Arnie, how you doing?

Evan : You guys work together?

Micheal : No, we used to.

Evan : Yeah.

Jim : Now, we're friends.

Micheal : Best friends.




Micheal : Some people need dozens of friends to say, hey, look at me, I'm popular. But not me. I'm very picky. (까다롭거든요) I need three. Maybe two? When you meet that someone special, you'll just know. (특별한 상대를 만나면 그냥 마음이 아는거에요) Because a real relationship.. can't be forced. It should just come about effortledlessly. (얼마나 노력하느냐에 달린거죠)




Micheal : Would you do me the pleasure of hitting the lights, sir? (거기 불 좀 꺼주시겠습니까?) Whoa. What are all those stains? (이 얼룩들은 다 뭐람)

Dwight : Blood, urine, or semen. (정액)

Micheal : Oh, God, I hope it's urine.



