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[미드 대본] The Office 시즌3 ep.3. The coup.

by 럭키피플 2024. 4. 15.




The office 시즌3 - 303

Episode 03

The coup










Micheal : I'm hungry.



Micheal : Mooovie Monday! The only cure I know for the Monday blues is.. Varsity Blues. (그들만의 계절)




Micheal : Let's go! Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Dwight : Take a seat down there. Second from the end. (끝에서 두번째)

Micheal : All right, everybody here? Yes.

Pam : Popcorn, anyone?

Micheal : Yes, please! Thank you.

Pam : Anyone else? No.




Pam : Movie Monday started with training videos. (교육용 비디오를 보는 것으로 시작했어요) But we went through those pretty fast. (빠짐없이 월요일에는 꼭 보기 시작하면서) Then we watched a medical video. Since then, it's been half hour installments of various movies. (그 이후론 여러편의 영화를 보기 시작했는데 30분씩 나눠서 보죠) With the exception of an episode of Entourage, (가끔 예외로 Entourage를 보기도 해요) which Michael made us watch six times. (지점장님 때문에 6번이나 봤어요)




Micheal : Entourage!




Micheal : Kevin, would you like to do the scenes from last week? (지난 이야기까지 정리해 주겠나?)

Kevin : Yes.

Dwight : Why him?

Micheal : Don't whine. Get the windows. (투덜대지마. 창문이나 내려) Previously on Varsity Blues.. (그들만의 계절 지난 이야기)

Kevin : Okay, Billy Bob got a head injury, but coach made him play. So then Lance, he gets sacked. And he's out for the year (Lance는 부상을 입고 경기출전이 불가능하게 됩니다)




Jan : Hello?




Dwight : Not everyone approves of movie Monday. (모두가 무비 먼데이에 긍정적이진 않아요) I won't say who.




Angela : I don't approve. I don't.




Jan : Hello?




Video : Let's go after that title now. (코를 납작하게 해주자고! Let's go, let's go! Let's go!

Micheal : Hi, Jan! Hope you brought the Milk Duds. (Milk Duds 가지고 왔어요?)




Jan : How would a movie increase productivity, Michael? How, on earth would it do that?

Micheal : People work faster after.

Jan : Magically. (마법사라면요)

Micheal : No. they have to, to make up for the time they lost, watching the movie. (직원들은 제 시간안에 업무를 다 마쳐요 영화감상 후에요)

Jan : No.




Jan : Do I need to hire a babysitter for you..

Angela : Kitchen.

Jan : Some little 14-year-old girl whose job it is.. (14살 처럼 행동하잖아요. 할 일도 모르...)




Angela : Michael is going to get us all fired. (지점장님이 우리 모두를 해고시킬지도 몰라) You sat back and let him play that dumb movie and now Jan is peeved off. (네가 어리석은 영화를 감상하도록 방관해서 Jan이 저 난리잖아) And we're all going to lose our jobs.

Dwight : That's not going to happen.

Angela : You know she has it out for him now. (너도 지점장님한테 하는 소리 다 들었잖아)

Dwight  : That's not his fault. He had to follow his heart.




Dwight : Ever since Michael dumped Jan for Carol, Jan's been bitching out on him. (지점장님이 Carol 때문에 Jan을 차버린 후로 Jan이 지점장님을 못 잡아먹어서 안달이에요) Reject a woman and she will never let it go. (차인 여자는 절대 남자를 잊지 못하잖아요) One of the many defects of their kind. (실연당한 여자들의 특징이죠) Also, weak arms. (또 한번 약점을 보여주는거죠)




Angela : Dwight, you should be running this office.

Dwight : Michael would never let me. (지점장님이 나에게 그 자리를 줄 리가 없어)

Angela : It's not up to Michael. (지점장님 권한이 아니야) It's Jan's call. Talk to her.

Dwight : I could never do that.

Angela : Fine, sit back and do nothing and let us all get fired. (좋아, 그럼 방관만 하다가 우리 모두 해고되라지)






Angela : I know that patience and loyalty are good and virtuous traits. (저도 인내심과 충성심 또 존중이 좋다는 것은 알아요) But sometimes I just think you need to grow a pair. (하지만 둘이 힘을 합쳐야 할 때도 있다는 거에요)




Jim : At the Stanford branch, they all play this World War II video game called Call of Duty And they're all really into it. I'm told it started as a team building exercise. (제가 먼저 운동겸 하는게 어떠냐고 제안했었죠) Unfortunately, I really suck at it. (불행히도 제 실력은 엿같지만요) We didn't play many video games in Scranton. Instead, we'd do stuff like.. Uh, Pam and I would sometimes hum the same high pitched note. (대신에 Pam하고 전 일부러 고음의 잡음을 만들어서) And try to get Dwight to make an appointmeny with an ear doctor. And Pam called it.. Pretendinitis. (삽질염)




Pam : Hey, Kelly, my stuff just got here. (물건이 도착했어)




Pam : Kelly really likes to online shop. So I felt like I wanted some new clothes. (그래서 저도 새로운 스타일의 옷을 사고 싶었어요) I mean, I just.. I wanted to.. I felt like it was time to maybe, um.. just get new clothes.




Pam : Okay.

Kelly : I love it.

Pam : Really? I don't know.

Kelly : Now, you haven't even tried it on yet. Try it on.

Pam : Not at work. I'll try it on

Kelly : Fashion show! Fashion show! Fashion show at lunch!

Pam : No.

Kelly : Fashion show! Fashion show! Fashion show at lunch! Fashion show! Fashion show! Fashion show at lunch!




Andy : Why did you do that? (왜 그런거야?)

Jim : I'm just killing Germans any way I can. (그냥 독일팀 죽인건데 왜요?)

Andy : We're on the German team. Shoot the British.

Jim : Wait, are we playing teams? (팀플레이야?)

? : Yeah.




Jan : Hello?

Dwight : Is this Jan?

Jan : Who is this?

Dwight : This is Dwight Schrute. I am calling about an extremely sensitive matter. (아주 민감한 사항 때문에 전화드렸습니다)

Jan : You should talk to Michael and he'll talk to me and that way we don't have to speak to each other. / D : It's about Michael.

Jan : What about him?

Dwight : I can't talk here. It's too sensitive.

Jan : It's not about a surprise party, is it?

Dwight : No, but we should discuss that another time. (하지만 만나셔 이야기 할 사항이에요)

Jan : Look, I'm already an hour outside of Scranton, Dwight. I am not coming back.

Dwight : Pull over at exit 40. (40번 국도 옆) There is a Liz Claiborne outlet. I know you like that store. Go inside and shop until I can meet you.

Jan : How do you know I like that store?

Dwight : Many of your blouses are Claibornes.

Jan : How do you know that?

Dwight : It's part of my job.

Jan : No, it's not. It's officially not. (그런 업무 주문한 적 없어요)

Dwight : Noted. (알겠습니다)




Dwight : I'm going to the dentist.

Micheal : Okay.

Dwight : I have to have an emergency crown put in. (치관 치료가 급해서요)

Micheal : Ouchy. (이런)

Dwight : Yes. It's a new dentist. He's far. I might be gone three hours.

Micheal : Three hours, wow. Have fun.




Dwight : Did you get anything good? (좋은 물건이라도 건졌어요?)

Jan : Yeah.

Dwight : New blouse? Halter top? Camisole? Teddy?




Dwight : I could save the branch.

Jan : Really.

Dwight : If you let me run it.

Jan : Okay.

Dwight : Okay, I can run it?

Jan : What would you do differently? (당신이 지점장이 되면 뭐가 달라지죠?)

Dwight : Mostly get rid of waste. (허튼짓을 안하죠) Which is half the people there. And clean house. (농땡이치는 직원들을 정리하면 완벽한 지점이 될 겁니다) Right here. It's all for me. (저 주세요 제가 주문한거에요) Thank you.

Jan : Dwight, you just feel strongly to speak with me this way behind Michael's back. (굉장히 당당하게 자신의 의견을 밝히네요. Michael 뒤통수 치면서 말이에요) And turn on so many of your co-workers. (또 동료직원들도 배신하는거 아닌가요?)

Dwight : The decision to turn on Michael was difficult. (지점장님의 생각을 바꾸기가 어렵긴 하죠) But once I did it, I didn't look back. (그리고 동료를 배신했던 적도 있지만 후회하진 않았죠) And mostly I feel that Michael would approve. (그리고 지점장님도 제 생각에 동의하실겁니다) It's really what's best for the branch. And I could care less about my co-workers. (또한 동료 직원들이 안심하고 직장을 다닐 수 있겠죠) So, here we are. (그래서 제가 왔잖습니까) It's all on the table. I want the branch. And I await your decision. Oh, by the way.. There's a new Ann Taylor outlet store near here. I know you like their earrings. (거기 귀걸이)

Jan : Where is it?




Jan : Michael.

Micheal : Hi.

Jan : I've had a very interesting conversation with one of your employees.

Micheal : Oh, that's nice.

Jan : No, it wasn't. Dwight just told me that he thinks he can run the branch better than you.

Micheal : What? You were at the dentist?

Jan : You can't have people undermining you. (직원들이 당신을 만만하게 보는거 같네요) Get control of your branch immediately.




Micheal : What was Dwight thinking? That he could turn Jan against me? (어떻게 Jan한테 가서 그러냐고요) She's my ex-lover.. ishh.




Kelly : It's so sexy. You look so hot.

Phylis : It's really something. (잘 골랐다)

Pam : It's too much.

Kelly : What?

Pam : I'm gonna return it.

Kelly : No, you have to keep it today. Just see how you feel. (그럼 생각이 바뀔거야)

Roy : Hey.

Pam : Hi.

Roy : You look nice.

Pam : Thanks.

Kelly : Isn't that, like, your third soda today? (하루에 3번이나 소다를 마셔요?)



Jim : Yeah, I think we can be a big help to your company. (그 회사측에 아주 큰 도움이 될겁니다) Okay, see you next week. Bye. Again?

? : Scared? (겁나?)




? : Call of Duty!




Josh : Andy, Jim, can I see you in the conference room for a minute?

Andy : Now?

Josh : Yes, now. Put the game on hold, everyone.




Josh : This is not working, okay? We are getting slaughtered out there. (우린 지금 대량학살을 해야 한다고)

Andy : It's the new guy. (새 직원 때문에요)

Jim : Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know.. what we're talking about.

Andy : See what I mean? (보셨죠?)

Josh : We just need a strategy, okay? We're gonna set up a trap in the gun room. All right, Jim, are you using the MP-40 or the 44?

Jim : Sniper rifle?

Josh : Snipe-- What? Jim! Jim! in Carrington...

Andy : Are you playing for the other team?

Josh : You don't snipe in Carrington, okay?

Andy : The saboteur! (배신자) Saboteur! I'm gonna kill you for real. This game- The game is over. I'm really going to shoot you.




Micheal : Hey, Dwight..

Dwight : Hey.

Micheal : You want an m&m? (m&m 먹을래?)

Dwight : No, thanks, I'm stuffed.

Micheal : No, seriously. (아냐, 먹어봐) You should have an m&m. They're really good.

Dwight : Okay.

Micheal : Good, huh?

Dwight : So good.

Micheal : Hey, I thought you weren't supposed to eat anything for a couple of hours after you've had a crown put in.

Dwight : They have this new kind of quick drying bonding. (신약인데 아주 빨리 굳더라구요) So..

Micheal : Sounds like a good dentist.

Dwight : Oh, yeah.

Micheal : What's his name?

Dwight : Crentist.

Micheal : Your dentist's name is Crentist.

Dwight : Yeah.

Micheal : Sounds a lot like dentist. (이름이 치과의사랑 비슷하네)

Dwight : Maybe that's why he became a dentist.

Micheal : Let me see your teeth. Let me see 'em. You should floss. (치실 좀 사용해)

Dwight : I know.

Micheal : Well then. I'm glad you're okay.




Micheal : Business is like a jungle. And I am like a tiger. And Dwight is like a monkey.. that stabs a tiger in the back with a stick. (호랑이의 뒤를 찌르는) Does the tiger fire the monkey? Does the tiger transfer the monkey to another branch? Pun. (웃기죠) There is no way of knowing what goes on inside the tiger's head. (그 어떤 방법으로도 호랑이가 무슨 생각을 하는지 알 수 없습니다) We don't have the technology.




Micheal : Dwight, can I talk to you for a second?





Micheal : Wow, this is tough! (정말 힘들다)

Dwight : What? What is it?

Micheal : Well.. I just got off the phone with Jan. (방금 Jan 전화를 받았는데) And, um.. She demoted me. (날 강등시키겠대)

Dwight : No.

Micheal : Yeah. You know what the craziestpart of this is? (내가 미쳤다고 이런 소리하겠나?) She demoted me to your job. And she said that you should be expecting a call later from corporate. And that, um.. I guess that means that you are going to be acting manager of Dunder-Mifflin Scranton.

Dwight : I can't believe this news. That.. wow.

Micheal : Yeah. I told her I didn't know whether you'd wanna do it. (Dwight가 지점장 자리를 원할지 모르겠네요) Because you've always been so loyal to me. You've been my most trusted ally.

Dwight : You said that?

Micheal : Yep, I did. I did. But I think.. you should do it.

Dwight : Gosh, if you think I should. Then I will.

Micheal : Perfect. Well, we're settled. (이제 된거야)

Dwight : All right.

Micheal : All right. Well, then you are now acting manager of Dunder-Mifflin Scranton branch. And I am assistant regional manager.

Dwight : Assistant to the regional manager. Thank you, Michael, for staying on. (내가 이 자리까지 온건) I really appreciate it. Hey, hey. I can't imagine this place without you.

Micheal : Can you? (정말?) That's so nice. Well, um.. I guess we should go tell the troops.

Dwight : Yeah, when I'm ready, (아직 준비가 안됐어) Mike. Okay, let's do it.




Micheal : Hey. Hi, hello. Everybody, I have some good news. And I have some bad news. I am being replaced as your leader by Dwight.

Phylis : You're kidding.

Micheal : You might think that I am kidding and I understand that.

Angela : Congratulations, Dwight.

Dwight : Thank you, Angela.

Stanley : But why Dwight?

Micheal : Because Dwight never lies.

Stanley : How does that qualify him to run a branch? (정말 Dwight가 지점장으로서 자격이 충분하나요?)

Micheal : Because that's all it takes. (충분하고도 남지) Okay, Dwight, would you like to say a few words to everybody about loyalty?

Dwight : Thank you, Michael. I just wanna say to the few of you who will remain under my employ, that I intend to lead you into the black with ferocity. (앞으로 내 직원이 될 사람들에게 이 말을 해주고 싶어 혹독의 어둠 속에서 자네들을 리드하겠네)

Phylis : Michael, what will you do? (당신은 어떻게 되나요?)

Micheal : Oh, I'll be fine.

Kevin : Do you have any savings? (그만두나요?)

Micheal : No, no, I don't.

Kevin : Michael, you might lose your condo.

Micheal : I won't. I won't.




Pam : I have this little vacuum cleaner that's broken. (집에 작은 진공청소기가 있는데 고장났어요) If Dwight doesn't work out, maybe that could be manager. (Dwight는 근무시간에 놀고 먹었는데 그거 때문에 지점장이 됐나봐요)




Phylis : Maybe I'll quit.




Angela : It's really happening.

Dwight : Yes.

Angela : We can make a difference here.

Dwight : I will make a difference here.

Angela : You alone? 'Cause I thought together..

Dwight : Oh, please, don't be naive. (순진한 척하지마) You can be in charge of the women. (꿈을 크게 가져봐)




? : Look how cute he is. (얼마나 귀여운지 몰라요And he's trying to shoot with a smoke grenade. (연막탄에 갇혀서도 쏘려고 버둥대는 모습 좀 보세요)

Jim : I'm sorry, what are you whispering back there?

? : Nothing, you just concentrate on turning around.

Jim : I'm trying. I just...

? : Just tap S then D. (S를 누른 다음 D를 눌러봐) Any last words? (마지막 남길 말이라도?) No?

Jim : What? Psychopath.




Pam : What?

Creed : I'm just looking.

Pam : Please go back to your desk.

Creed : In a minute. (잠시만)




Pam : Well, I remember why I dress the way I do at work. (왜 제가 평소에 꾸미지 않고 옷을 입었는지 알겠네요) But I'm gonna keep the clothes. (하지만 옷은 간직할래요) I mean, it'll just be cool to have some after work clothes that aren't pajamas.(그냥 퇴근후에 입기엔 좋을 거 같아서요)




Micheal : Well, I guess it's time.. that I turn over the keys to the famous Sebring. (이제는 차키를 돌려줘야 하겠네 훌륭한 차지)

Dwight : No, thank you.

Micheal : It's a corporate lease. (회사에서 제공하는 거야) Dwight, You've earned it. (자네거야)

Dwight : No, thanks.
Micheal : What?

Dwight : Not my style.

Micheal : But you said you liked it. You've always admired it. (항상 부러워했잖아)

Dwight : That was before. I’m thinking about getting something German something with decent gas mileage Plus the convertible is a ridiculous choice for this climate. (자네차는 말야 가스는 좀 덜 먹어야지 개조는 왜 한건지 여기에서 타는데 최악의 선택이 아닐 수 없어)

Micheal : Take it back. (당장 나와)

Dwight : No.

Micheal : That's my car. (내 자리야)

Dwight : What did you..

Micheal : That's my car!

Dwight : Yes.

Micheal : I know, Dwight. I know. I know. I know.

Dwight : You know what?

Micheal : Jan called me about your little meeting!

Dwight : No.

Micheal : I know what you did. I made the whole thing up, Dwight. (내가 한번 떠본거였어)

Dwight : The Sebring's cool.

Micheal : Oh, do you? Do you like the Sebring? How dare you! (감히 네가!) How dare you, Dwight?

Dwight : Don't fire me, please

Micheal : Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fire you right here on the spot. (당장)

Dwight : I have excellent sales numbers!

Micheal : Not good enough!

Dwight : I'll do anything! Anything! Please, I'll do your laundry for a month! For a year! Michael!

Micheal : I have a laundry machine.

Dwight : I'm sorry. I'll do anything. Please. Please.

Micheal : I don't know if I can trust you anymore.

Dwight : You can't. You can't But I promise I'll never betray you again. What can I do, Michael? What can I do?

Micheal : You can get up. Get up. And you can hug it out, bitch. (한 번 안고 풀자, 개놈아)




Micheal : Hug it out, bitch. That is what men say to each other after a fight. They hug it out. And in doing so, they just let it go. (아무일 없었듯이 잊는거에요) And walk away. (그리고 자리를 뜨면) Then they're done. (끝나는겁니다) Not a good idea to say that to a woman, however.. (여자들한테 추천하고 싶은 방법은 아니지만) I have found. (제가 만든겁니다) Doesn't translate. (말 그대로 풀려고 하진 마세요)




Micheal : Yep, we huged it out. But, it turns out I was still a little angry. (근데 생각해보니 좀 억울하더군요) So I felt I needed to punish him just a little bit more And I make him do my laundry for a year. (그래서 Dwight한테 약한 벌을 좀 주고)



