The offfice 시즌3 - 3x01
The Office US 3x01
"Gay Witch Hunt"
Ryan : Yeah, I'm not a temp anymore. I got Jim's, uh, old job. Which means, at my ten-year high school reunion, (그래서 고등학교 동창회를 나가면 친구들이) it will not say, "Ryan Howard is a temp." it will say, "Ryan Howard is a junior sales associate at a mid-range paper supply firm." (제지회사의 신입영업사원이래 라고 하겠죠) That'll show'em. (그거로 된거죠)
Jim : You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. (넌 내가 이날을 얼마나 기다렸는지 모를거야)
Pam : Me too. I think we're just drunk.
Jim : No, I'm not drunk. Are you drunk?
Pam : No. Jim.
Jim : You're really gonna marry him? Okay.
Dwight : Jim is gone. He's gone. I miss him so much. Oh, I cry myself to sleep. Jim? (매일 울다지쳐 잠들어요) False. I do not miss him.
Micheal : No, that is the fun of this place. I call everybody "faggy." (난 모두를 호모라고 불러) Why would anyone find that offensive? (왜 그말이 불쾌한거지?)
Tobby : Okay, I think Oscar would just like if you used "lame" or something like that. (농담을 할거라면 차라리 못난이라고 하지 그랬어요)
Micheal : That's what "faggy" means.
Tobby : No, not really. Apparently, you called Oscar faggy.
Micheal : Yeah.
Tobby : For liking the move "Shakespeare in Love" more than an action movie. (또 액션영화보다 “Shakespeare in Love를 더 좋아할거라고 했다던데요)
Micheal : It wasn't just an action move, it was "Die Hard." (그냥 액션영화가 아니라 Die Hard라고 했어)
Tobby : All, all right, Michael, but Oscar's really gay. Exactly. / Tobby : I mean for real.
Micheal : Yeah, I know.
Tobby : No, he's attracted to other men. (Oscar는 남성에게 감정을 느낀다구요)
Micheal : Okay, little too far. (도가 지나쳤어) Crossed the line. (선을 넘었어)
Tobby : Okay, I am telling you, (다시 말씀드리지만) Oscar is an actual homosexual. Yeah, he told me this morning. And obviously he hopes he can count on your discretion. (Oscar에게 그렇게 말하면 그는 불쾌하단 말입니다)
Micheal : I would've never called him that if I knew. (제가 진작 알았다면 Oscar를 그렇게 부르진 않겠죠) You don't.. you don't call retarded people retards. (저능아에게 저능하다고 할 순 없잖습니까)
It's bad taste. (불쾌하겠죠) You call your friends retards when they're acting retarded. And I consider Oscar a friend.
Micheal : Listen man, I am so sorry. I had no idea. (생각도 못했어)
Oscar : Oh, it's fine.
Micheal : No.
Oscar : It's okay, it's okay.
Micheal : No, it's not. I just- I feel terrible about it. I.. I have been calling people faggy since I was in junior high, (난 어릴대부터 친구들을 호모라고 부르며 놀곤 했어) and I have never made this mistake. If I don't know how to behave, it is because I am just so far the opposite way. (그 때의 내 행동은 많이 지나쳤었지) You know? I'm just- I-I can't even imagine- the.. thing. Maybe we could go out for a beer sometime, and you could tell me.. how you do that to another dude. (자네 이상형에 대해 이야기도 하고 말야)
Oscar : That sounds like a great, a wonderful idea. Let's do that.
Angela : It explains so much. (말들이 많았죠)
Oscar : No, I'm not gay. And I don't understand why anyone would think that I'm gay if.. Yeah, I'm gay.
Jim : I can't say whether Dunder Mifflin paper is less flammable, sir, but I can assure you that it is certainly not more flammable (저희 종이가 잘 타지 않는다고 말씀드릴수는 없지만 더 이상 타지 않을거라고는 장담할 수 있습니다)
Jim : Why did I transfer to Stamford? I.. think that's pretty obvious. (이유야 뻔하잖아요) I got promoted. And you can't beat that view. Right? (당연한 결과 아닌가요?)
Andy : Hey, Big Tuna. You're single, right?
Jim : Mm-hmm. Yeah, I am.
Andy : Pretty hot, huh? (섹시하지 않아?) She's completely crazy. (완전 싸이코야) Steer clear, Big Tuna. (상대도 하지마) Head for open waters. (가까이하면 다쳐)
Jim : Okay.
Andy : Okay.
Jim : I ate a tuna sandwich on my first day.. so Andy started calling me Big Tuna. I don't think any of them actually know my real name. (여기 동료들 중에는 아무도 제 이름을 모르는 듯 해요)
Andy : Big Tuna is a super ambitious guy, you know? Cut-your-throat-to-get-ahead type of guy. (겁이 없어보이는 그런 타입) But, I mean, I'm not threatened by him. (제 앞에선 꼼짝도 못할거에요) I went to Cornell. (전 Cornell 대학을 졸업했죠) You ever heard of it? I graduated in four years, I never studied once, (대학생활 4년동안 책은 가까이 하지 않았어요) I was drunk the whole time, and I sang in the acapella group, "Here comes Treble." (Treble이 오고있네)
Josh : So, end of day, we are going to have a little diversity policy freshener, because of some more problems at the Scranton branch. (오늘 퇴근 전 새로운 방침에 대해 설명드릴겁니다 Scranton 지점에서 일을 잘 처리하지 못했기 때문에) And I have a list of business startups I got from the Chamber. (또 본사에서 신생기업의 목록을 보내왔어요) Yes, I am going to need someone to cold call them. (누군가가 Dunder Mifflin의 계약 권유전화를 해줘야겠어요)
Jim : Oh, I can do that.
? : Jim's nice enough (Jim은 괜찮은 사람이에요) I don't-I don't know how well he's fitting in here. (하지만 이 지점에 잘 적응할 수 있을지 모르겠네요) He's always looking at the camera like this. What is that?
Micheal : Can you tell who's gay and who's not? (누가 게이인지 구분할 수 있나?)
Dwight : Of course.
Micheal : What about Oscar?
Dwight : Absolutely not.
Micheal : Well, he is. (글 쎄, 그렇던데)
Dwight : Well, he's not dressed in women's clothes, so..
Micheal : There could be others. (분명 또 있을거야) I need to know. I don't want to offend anybody else.
Dwight : You could assume everyone is, and not say anything offensive. (모두에게 대놓고 하더라도 불쾌하지 않게 할 방법이 있어요)
Micheal : Yeah. I'm sure everyone would appreciate me treating them like they were gay. (동성애가 있다면 다른 직원들이 모르도록 알아봐야지) Hey, what about Angela? She's hard and severe. She could be a gay woman.
Dwight : I really don't think so.
Micheal : I don't know. I can imagine her with another woman. Can't you? (자네는?) Do some research. (연구해보라고) Find out if there's a way to tell by just looking at'em.
Dwight : Jim told me you could by gaydar online.
Micheal : That's ridiculous. (말도 안돼)
Dwight : Yeah, probably. (그럴수도 있죠) He didn't tell the truth a lot.
Micheal : Let's call him and get the website.
Dwight : Definitely.
J : What's gaydar? Oh, oh, gaydar, yes? No, uh, I think they have it at Sharper Image. (근데 그 사람들이 사기꾼일지도 몰라서요) Oh, you know what? I can check for you. No problem. It's sold out. Yeah, sorry about that. That's a bummer. (구할 수 있으면 좋을텐데)
Micheal : Well, they're sold out.
Dwight : Damn. I'll try Brookstone.
Jim : I miss that. (그립네요)
Roy : Chicken or fish?
Pam : chicken.
Roy : So, you, uh, having a good day?
Pam : Excellent. Thanks.
Roy : Good. I'm glad. Okay.
Pam : Yeah, I didn't go through with the wedding. (파혼하게 됐어요) I got cold feet a few days before, (며칠전부터 겁이 나더라구요) and.. I can't really explain it. I just had to get out of that relationship. (그냥 빨리 관계를 정리하고 싶어요) We still had to pay for all the food. (근데 아직가지 계속 점심값을 같이 지불해요) So we froze it. (그래서 좀 서먹서먹해요) But I'm.. I'm doing well. (하지만 노력하고 있어요) I have my own apartment, and I'm taking art classes, and I have lunch for the next five weeks. (앞으로 5주동안 점심값을 같이 지불해야 하지만요)
Roy : After Pam dumped me, I, um.. I kind of stopped taking care of myself for a while there, and, uh.. I hit bottom when, uh.. I had a drunk driving arrest. (한동안 꼴이 말이 아니었죠. 그래서 음주운전으로 체포됐었죠) I've been working out, and, um.. you know, (잘해보려고 했었기도 했지만) I'm not gonna take her for granted. (전 Pam을 그냥 놓아주지 않을거에요) I gotta win her back. (다시 제 여자로 만들거에요)
Stanley : I got them a toaster. (그 둘로부터 토스터기를 받았죠) They called off the wedding and gave the toaster back to me. I tried to return the toaster to the store, and they said they no longer sold that kind of toaster. So now my house has got two toasters.
Kelly : It is so cool that you're gay. I totally underestimated you. (그동안 과소평가해왔거든요)
Oscar : Yes, I am super cool. I am an accountant at a failing paper supply company. (망해가고 있는 제지회사) In Scranton. Much like, uh, Sir Ian McKellen.
Angela : Sure, sometimes I watch "Will & Grace." And I want to throw up. (토할 것 같았죠) It's terribly loud. (진짜 역겹더라구요) I do like it sometimes, when Harry Connick Jr. is on. (가끔은 봐줄만 하더라구요. Harry Connick 주니어가 나올 때요) He's so talented.
Andy : Okay. Who put my calculator is Jell-O? Good one. (재밌네) But, uh, seriously. Guys, who did this? Seriously, guys. Who did this? I need to know who put my calculator in Jell-O or I'm gonna lose.. my freakin'mind? (아니면 내가 이 지랄을 하던지!)
Jan : You know, it- it's amazing to me that in this day and age, you could be so.. obtuse.. a-about sexual orientation? (오늘 일어난 일들이 놀랍기만 하네요 양성에.. 관한 오리엔테이션을 하겠다고요?)
Micheal : I watch "The L Word," Okay?
Jan : Good, good.
Micheal : I watch "Queer as [beep]."
Jan : That's not what it's called. (그렇게 막 말하면 안돼요)
Tobby : So.. Okay, Michael, are you aware that you outed Oscar today? (오늘 Oscar에게 모욕을 준거죠?)
Micheal : What? What does that even.. (그게 무슨 말 같잖은..)
Jan : Coming out is a significant moment for a gay person. (커밍아웃은 게이들에겐 아주 중요한 일이에요) And they should be allowed to select the timing and manner of announcing it.
Micheal : Well, gay pride, right? Gay pride parade? (게이의 자존심 뽐내기죠?) It's not like.. Gay Shame Festival.
Tobby : All right, now Oscar's feeling discriminated against by his coworkers, primarily Angela, and, um.. that's your fault. (Oscar는 동료들에게 차별당하고 있다고 느낄거에요 Angela가 시초지만, 그래도 지점장님 탓이죠)
Micheal : I think Angela might be gay. Could Oscar and Angela be having a gay affair? (서로 힘이 되지 않을까요?)
Jan : No.
Micheal : Maybe. Is that what this is about? (아마 그렇게 될 수도 있을거에요)
Jan : No.
Micheal : I don't. (될 수 있어요)
Jan : No. It's not possible.
Micheal : Anything's possible. (불가능은 없어요)
Jan : Okay, you know, imagine.. you were gay.
Micheal : Well, I'm not gay, Jan, and you should know that better than anybody. (당신이 더 잘 알텐데요)
Jan : Michael? Your immaturity is extremely disappointing and may even lead to a lawsuit, which is the absolute last thing this company needs right now, (당신의 생각없는 행동에 실망이 아주 커요. 소송으로까지 번질 수 있다구요. 다시 이문제로 지점을 오고가고 싶지 않네요) Do you understand?
Micheal : I know.
Micheal : The company has made it my responsibility today to put an end to 100,000 years of being weirded out by gays. (본사에서 저에게 책임을 물었고 제가 오랫동안 게이를 차별해 왔다는 듯이 취급하더군요)
Oscar : Am I the first gay man you ever knew? (제가 지점장님이 아는 유일한 게이인가요?)
Micheal : Trick question. (곤란한 질문이군) Because you can't always tell, so how would I know? (자네가 말을 해주지 않았는데 내가 어찌 알았겠나?) Was that the right answer? (내가 제대로 된 대답을 준건가?) Yep?
Pam : Michael, Dwight's looking at gay pornography on his computer.
Dwight : Uh, Michael knows, Pam. Okay, he asked me to do this just for him. He has his own reasons.
Micheal : Okay. Nothing wrong with this stuff. (아무 문제 없어) At all. (좋아) This is fine. You know what? Gay porn, straight porn, it's all good. I don't particularly get into this, (특별히 별다른게 없어) but, uh.. You know what? I totally see the merit. (장점은 있어) And, actually.. It is quite beautiful.
Dwight : Oh, damn popups. (망할 광고창들)
Oscar : What are you doing?
Angela : Watching some of your friends.
Oscar : This is stupid. Excuse me.
Angela : Don't touch me. Help? Ow.
Dwight : Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Micheal : Stop it? All right, everybody in the conference room. I don't care if you are gay or straight or a lesbian, or overweight. (난 신경 안써!) Just get in here! Right now!
Micheal : Did you know that "gay" used to mean "happy"? When I was growing up, it meant "lame." (내가 어린시절엔 못난이란 의미였지) And now it means a man who makes love to other men. We're all homos. Homo sapiens. Gays aren't necessarily who you think they are, people. (게이들은 자신들이 원해서 게이가 된게 아니지) I mean, anybody can be gay. Businessmen. Like antique dealers, (골동품상) or hairdressers, or.. accountants. Oscar, why don't you take this opportunity to officially come out to everybody here, however you want to do it. Go ahead. Stand up. I'm doing this for you.
Oscar : Yes, I'm gay. And.. I didn't plan on sharing that part of my life with you today, so.. Whatever. Can I sit down now?
Creed : I am not offended by homosexuality. (전 동성애에 대해 부정적인 생각은 없습니다) In the 60s, I made love to many, many women. Often outdoors. In the mud and the rain. And it's possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing. (게이라는 말을 아무도 입 밖에 내지 않아 게이의 존재조차 몰랐었죠)
Micheal : Who, should be the judges and juries of our society?
Angela : Judges and juries.
Micheal : Yes, that's a good point. She has a good point. Because gay marriage, currently, is not legal under U.S. law. I bet a lot of straight men wished that applied to them. So they could go out there and have some torrid, unabashed, monkey sex. (또 그들은 자신들의 사랑을 당당히 표현하고 싶어하지) As much as they could. (능력이 되는데까지 하겠지) You know, that sounds pretty good, right? / Kevin : That sounds great .
Micheal : Yeah, Dwight?
Dwight : I think all the other office gays should identify themselves, or I will do it for them. (사무실에 또 다른 동성애자가 있다면 지금 밝히는 것이 좋다고 생각합니다 아니면 제가 말씀드리죠)
Oscar : No one else in this office is gay.
Dwight : What about Phyllis?
Phylis : She makes absolutely no attempt to be feminine. (항상 여성스럽게 굴려고 안간힘을 쓴다고)
Phylis : I'm getting married to Bob Vance.
Everyone : You are? Congratulations?
Pam : When did you get that?!
Micheal : That's great. Congratulations, Phyllis. That is great. And frankly, kind of amazing. (정말 놀라워) See? Everybody has a chance.
Phylis : Thank you.
Micheal : But still, Phyllis.. In college, did you ever experiment with other women? (대학시절에 다른 여성에게 매력을 느낀 경험이 있나?) A lot of women do.
Phylis : No, and you know me in high school. Of course, we all thought you were gay in high school.
Micheal : Yeah, right. Ha, ha? And I take that as a compliment. (농담이라고 생각하겠네)
Phylis : Well, with your ties and your matching socks..
Micheal : Well, I just liked to look good, okay, so-
Oscar : You sound pretty defensive, Michael.
Micheal : No, I am just coming out myself. I am coming out hetero.
Oscar : I think the problem with this office is that YOU are sending mixed signals about my being here. (오늘 지점장님이 보여주셨던 모든 행동들이 전부 제게 모욕감을 심어주려고 하는 거 같네요)
Micheal : No, no, no. The only signal that I am sending is, "Gay good." Look, if I was gay, I would be the most flamboyant gay you've ever seen. (내가 게이였다면 말이지 아마 자네들이 본 게이중 가장 휘황찬란한 게이였을거야) I would be leading the parade covered in feathers, and jus.. I'd be waving that rainbow flag. (앞에서 퍼레이드를 이끌며 깃털장식이 덮여 있는 옷을 입고 그저 무지개깃발을 휘날리고 있겠지)
Oscar : I don't think I can work here any longer. This has been the worst, most backwards day of my life.
Micheal : You misunderstand-okay. All right. You know what? Okay. Okay. I, uh.. I'm gonna put my money where my mouth is. (난 입에 돈을 넣는다고 생각하겠어) You ready?
Oscar : What are you doing?
Micheal : I am going to embrace Oscar. (난 이제 Oscar를 안을거라네) You might want to watch this, Angela, because you can't catch anything. (자네 때문에 이렇게 되었으니까) Here we go.
Oscar : No.
Micheal : We are going to make a statement. (우리가 행동으로 보여주겠어) You and I are going to make a statement together. Oscar is my friend.
Oscar : I'd rather not. (안하는게 좋겠어요)
Micheal : And I just don't care who sees it. (보던 말던 상관하지 않겠어)
Oscar : I..
Micheal : Doesn't bother me. (나 말리지마)
Oscar : I really would- would-I'd really rather not.
Micheal : Come here, friend. You're my friend.
Oscar : No, NO? I don't want to touch you? Ever consider that? You're ignorant. (생각이 있으세요? 해도 너무하시네요) And insulting. And small. (무례하고 유치해요)
Micheal : Okay. All right.
Oscar : I'm sorry, Michael. Michael. I'm sorry. That was a good idea. Come on. Come on. All right.
Micheal : I'm sorry I called you "faggy."
Oscar : I know, I know.
Micheal : You're not faggy.
Oscar : I know you are.
Micheal : You're a good guy.
Oscar : You too.
Dwight : Michael appears to be gay too. (지점장님도 게이일지 몰라요) And yet, he is my friend. I guess I do have a gay friend. (아마도 게이친구가 생길 것 같네요)
Micheal : You know what? I'm gonna raise the stakes. (내가 먼저 하겠네)
Oscar : You don't.. really don't..
Micheal : I want you to watch this. And I want you to burn this into your brains. (그리고 뇌리에서 이 기억을 싹 지웠으면 하네)
Oscar : I don't think we need to-
Micheal : Because this is an image that I want you people to remember. For a long time to come. Whenever you come into the office, I want you to think about this.
Oscar : We don't need to-
Micheal : Yes, we do. (해야 돼)
Oscar : What?
Micheal : I did it. Thank you. Thank you. See? I'm still here. (난 여전히 그대로라네) We're all still here. Oh, come one, Dwight? Come on, man?
Micheal : We're not in the playground anymore. (더이상 이런 일은 없을겁니다) There are new rules. We have to be mature, but we can't lose the spirit of childlike wonder. (생각있는 행동을 할겁니다 하지만 어린아이의 유치함을 잃지는 않을겁니다) What is love, anyway? Maybe it's suppose to break all the rules. Like me and Jan. Or Oscar and some guy. Life is short. When two people find each other.. what should stand in their way? (두 사람이 서로를 알아가는 과정에서 무엇이 문제가 될까요?)
? : It is very easy for you to be a hero. All you need are honesty, empathy, respect, and open-mindedness.
Micheal : I'm glad today spurred social change. (저는 오늘 사회적인 문제에 박차를 가해 기쁩니다) That's part of my job as regional manager. But you know what, even if it didn't, at least we put this matter to bed. (제가 안했더라도 언젠가 시도했을거에요. 우리가 안고 있는 문제이기 때문이죠) That's what she said. Or he said. Oh, there's Gil, Oscar's roommate. I wonder if he knows.
Oscar : I was going to quit, (일을 관두려고 했는데) but Jan offered me a three month paid vacation and a company car. All I had to do was sign something saying I won't sue. (제가 해야할 일은 오직 회사를 소송하지 않겠다는 종이에 서명을 하는 것뿐이었죠) Gil and I are going to Europe. Kids, sometimes it pays to be gay. (얘들아, 너희들도 게이가 될 수 있단다)
Dwight : "Hope this helps, Jim." (도움이 되길) Nice.
Oscar : What are you doing?
Dwight : Don't be scared. It works. Heh. Oh no.
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