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[미드대본] The Office 시즌1 ep.3. Health Care.

by 럭키피플 2024. 4. 12.

 The Office 시즌1 ep.1. Pilot. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.2. Diversity Day. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.3. Health Care. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.4. The Alliance. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.5. Basketball. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.6. Hot Girl. 대본



The Office [US]

1x03 Health Care








Micheal : Pam. Pamela. Pam-elama-ding-dong. Making copies. (복사하시는군요)

Pam : I'm not making any copies.

Micheal : Let's go. Messages. Stat. (연락온거 어서) Lots to do, lots to do. (할 일 많다고) Information superhighway. (초고속 정보망)

Pam : Nothing new. (새로운 거 없어요)

Micheal : Lay them on moi. What? (말씀해 주시게나. ?)

Pam : There's nothing new.

Micheal : That's not what you said earlier. (아까 한 말이랑 다르잖아)

Pam : Oh, do you want me to repeat the messages that I gave you before for the...




Micheal : The most sacred thing I do is care and provide for my workers, my family. (제가 가장 신성시 하는 것은 제 직원을 보살피고 부양하는 것입니다. 제 가족이요) I give them money. I give them food. Not directly, but through the money. I heal them. Today, I am in charge of picking a great new health care plan. Right? (오늘 제 업무는 새로운 건강보험상품을 고르는 일입니다.) That's what this is all about. (제 말이 바로 이겁니다.) Does that make me their doctor? Um... (이러면 제가 직원들의 의사가 되는걸까요?) Yes, in a way. (, 어떤 면에서는..) Yeah, like a specialist.




Jan : So, which health plan have you decided on? (그래서 어떤 보험상품으로 결정하셨나요?)

Micheal : I am going to go with the best, Jan. (제일 좋은 것으로 할겁니다, ) I am going to go with the one with the acupuncture, therapeutic message, you know, the works. (제가 선택할 상품은 침술요법과 마사지 치료가 들어있는 겁니다, 우리 일이 어떤건지 아시잖아요)

Jan : Wait, acupuncture? None of the plans have acupuncture. Have you looked at them closely Michael? (자세히 읽어보신거 맞나요, 마이클?)

Micheal : I think it was you who didn't look closely enough at the Gold Plan. (제 생각엔 골드플랜을 충분히 읽어보지 않은 쪽은 당신 같은데요)

Jan : The Gold Plan? I'm not even on that plan. (전 그런 상품은 취급 안하는데요)

Micheal : Well, I'd recommend it. It's very good. You gotta crack these things open. (한 번 훑어보세요)

Jan : You know the whole reason that we're doing this, is to save money. So you just need to pick a provider and choose the cheapest plan. (그러니까 그냥 업체 하나를 고른 다음 그 중에서 제일 싼 상품으로 결정하세요)

Micheal : Well, that is kind of a tough assignment. Um... (글쎄요, 그건 좀 어려운 임무군요) It won't be popular decision around the old office. (우리 소굴에서는 별로 환영받지 못할텐데)

Jan : It's your job. So... (당신이 할 일이에요.)

Micheal : Well, it's a suicide mission, you know. (죽을 각오 하라는 건가요)

Jan : Michael.. maybe.. I mean..

Micheal : There, there... (그건.. 그건)

Jan : Sometimes a manager, like yourself, has to deliver the bad news to the employees. I do it all the time. (전 늘 하는 일이에요)

Micheal : When have you ever done that? (언제 그러셨나?)

Jan : I'm doing it right now. To you.




Jim : Last night on Trading Spouses, there's...have you seen it?

Pam : No. I have a life. (아니 난 TV 안 봐)

Jim : Interesting, what's that like? (흥미롭군 TV를 안보면 어떻게 살지?) You should try it sometime. (언제 한 번 시도해봐)

Pam : Wow.

Jim : But then who would watch my TV? That is... (그러면 내 TV는 누가 보나?)

Pam : ..your problem. (그건 니 사정이지)

Micheal : Jimbo!




Micheal : There's a decision that needs to be made, (결정을 내릴 게 하나 있어) and I'm having an unbelievably a busy day. So I'm going to let you pick a health care plan for our office and then explain it to your co-workers.

Jim : Gosh! Heh... That is a great offer. Thank you. I really think I should be concentrating on sales.

Micheal : Really?

Jim : Yeah.

Jim : I just don't think this is the kind of task, that I am going to do. (그냥 제 생각에 이런 업무는 제가 맡을 수 없을 것 같아요) You know who would be great for this? (누가 이 일에 적합할 지 아세요?)




Jim : Any time Michael asks me to do anything, I just tell him that Dwight should do it. (언제나 지점장님이 저한테 무언가를 시키시면, 저는 Dwight가 그 일을 해야한다고 말씀드리죠)




Dwight : Yes. I can do it. I'm your man. (저만 믿으세요)




Jim : Right now, this is just a job. (지금은 그냥 업무이지만) If I advance any higher in this company then this would be my career. (제가 이 회사에서 높은 자리에 올라가면 이 일을 한 건 제 경력이 되는 겁니다.) And uh, well, if this were my career, I'd have to throw myself in front of a train. (그러니까, 만약 이게 제 경력이 된다면 저는 열차 앞에 제 몸을 던저버려야만 하겠죠)




Dwight : Okay, first, let's go over some parameters. (좋아요, 첫째로 몇 가지 변수를 짚고 넘어가죠) How many people can I fire?

Micheal : Ah, none. You're picking a health care plan.

Dwight : Okay, we'll table that for the time being. (좋아요, 그건 당분간 보류하고) Two, I'll need an office. I think the conference room should be fine.

Micheal : You can use the conference room as a temporary workspace.

Dwight : Yes, I have an office. Bigger than his. (지점장님 것보다 커요)

Micheal : Nope, you cannot use it. (안 돼, 쓰지마)

Dwight : Okay, I take it back, it's a workspace. (좋아요, 그 말은 취소)

Micheal : Temporary workspace. You can use it.

Dwight : Thank you.




Micheal : If Dwight fails, then that is strike two, (만약 Dwight가 실패하면, 그건 위기상황입니다) and good for me for, ah, for giving him a second chance. (그에게 두 번째 기회를 준다는 점에서요) And if he succeeds, then, you know, no one will be prouder than I am. (저보다 자랑스러울 사람은 없겠죠) I groomed him. (제가 키웠잖습니까) I made him what he is today. (제가 오늘의 Dwight를 만든 겁니다) Unless he fails, and we've talked about that already. (Dwight가 실패하지 않는 한, 아 그건 이미 말했군요)




Dwight : What did I do? I did my job. (제가 뭘 했냐고요? 제 임무를 다했습니다) I slashed benefits to the bone. (복지후생을 최저로 삭감하고) I saved this company money. Was I too harsh? Maybe. I don't believe in coddling people. (저는 응석을 받아주지 않습니다) In the wild, there is no health care. In the wild, health care is, "Ow, I hurt my leg. I can't run. A lion eats me and I'm dead." Well, I'm not dead. I'm the lion. (전 이제 죽지 않습니다. 제가 사자니까요) You're dead. (당신들이 죽는거야)






? : There's no dental, there's no vision, there's a $1,200 deductible. (본인부담금이 1200달러야)

Pam : Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam.

Micheal : Pam, Michael Scott. How's tricks? (일은 어때?)

Pam : Where are you?

Micheal : Oh, I am in my office. I am swamped. (꼼짝달싹 못할 지경이네) I have work up to my ears (일이 산더미네) I'm busy, busy, busy. Can't step away. (한발짝도 못 움직여) I just wanted to check in and see how everybody's doing. (그냥 출근했다고 알려주려고 다들 어떤지도 궁금하고) Everybody cool out there? (밖에 다들 괜찮나?)

Pam : Actually, people are really unhappy. Um, Dwight sent around this memo and people are freaking out 'cause the... (다들 잔뜩 화가 나서는)

Micheal : Pam! Whoa, whoa, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I, I, I gotta go. I'm getting a call. (, , 나 끊어야겠어. 전화가 오네)

Pam : No you're not. (아뇨. 전화 안오는데요)

Micheal : I have to make a call after I finish...my work. You know what? Uh, just don't let anybody in my office under any conditions today. (있잖아, 오늘은 아무도 사무실에 못들어오게 해 무슨 일이 있더라도) I'm just too busy. Too swamped, you know? (꼼짝할 수가 없다고, 알았지?) I am unreachable. I am incommunicado, capisce? (난 접근 불가능에 연락 두절이야. 접수했나?)

Pam : Okay.

Micheal : Thank you, Oh, gah, here we go again. (세상에, 전화가 또 왔네) Gotta go, I have to take this. (끊어야 겠어. 전화 받아야 하거든)

Pam : Still no one calling.




Pam : Dwight, what.. (Dwight, 이게..)

Dwight : Uh, knock, please. Please knock. This is an office.

Jim : It says "workspace". (작업실이라고 써있는데)

Dwight : Same thing.

Jim : If it's the same thing, then why did you write "workspace"?

Dwight : Just knock, Please? (그냥 노크해달라고) As a sign of respect for your superior.

Jim : You are NOT my superior.

Dwight : Oh gee, then why do I have an office?

Jim : I thought it was a workspace.

Pam : Okay! Dwight. Are you really in charge of picking the health care plan? (진짜로 네가 건강보험상품 고르는 일을 맡은거야?)

Dwight : Yes. And my decision in final. (맞아. 그리고 내 결정이 최종이야)

Pam : This is a ridiculously awful plan. Because you cut everything.

Dwight : Aww, times are tough, Pam. Deal with it. (상황이 안좋다고, . 받아들여)

Jim : You cut more than you had to, didn't you? (필요 이상으로 많이 뺐잖아. 안그래?)

Dwight : Sure.

Jim : Well, why did you do that? You work here, don't you want good insurance?

Dwight : Don't need it. Never been sick. (한번도 아파본 적이 없지) Perfect immune system.

Jim : Okay, well, if you've never been sick, then you don't have any antibodies.

Dwight : I don't need them. Superior genes. I'm a Schrute. (Schrute 가문이야) And superior brain power. Through concentration, I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will. (집중을 하면 내 의지대로 콜레스테롤을 올렸다 내렸다 할 수 있어)

Pam : Why would you want to raise your cholesterol?

Dwight : So I can lower it. (그래야 내릴거 아냐)




? : He literally won't come out of his office. (진짜로 사무실에서 안나올건가봐)

Kevin : He's got to come out sometime. (언젠가는 나오게 돼있어) To go to the bathroom.

? : Kevin! That's inappropriate. (그런 말 하는거 아니야)




? : Michael, can I talk to you?

Micheal : Ah, uh, I would love to, (그러고 싶지만) but I am really busy. Rain check?

? : Michael. Michael, please, can we talk to you about this memo?

Micheal : Ah, what? Which memo? (? 무슨 공지?)

Pam : Dwight's health care memo. I told you about it.

Micheal : Is it a good plan?

Dwight : It's a great plan. It saves the company a fortune.

? : It's like a pay decrease. (이건 감봉같아요)

Pam : Michael, he made huge cuts.

Micheal : Cuts? What? Wow, Dwight, did you make cuts?

Dwight : Yeah, you said...

Micheal : No, no , no, you know what? I said nothing specific because I was so busy. Why don't you go in there, (방에 들어가는게 어때) Dwight, and find these people a plan that will work for them? Okay? (그리고 이 사람들이 납득할만한 상품을 찾아내라고)

Dwight : I can handle that. (제가 처리할 수 있습니다)

Micheal : Okay? Alright. Do we feel good? (이제 됐나?) Alright. Good. Plus, there's some other good news. Today, at the end of the day, (퇴근 무렵에) I will have, for all of you, a big surprise. Okay? So hang in there, (그러니까 좀 참고 있어) and I will see you at the end of the day. Right?

? : This is not good. It's ridiculous. Did you talk to him? What was that? You let him walk all over you. (지점장님 마음대로 하게 놔뒀잖아) It's just pathetic.

? : What are you guys talking about? (무슨 얘기 하는거야?)

? : Nothing, Kevin.




Micheal : Do I know what the surprise is? (깜짝선물이 뭔지 아냐고요?) Hell no! (당연히 모르지) It doesn't matter. (상관없어요) The point is, they're not unhappy anymore. (중요한건 직원들 기분이 풀렸다는 거에요) They're out there thinking, (밖에서 생각하고 있겠죠) "Wow, my boss really cares about me. He has a surprise. He's cool. I... what a great guy. (그런 대단한 분이 있다니) I love him. I...love him.




Dwight : Okay, everyone. Gather around. (모두 집합) Step forward. (여기로 모이세요) It has been brought to my attention that some of you are unhappy with my plan. (여러분 중 몇 명이 제가 고른 상품에 불만이 있어 보이는데) So what I'd like you to do is to fill this out and write down any diseases you have that you might want covered and I'll see what I can do.

Jim : 'Kay, you know what Dwight? (이봐 그거 알아?) We can't write our diseases down for you because that's confidential. (그건 기밀사항이니까)

Dwight : Okay, well, I didn't say to write your name down, did I? Fill it out, leave it anonymous. Or, don't write any disease down at all and it won't be covered. (아니면 아무 병명도 적지 않던가. 그럼 처리 안되는 겁니다.) Sound fair? (공정하지?) Good. I'll be in my office.

Jim : Workspace.




Micheal : You know what? (있잖아요) Come with me. (따라오세요) We are going on a little mission. (작은 임무 하나를 처리할 겁니다) Operation Surprise. (작전명 깜짝선물)

Pam : Where are you going?

Micheal : Um, headed out. (어디 좀 가) Part of my busy day, (내 바쁜 일과 중 하나야) you know. Meetings. Couldn't find the knob. (손잡이를 못찾아서)




Micheal : So, basically, I want to do something nice for my employees. (그러니까 제 직원들에게 뭔가 좋은 것을 해주고 싶다는 겁니다) Atlantic City, okay? They have this thing where they send a bus, right, for free. (버스를 보내주는 서비스가 있잖아요Picks everybody up, you head down there, get to the hotel, room is comped, they give you a pile of chips, and your food, everything just kind of all-inclusive, free kind of weekend. (그리고 거기 데려다주면 방은 공짜고, 칩 한무더기를 주고, 음식 제공에 주말동안 모든게 공짜로 다 포함된 뭐 그런거요.)

? : I don't know of anything like that, but, um, you know what you might want to do, is just call those casinos directly. Um, maybe? (그렇다면 카지노에 직접 전화해 보시겠어요?)

Micheal : Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did, so.. (전화해봤어요..)




Jim : Wait. What are you writing? Don't write Ebola or mad cow disease. Right? 'Cause I'm suffering from both. (내가 그거 둘 다 투병중이니까)

Pam : I'm inventing new diseases. (새로운 병을 만들어내는 중이야)

Jim : Oh, great.

Pam : So, let's say my teeth turn to liquid and then, they drip down the back of my throat. (내 치아가 녹는다고 치고 그게 목구멍으로 넘어간다면) What would you call that? (뭐라고 부를래?)

Jim : I thought you said you were inventing diseases? (병을 만들어 낸다고 말하는 줄 알았는데) That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion. (그건 자발성 치아 액화 증후군이잖아)

Pam : Oh, nice.

Jim : Thank you.




Micheal : Calling you to ask you a little favoroonie my friend. (조그만 부탁 하나 하려고 전화했습니다) Um, trying to give the troops around here a little bit of a boost. (저희 대원들 사기를 좀 북돋아주려고 하는데요) And I was thinking that maybe we could take them down to take a spin on your big ride. (제가 생각하기로는 당신네 큰 놀이기구에 그 친구들을 태워서 한바퀴 돌리면 될 것 같은데)

? : You mean the elevator that takes you down into the mine shaft? (갱도로 연결되는 승강기 말씀하시는 겁니까?) It's not really a ride. (그건 놀이기구가 아닌데요)

Micheal : Its says here that it's a 300ft drop.

? : It goes 300 feet into the earth, but it moves really slowly.

Micheal : So it's not a free fall?

? : It's an industrial coal elevator.

Micheal : Uh, well, alright. Well, once you get down into the mine, what...you got laser tag or something? (레이저 택이나 뭐 그런건 할 수 있는거죠?)




Micheal : Okay, so I don't know what the surprise is. (좋아요, 깜짝선물이 뭔지는 저도 모르겠어요) Am I worried? No. No way. See, I thrive on this. (그럴 리가. 이게 제가 사는 낙인데요) This is my world. This is improv. (제 마음대로 하는거에요) This is Whose Line is it Anyway?? (이건 그나저나 누구 대사였어?” 같은 거에요)




Dwight : Dammit! Alright, who did this? I'm not mad. (나 화 안났어) I just want to know who did it so I can punish them.? (그래야 처벌을 하지)

Jim : What are you talking about? (무슨 말 하는거냐?)

Dwight : Uh, someone forged, uh, medical information and that is a felony. (누군가 의료정보를 위조했어. 이건 중범죄야)

Jim : Okay, whoa. 'Cause that is a pretty intense accusation. (대단하군. 그거 정말 심각한 죄목인데) How do you know that they're fake? (그게 가짜인지 네가 어떻게 알아?)

Dwight : Uh, leprosy? (나병?) Flesh eating bacteria. (살 파먹는 박테리아) Hot-dog fingers. (핫도그 손가락) Government-created killer nanorobot infection. (정부소속 살인마 나노로봇에 의한 감염) You did this, didn't you?

Jim : Absolutely not. (당연히 아니지)

Dwight : Yes you did.

Jim : No I didn't.

Dwight : I know it was you. Fine. You know what? (네 짓인거 알아. 좋아. 어쩔래?) I'll have to interview each and every one of you until the perpetrator makes him or herself known. (범죄자가 자수할때까지) And until that time, there will be no health care coverage for any one. (아무한테도 건강보험혜택은 없을거야)

Jim : Killer nanorobots?

Pam : It's an epidemic.





Dwight : The problem, Jim, (문제는 말이야 Jim,) is that people who are really suffering from a medical condition won't receive the care they need, because someone in this office is coming up with all this ridiculous stuff. (사무실의 누군가가 이런 말도 안되는 걸 지어낸 덕분에) "Count Choculitis" (카운트 초쿨염)

Jim : Sounds tough. (심각한 병같군)

Dwight : Why did you write that down Jim? Is it because you know I love Count Chocula?

Jim : Do you? (그랬어?)

Dwight : I think you need to confess...the fact... (네가 사실을 자백해야 할 것 같은데) What are you doing? Those are my keys.

Jim : Good luck.

Dwight : Jim! Damn it! NO! Jim! Let me out! (내보내줘!) Jim! Let-

? : ...the light green or green... (연두색 아니면 초록색)

Jim : Jim Halpert.

Dwiight : Let me out.

Jim : Who IS this?

Dwight : - Let me out or you're fired.

Jim : No, you can't fire me.

Dwight : Y-yes I can. I'm manager for the day. Clean out your desk.

Jim : Okay, can you hold on? (알았어 잠깐 기다려줄래?) I'm getting the, ah, beep. (전화벨이 울리네) Jim Halpert.

Pam : Hey, Jim. It's Pam.

Jim : Hey Pam! How are ya?

Dwight : JIM! Open the door!

Pam : Good, how are you? Busy? (바빠?)

Pam : I'm doing okay. Getting excited for the weekend though. (그나저나 주말 생각하니까 기대된다)

Jim : What are you up to? (뭐할건데?)

Pam : Um, I'm not bothering you, am I?

Jim : No, not at all.

Pam : You don't have anything you're doing? (뭐 하고 있던거 아니야?)

Jim : I have nothing to do.

Pam : Oh great. Um, no, this weekend? No, nothing. I'm not really doing anything. (그래? 주말에 뭐하냐고? 아무것도 없어)

Jim : Oh yeah?

Pam : I might go to the mall. (백화점에라도 갈까 생각중이야)

Jim : The mall?

Pam : I need new shoes.

Jim : Oh, interesting, what kind of shoes?




Jan : Hello?

Dwight : Uh, hello. Uh, this is Dwight Schrute calling for Jan Levenson-Gould.

Jan : This is Jan.

Dwight : Hi. Dwight Schrute calling, acting manager, Scranton branch. Listen, I needed your permission to fire Jim Halpert.

Jan : Who is this? (누구시라고요?)

Dwight : Dwight Schrute.

Jan : From sales? (영업부의?)

Dwight : Well... (그게...)

Jan : Where's Michael Scott?

Dwight : He is not here right now. He put me in charge of the office. (저한테 사무실을 책임지라고 하셨습니다.)

Jan : Dwight, listen to me very carefully. You are not a manager of anything. Understand? (당신은 어떤 담당자도 아니에요)

Dwight : That's not entirely true. (그게 전부 사실은 아닙니다) Because he put me in charge of picking the health care plan.

Jan : Really?

Dwight : Yeah.

Jan : Okay, when Michael gets back, you tell him to call me immediately.

Dwight : Call you immediately. Good. (당장 전화하라고요. 좋아요.) Oh, hey, listen, um, since I have you on the phone, um, (아 저기 그런데요 이왕 통화중이니까) can I fire Jim?

Jan : No. Please don't use my cell phone ever again.

Dwight : Oh, this is your cell-.. I thought this was your... (핸드폰이군요.. 저는 사무실인줄..)




Micheal : Hey, hey, everybody, Ice-cream sandwiches! Here you go. Take one, take one. It's all good. Phyllis, think fast. (Phylis, 빨리 움직여~) Ya-bome! Oh, oh, I see Angela. Angela? Right? Oh, hey temp. Why don't you take two? Because you don't get health care. And uh, faster metabolism. (기초대사량도 높으니까) Did you get the kind with the cookies? Instead of the.. (쿠키 들은 것도 사셨어요? 이거 말고)

Micheal : Why don't you just eat it, okay? (그냥 먹지 그래? 알겠나?) And here you go, Stanley the manly. (여기있습니다. Stanly 대장님)

Stanly : Oh, thanks.

Micheal : There you go. (여기 받으세요)

Stanley : This isn't the big surprise, is it? (이게 깜짝선물은 아니지, 그런가?) Because we've been having a pretty horrible day. (우린 정말 끔찍한 하루를 보내고 있거든)

Micheal : Uh, nope. Nope. This isn't the surprise. It's surprisING. (이건 깜짝놀라는거죠) Um, because you didn't expect it. But you will... you'll know it when you see it. (하지만 직접 보면 알게 될 것입니다)

Dwight : Michael. Michael!

M : Oh, Christ... (맙소사)




Dwight : I tried being rational, okay? (전 이성적으로 하려고 했어요) And what happened? (그런데 어떻게 됐죠?) The employees went crazy, I got no help from corporate. (본사에선 나 몰라라 하고) That leaves me with no options. (전 선택의 여지가 없습니다)




Dwight : I'm now going to read out loud your submitted medical conditions. (이제 여러분이 제출하신 병세를 큰 소리로 읽겠습니다) When you hear yours read, please raise your hand to indicate that it is real. (사실인지 확인하기 위해 손을 들어주세요) If you do not raise your hand, it will not be covered.

Stanley : What about confidentiality? (기밀보장은 어쩌고?)

Dwight : You know what? You have forfeited that privilege. (이보세요, 당신들이 그 특권을 차버렸잖아요) I have tried to treat you all as adults, but obviously I am the only adult here. Number one, inverted penis. (1. 음경발기지속증)

? : Could you mean vagina? (질도 포함시킬 수 있어?) Because if you do, I want that covered. (그렇게 해준다면 그거 보험혜택 받고 싶은데)

Dwight : I thought your vagina was removed during your hysterectomy? (자궁적출술 받을 때 질이 제거된 줄 알았는데요)

? : A uterus is different from a vagina. (자궁은 질하고 다른거야) I still have a vagina.

Dwight : Okay, great. Dermatitis. (좋아요, 알겠어요. 피부염) Thank you Angela. I'll make sure that's covered. Okay, now. Who wrote this, hysterical one? Anal fissures? (이 정신 나간건 누가 쓴거야? 항문 파열?)

Stanley : That's a real thing.

Dwight : Yeah, but no one here has it.

Stanley : Someone has it.




? : Do you think we should go ? (우리 그냥 가야되는거야?)

? : I don't know, Kevin. This is important. I don't want...There he is.

? : What is he doing?

? : I don't know.

? : Well?

? : Well, what? You could be referring to anything. (Well, ? 다음엔 아무 말이나 붙일 수 있잖아)

? : Okay, the health care plan.

Pam : Why did you put Dwight in charge of that? He did a horrible job. (엉망으로 처리했잖아요)

Micheal : Uh, Dwight? Did you raise benefits? (복리후생은 늘렸나?)

Dwight : I most certainly did not. (거의 확실히 그러지 않았습니다)

Micheal : Oh come on! That's horrible! Aaah.. Thanks, Dwight, for a crappy plan. (고맙네 Dwight, 후진 상품으로 골라줘서) Ah, Damn! (젠장!) Oh, mmm, I wish I had time to change it, but Jan needs it by five, (Jan5시까지 해달라고 하고) and.. what time is it, what time is it? Ah, it's after five. (, 5시 넘었네) Oh, oh it's awful. (최악이구만) So, well, okay. See you guys on Monday.

Angela : What about the surprise?

Micheal : Oh, yesss. Exactly. Thank you Angela, for reminding me. Terrific. (훌륭해) Um, before I tell everybody what the big surprise is, would you like to tell me what YOU think the big surprise is? (엄청난 깜짝선물이 뭐라고 생각하는지 말해주겠나?)

Stanley : We all think you don't have a surprise.

Micheal : Alright, I have some news for you. There is a big surprise. And... here it is. Here we go. And the big surprise is...Brrrrrrr! Drum roll...




Micheal : When I am backed into a corner, that is when I come alive. (제가 궁지에 몰렸을때야 말로 제가 활기를 띄는 순간입니다) See I learned improve from the greats, like, um, Drew Carey and Ryan Stiles. (정말 훌륭한 사람들한테서 즉흥연기하는 법을 배웠죠. 누구냐면.. Drew CareyRyan Stiles)




Micheal : God, yeah...Ahh! This...




Micheal : Robin Williams. Oh, man, would I love to go head to head with him. (로빈 윌리엄스. 세상에, 그와 한번 대결해보고 싶네요) Oh! That would be exciting. (정말 재미있을 거에요) "Hi. I'm Mork from Ork." (안녕, 나는 오크행성에서 온 모크다) Well, I'm Bork from Spork.




Dwight : Oh, um...Jan wants you to call her.





 The Office 시즌1 ep.1. Pilot. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.2. Diversity Day. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.3. Health Care. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.4. The Alliance. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.5. Basketball. 대본

 The Office 시즌1 ep.6. Hot Girl. 대본

