◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.1. Pilot. 대본
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.2. Diversity Day. 대본
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.3. Health Care. 대본
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.4. The Alliance. 대본
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.5. Basketball. 대본
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.6. Hot Girl. 대본
The Office [US]
1x02 Diversity Day
Micheal : Hey ya, can I, uh, help you out here?
? : Oh, I'm all set, thanks. (아 준비 다 됐습니다. 고마워요)
Micheal : Gotcha, good, I'd go with the rows, that's a good idea. (저도 그렇게 줄 맞추려고 했는데)
Micheal : Today is diversity day, and someone is going to come in and talk to us about diversity. (누가 와서 우리한테 다양성에 대해 말할 예정이죠) It's something that I'VE been pushing. (제가 추진해왔던 일입니다) That I've been wanting to push for a long time, and corporate mandated it. (제가 아주 오랫동안 추진하고 싶었던 일입니다. 그런데 본사에서 지시를 한겁니다) And I, I never actually talked to corporate about it, um, they kind of beat me to the punch. Ah, those bastards. (사실 본사와 이문제로 상의한 적은 없어요. 그 사람들이 절 한방 먹이는 셈이군요. 나쁜자식들) Um, but ah, but I was going to. (그래도 뭐 하려던 중이었어요) And I think that it's very important that we have this. (우리가 이걸 한다는게 아주 중요한거죠) It's a, I'm, I'm very, very excited.
Jim : That's the thing, it's very sturdy paper, (정말 좋은 물건입니다. 내구성이 아주 좋은 종이에요) and on the back it says a hundred percent post consumer content, (그리고 뒷면을 보시면 100% 재생용지라고 써있습니다.) so...what? Hello? Uh huh? Wait, what? I'm sorry Mr. Decker, I think I'm, I think I'm lo-, I think I'm losing you. Hello? Hello? Yeah. Hold on one sec', I don't know, hold on one second. Do you really have to do that right now? (그거 지금 꼭 해야겠나?)
Dwight : Yes I do. I should have done this weeks ago actually. (그래 해야돼. 사실 몇주 전에 끝냈어야 하는 일이야)
Jim : Mr. Decker, I'm sorry about that, what were you s-, can you hold on one second? Yeah, just one second. (잠깐이면 됩니다) Thanks. Hello? Oh, that's it, perfect. (잘들리네요) So what I was saying- Hello? (그러니까, 제 말은... 여보세요?) Thanks Dwight.
Dwight : Retaliation. Dit for tit. (보복이다. 눈에는 이)
Jim : That is not the expression. (그 말은 그렇게 쓰는게 아닐텐데)
Dwight : Well it should be. (그럼 이렇게 써야겠네)
Jim : This is my biggest sale of the year. (이건 일년 중 제일 큰 계약건이에요) They love me over there, for some reason, I'm not really sure why. (그쪽 사람들이 저를 좋아해요. 이유는 모르겠어요. 정말 모르겠는데...) But, uh, you know, I make one call over there every year, just to renew their account. (계약을 갱신하려고요) And that one call ends up being, uh, 25% of my commission, for the whole year. (그 전화 한통이 제 성과급의 25%를 차지한다고요. 일년에 받는 금액중에서요) So, you know, I buy a mini bottle of champagne and celebrate a little. And this year, I'm pushing recycled paper on them for 1% more. (그리고 올해는 재생용지를 사라고 밀어붙이고 있어요 성과급을 1% 올리려고) I know, I'm getting cocky, right? (알아요. 너무 자신만만해진다는거)
Jim : Solitaire?
Pam : Yeah, Freecell.
Jim : Six on the seven. (6을 7위에 올려)
Pam : I know, I saw that.
Jim : So then, why didn't you do it? (그럼 왜 안해?)
Pam : I'm saving that, 'cause I like it when the cards go T-ts-ts-tch-tch-tch. (아껴두는 거야 카드가 타닥타닥 할때가 좋아서)
Jim : Who doesn't love that? (누군들 안좋아하겠어?)
Micheal : Hey! Oscar! How ya doing man?
Oscar : Alright.
Micheal : So you've got a good weekend going there?
Oscar : It was fun.
Micheal : Oh yeah, I bet it was fun. (재미있었겠지) Oh, hey, this is Oscar.
Martinez : Mar-Martinez.
Micheal : Right, see, I don't even know. First name basis.
Martinez : Great, well, we're all set.
(훌륭하네요. 아, 준비는 다 됐습니다)
Micheal : Oh hey, well, diversity everybody, let's do it! Oscar works in.. here.
Micheal : Jim, could you, ah, wrap it please. (짐, 그거 마무리 해주겠나?)
Jim : Mr. Decker please? (데커씨 부탁드립니다)
Micheal : I, uh, it's diversity day, Jim. I wish everyday was diversity day.
Jim : Um, you know what, I'm actually going to have to call you back. (그게, 다시 전화드려야겠네요) Thank you. Sorry about that.
Martinez : Thank you, thank you, thank you... Getting the cards! GEETting the cards! Thank you, okay, thanks for filling these out, and I promise this will be quick. (금방 끝날거라고 약속드리죠) At Diversity Today, our philosophy is about honesty and positive expectations. We believe that 99% of the problems, in the workplace arise simply out of, ignorance. (저희는 사내에서 발생하는 문제의 99%가 단지 무지에서 비롯된다고 생각합니다)
Micheal : You know what, this is a color free zone here. (그거 아세요? 여기는 인종 자유 구역이에요) Stanley, I don't look at you as another race. (스탠리, 전 당신을 다른 인종으로 보지 않아요)
Martinez : Uh, see, that, this is what I'm talking about. (이게 바로 제가 말씀드리고 있는 겁니다) We don't have to pretend that we're color blind. (우린 우리가 색맹인것처럼 가장할 필요는 없어요)
Micheal : Exactly. We're not color blind.
Martinez : That's fighting ignorance with more ignorance. (이건 무지를 더 심한 무지로 맞서는 것일 뿐이에요)
Micheal : ..with more tolerance (더 많은 관용으로)
Martinez : No. With more ignorance, right, exactly. (아뇨. 더 심한 무지로) Uh, instead, we need to celebrate our diversity. Okay?
Micheal : Let's celebrate. (즐기자고)
Martinez : Okay.
Micheal : Celebrate good times, come on! Let's celebrate diversity. Right?
Martinez : Yes, exactly, now, here's what we're going to do. (이제 우리가 할 일은) Uh, I've noticed, that uh... (아 눈에 띄는 것은)
Micheal : You know what, here's what we're going to do, (이봐 이렇게 하도록 하지) why don't we go around, and everybody. EVERYBODY, say a race that you are attracted to, sexually. (돌아가면서 모두가 성적으로 끌리는 인종에 대해 말해보는게 어때) I will go last. Go! (난 마지막으로 할거야)
Dwight : I have two.
Micheal : Nice.
Dwight : White and Indian.
Martinez : Actually, I'd prefer NOT to start that way. (사실 이런식으로 시작하지 않았으면 좋겠군요)
Michael, I would, uh, love to have your permission to run this session. (지점장님 제가 회의를 진행할 수 있도록 허락해주시면 정말 좋겠는데요) Can I have your permission? (허락해주시겠어요?)
Micheal : Yeees.
Martinez : Thank you very much. And it would also help me if you were seated. (그리고 자리에 앉아주시는 것도 도움이 될 것 같네요)
Micheal : Okay.
Martinez : Thank you. Okay, now, at the start of the session, I had you all write down an incident, uh, that you found offensive in the work place. Now what I'm going to do is choose one, and we're going to act it out... Okay, a few of the ground rules, just real quick. (좋아요, 몇가지 기본 규칙에 대해)
Micheal : Hey, hey, why don't you run it by me, and I'll run it by him. (이봐 자네, 먼저 날 거치는게 어때, 그 다음 내가 이분을 거치고)
Dwight : Okay, can we steer away from gay people.
(좋아요. 동성애자 얘기는 피해갈 수 있을까요?)
Martinez : Uh, I'm sorry it's an orientation, not a race. (죄송하지만 그건 취향인데요, 인종이 아니고)
Dwight : Plus a lot of other races are also intolerant of gays. So...paradox. (사실 정말 많은 인종이 동성애자에게 관대하지 않습니다. 그러니까...모순이죠)
Martinez : Well, we only have an hour.
Micheal : I figured it would save time? No gays.
Martinez : Okay, why don't we just dif-, why don't we just differ to Mr., ummm.. Mister Brown.
Micheal : Ah. Aaalright, okay. First test, I will not call you that. (한 번 시험해본거에요. 전 그렇게 부르지 않을거에요)
Martinez : Well, it's my name, it's not a test, okay? Um, so. Looking through cards, I've noticed that many of you wrote down the same incident. Which is ironic, because it is the exact incident I was brought in here to respond to. (신기하군요, 제가 여기로 보내진 이유도 정확히 같은 사건 때문이거든요) Now how many of you are familiar with the Chris Rock routine? (그럼 여러분 중 몇 분이나 크리스 락 개그를 알고 계시죠?) Hmm. Very good, okay...
Micheal : How come Chris Rock can do a routine and everybody finds it hilarious, and ground breaking; then I go, and do the exact same routine, same comedic timing, and people file a complaint to corporate? (어떻게 크리스 락이 개그를 하면 다들 웃겨 죽는다고, 참신하다고 하면서 제가 정확히 똑같은 개그를 똑같이 웃기는 순간에 하는데 다들 본사에 불만접수를 할 수 있죠?) Is it because I'm white, and Chris is black?
Martinez : So, we're going to re-enact this with a more positive outcome. (보다 긍정적인 결과를 만드는 상황으로 한 번 재연해 보죠)
Micheal : I will play the Chris Rock guy. (내가 크리스 락 역할을 맡지) I would like to see someone else pull this off. (나 말고 누가 제대로 할 수 있는지 보고 싶군)
Martinez : Well, let's have someone else who wasn't involved do the re-enactment. (글쎄요, 이 상황에 관련되지 않았던 다른 사람이 하도록 하죠)
Micheal : Okay, ah, I will play guy listening.
Martinez : Great, guy listening. Okay, anyone else remember? (좋아요, 또 기억나시는분?)
Kevin : I remember.
Martinez : Great. You're the Chris Rock guy, and you're guy listening.
Micheal M : Okay.
Micheal : Kevin is a great guy. He is a great accountant, he is not much of an entertainer.
Kevin : Basically, there are two types of black people. And black people are actually more racist, because they hate the other type of black people. See, every time the one type wants to have a good time, then the other type comes in and makes a real mess.. (언제나 한 쪽이 재미 좀 보려고 하면 다른 쪽이 나타나서는 완전히 개판으로 만드니까)
Micheal : I'm, okay, I'm, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he's ruin.., he's butchering it. I, I'm, could you just let me, (케빈이, 케빈이 다 망치고 있잖아요. 전... 그냥 제가 하게 해주실래요) every time, EVERY TIME BLACK PEOPLE WANNA HAVE A GOOD TIME, SOME IDIOT ASS...I TAKE CARE OF MY KID!
Martinez : Wait, wait, wait a second, you don't need to go there. Okay? Please stop it, stop it, stop it, please stop..
Micheal : THEY ALWAYS WANT CREDIT FOR SOMETHING THEY SUPPOSED TO DO. (그놈들은 언제나 당연히 해야하는 일에 대가를 바란다고!)
Martinez : STOP IT!!!!
Micheal : What you want, a cookie?
Martinez : Now this is a simple acronym, HERO. Uh, at Diversity Today, we believe it's very easy to be a hero. All you need are Honesty, Empathy, Respect, and Open-mindedness.
Dwight : Ah, excuse me.
Martinez : Yeah.
Dwight : I'm sorry, but that's not all it takes to be a hero. (죄송하지만, 그것만으로는 영웅이 될 수 없습니다.)
Martinez : Oh, great. Well, what is a hero to you? (아, 좋아요. 그럼 어떤것이 영웅이라고 생각하시죠?)
Dwight : A hero kills people, people that wish him harm. (그를 해치려고 하는 사람들 말입니다.)
Martinez : Okay.
Dwight : A hero is part human, and part supernatural. (영웅은 반은 사람이고 반은 초능력자입니다) A hero is born out of a childhood trauma, or out of a disaster, that must, be avenged. (영웅은 정신적 충격을 입고 태어나거나 재앙속에서 태어난 아이인데 반드시 그 한을 풀어야 합니다.)
Martinez : Ok, uh, you're thinking of a superhero.
Dwight :We all have a hero in our heart. (영웅은 우리 모두의 가슴 속에 있습니다.)
Martinez : Okay, I want you to take these forms. (이제 이 서류를 받아주세요) This kind of expresses the joint experience we, uh, had today. (이건 오늘 우리가 함께한 경험을 문서화 한 것입니다.) I want you to look 'em over and sign them as kind of a group pledge. (자세히 읽어보시고 일종의 공동 서약의 의미로 서명해주시기 바랍니다)
Micheal : I don't think I can sign this.
Martinez : uh, I can't leave until you do.
Micheal : Well, okay. It says here that I learned something, and I knew all this stuff already, so.. (알았어요, 여기에는 제가 무언가를 배웠다고 써있군요. 그런데 이미 제가 알고있는 내용이네요. 그러니까..) I could, you know, I could sign something that says that I taught something. (있잖아요, 제가 뭔가 가르쳤다고 하는거면 서명할 수 있어요) Or that I helped you teach something so... (아니면 제가 그쪽이 가르치는 걸 도왔다거나) Pam? Where is she? Pam, could we change something on this? (여기 몇 개 수정할 수 있을까?)
Martinez : Michael, can I, uh, can I talk to you candidly? (우리 허심탄회하게 이야기 좀 나눌까요?)
Micheal : Sure.
Martinez : We both know that I'm here because of the comments that you made. (제가 여기 온게 지점장님이 하신 말씀 때문이라는건 우리 둘 다 압니다)
Micheal : Here's the thing. (요점은 이거에요) This office, I think is very advanced in terms of, uh, racial awareness, and it's, uh, probably more advanced than you're used to. (전 우리 사무실이 아주 진보적이라고 생각해요 인종문제에 관한 인식에 관해서 그쪽이 겪어본 것보다 훨씬 진보적일 겁니다.) And that's probably thrown you off a little bit. (그래서 아마 좀 당황하셨겠죠)
Martinez : Um, it's not throwing me. (당황스럽지 않습니다) I NEED your signature.
Micheal : Okay, I know you told me that several times.
Martinez : Yes, but you're not listening to me, your's is the ONLY signature I need. Those are my instructions from the corporate offices to put YOU through this seminar for the comments that YOU made. (본사에서 저한테 내려온 지시는 지점장님을 세미나에 참석시키라는 거였어요 전에 하신 발언 때문에요) And the only reason why I made copies for everyone was so you wouldn't be embarrassed. (그리고 제가 모두에게 사본을 돌린 이유는 지점장님이 창피하실까봐 그런거에요)
Micheal : Well, here I am thinking that you actually cared about diversity training. (전 그쪽이 다양성 교육에 정말 신경썼다고 생각하고 있는데) Aaand, you don't.
Martinez : Don't worry about dating it. (날짜 기입하는 건 신경쓰지 마세요)
Micheal : I won't. (신경 안서요)
Martinez : Okay, thank you.
Micheal : Yep, yep.
Micheal : "I regret my actions. I regret offending my coworkers. I pledge to bring my best spirit of honesty, empathy, respect, and open-mindedness.." (전 최선을 다해 정직함, 동정심, 존경심, 열린 마음을 가질 것을 서약합니다) Open-mindedness, is that even a word? (열린 마음? 이런 단어가 있기는 한가?) "into the workplace. In this way, I can truly be a hero. (이로서 저는 진정한 영웅이 될 수 있습니다.) Signed, Daffy Duck" Oh, he's gonna lose it when he reads that. (이거 읽으면 펄쩍 뛸거에요)
Jim : Yeah, hi, is Mr. Decker around? (네, 안녕하세요, Decker씨 계십니까?) Oh, well, can you just have him call me after lunch? (아 그럼 점심시간 후에 전화해달라고 전해주시겠어요?) Thank you.
Micheal : "I pledge to always keep an open mind, and an open heart." I do believe in that part of the pledge that I just read. (그 서약에서 내가 방금 읽은 부분은 확실히 동의하네) But a pledge, come on. I mean, who are we, the Girl Scouts? (근데 서약이라니 이봐, 우리가 뭐 걸 스카웃인가?) No, look.. the um, the guy, Mr. Brown... uh, he got us halfway there. (그 Brown이라는 작자는 우리를 헷갈리게 만들었어) He got us talking. (우리 입을 열게는 했지) Well, no. I got us talking. (글쎄, 아니야 내가 우리들 입을 열게 했지) He got us nothing. (그는 우리한테 해준 게 없어) He insulted us and he abandoned us. You call that diversity training? I don't. Were there any connections between any of us? (우리 사이에 어떤 공감대라도 형성됐나?) Did anyone look each other in the eye? (서로의 눈을 바라본 사람이 있었나?) Was there any emotion going on? (어떤 감정이라는게 있기나 했나?) No. Where was the heart? (없었어! 우리의 진심은 어디 있었지?) I didn't see any heart. Where was my Oprah moment? Okay, get as much done as you can before lunch, (좋아. 점심시간 전까지 가능한 한 업무를 많이 끝내놔) because, afterward, I'm going to have you all in tears. (왜냐하면 그 다음엔 자네들 눈물 쏙 빠지게 해줄테니까)
Micheal : Alright! Everybody pretty? (좋아요! 모두들 좋아 보이는 군요) Come on, here we go. It's time, let's do some good.
? : Hey, we're not all going to sit in a circle Indian style are we? (우리 인디언처럼 동그랗게 앉아서 하는 건 아니겠죠? 그런가요?)
Micheal : Get out.
? : I'm sorry.
Micheal : No, this is not a joke. Okay? (아니 농담하는거 아니야. 알겠나?) That was offensive, and lame. (그건 불쾌했고 재미도 없었네) So double offensive. (그러니까 두 배로 불쾌해) This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here. (여기는 환영의 자리라네, 그러니까 자네는 당장 썩 꺼지는게 좋겠군) Okay, let's go. Let's do it. Come on. Let's have some fun, everybody. Here we go, take a seat, cop a squat. And um.. thank you for coming in. Diversity.. is the corner stone of progress, as I've always said. But don't take my word for it, let's take a look at the tape. (하지만 제 말만 듣는 것 보다는 비디오를 한 번 보도록 하죠)
Micheal : Hi, I'm Michael Scott. I'm in charge of Dunder-Mifflin Paper Products here in Scranton, Pennsylvania. But I'm also the founder of Diversity Tomorrow, because today is almost over. Abraham Lincoln once said that, 'If you're a racist, I will attack you with the North.' And those are the principles that I carry with me in the workplace. (그리고 이것은 직장에서 제가 추구하는 원칙입니다) Okay, questions? Comments? Anybody? Jim?
Jim : Uh, is that it? (아, 저게 다에요?)
Micheal : Uh, yes. I only had an hour to put it together but I'm going to add on to it later on. (아, 그렇다네. 편집할 시간이 1시간 밖에 없었어 하지만 나중에 더 추가할거야)
Jim : It was kind of hard to hear. (소리가 잘 안들렸어요)
Micheal : Ah, yes, that probably had something to do with the camera work. (아, 그래 아마 그건 촬영기법 때문에 그런걸거야) Uh, anybody else? Um...
? : I, uh, have a customer meeting?
Micheal : Yeh, well if you leave, we'll only have two left. (그게, 자네가 가면 두명밖에 안남는데) Yes, enjoy! Ab-so-lutely, namaste. Okay, well, since I am leading this, let's get down to business. (좋아, 내가 이걸 진행하고 있으니까 본격적으로 한번 해보지) And why don't I just kind of introduce myself, okay? (그럼 내가 한번 자기소개를 해보는게 어떨까? 좋지?) Um, I am Michael and I am part English, Irish, ah, German and Scottish. Sort of a virtual United Nations. (일종의 가상 국제연합입니다) But what some of you might not know is that I am also part Native American Indian. (그러나 여러분 중 몇몇은 모를수도 있겠지만)
? : What part Native American? (인디언 피가 얼마나 섞이셨는데요?)
Micheal M : Two fifteenths.
? : Two-fif...that fraction doesn't make any sense. (15분의 2... 그런 수치는 말이 안되는데요)
Micheal : Well, you know what, it's kind of hard for me to talk about, the suffering. (그게, 사실 나로서는 말하기 좀 어러운 것이라네) So who else? Let's get this popping. (또 누구? 화끈하게 해보자고) Come on. Whose going? Whose going? (얼른, 누가 할래?) Let's go here. Oscar, right here. You're on.
Oscar : Okay, Michael, um... both my parents were born in Mexico. And, uh, they moved to the United States a year before I was born. Yeah... So I grew up in the United States. Wow. And, my parents were Mexican.
Micheal : Wow. That is...that is a great story. That's the American dream right there, right?
Oscar : Thank.. yeah.
Micheal : Um, let me ask you, is there a term besides Mexican that you prefer? (하나 물어보지. 그 ‘멕시칸’이라는 용어 말고 더 선호하는게 있나?) Something less offensive? (좀 덜 불쾌한걸로?)
Oscar : Mexican isn't offensive.
Micheal : Well, it has certain connotations. (글세, 어떤 의미가 내포되어 있잖아)
Oscar : Like what? (어떤거요?)
Micheal : Like...I don't...I don't know.
Oscar : What connotations, Michael?
Micheal : Oh no, no, no, no...
Oscar : You meant something... (뭔가 있었잖아요)
Micheal : Now, remember that...
Oscar : I'm just curious. (전 그냥 궁금해서 그래요)
Micheal : ...honesty, empathy, respect... Jim! Jim!
Jim : Hello? Hello?
Micheal : I have something here. (여기 제가 준비한게 있습니다.) I want you to take a card. Put it on your fore... Don't look at the card. I want you to take the card and I want you to put it on your forehead and.. Take a card, take a card, any card, um.. and I want you to treat other people like the race that is on their forehead, okay? (이제 여러분이 다른 사람을 그 인종처럼 대하는 겁니다. 이마에 씌여있는 인종처럼. 알았죠?) So everybody has a different race. Nobody knows what their race is, so.. I want you to really go for it, 'cause this is real. (여러분이 진지하게 임하길 바랍니다. 이건 진짜니까) You know, this isn't just an exercise. This is real life. And.. I have a dream that you will really let the sparks fly. (저에게는 여러분이 정말 격한 논쟁을 일으킬 만한 꿈이 있습니다)
Micheal : Get her done. Why? Because Martin Luther King is a hero of mine. There's this great Chris Rock bit about how streets named after Martin Luther King tend to be more violent. (크리스 락이 정말 끝내주는 순간이 있었는데 마틴 루터 킹 이름을 딴 도로가 얼마나 더 위험한지 얘기하는 거였거든요) I'm not going to do it, but it's.. (그 흉내는 안낼겁니다. 하지만 그건...)
Micheal : Oh, this is a good one.
Pam : Um, hi. How are you?
Stanley : Fine, how are you?
Micheal : Push it. Push it.
Pam : Great, umm...
Stanley : I admire your culture's success in America.
Pam : Thank you.
Micheal : Good. Bom bom bom-bom bom. Come on. Olympics of suffering right here. Slavery versus the Holocaust, come on.
Stanley : Who am I supposed to be? (내가 뭘 맡았길래?)
Micheal : No no no, well, that, that was inadvertent. (고의는 아니었는데) We didn't actually plan that. (사실 이럴 계획은 아니었는데)
Dwight : Lots of cultures eat rice, doesn't help me. Um, shalom, I'd like to apply for a loan. (돈을 빌리고 싶은데요)
Pam : That's nice Dwight.
Dwight : Okay, do me. Something stereotypical, so I can get it really quick.
Pam : Okay, I like your food.
Dwight : Outback steakhouse!
Micheal : I'm Australian mate. Pam, come on. "I like your food?" Come on. Stir the pot. (자극시켜) Stir the melting pot, Pam! Let's do it, let's get ugly. (험한 꼴 보잔말이야) Let's get real. (진짜로 해보자고)
Pam : Okay. If I have to do this, based on stereotypes that are totally untrue, that I do not agree with, you would maybe not be a very good driver. (좋아요 제가 해야만 한다면, 정말 사실이 아닌 고정관념을 바탕으로, 저는 동의하지 않지만 당신은 아마도 운전을 제대로 못하시는 것 같습니다)
Dwight : Oh man! Am I a woman? (젠장! 나 여자인거야?)
Micheal : You'll notice I didn't have anybody be an Arab. (눈치채셨겠지만, 아무에게도 아랍인역을 시키진 않았습니다.) I thought that would be too explosive. (그건 너무 격해질거라고 생각했거든요) No pun intended. (말장난한거 아닙니다) But I just thought, "Too soon for Arabs." (하지만 아랍인은 시기상조라고 생각했어요) Maybe next year. Um... you know, the ball's in their court. (아마 내년 쯤엔 혹시 그 사람들 시대가 될지 아나요?)
Jim : What you watching? (뭘 보고 있어?)
? : Chappelle's Show.
Jim : Really?
? : Yeah, I downloaded it on her computer. I hope she doesn't mind, she just had a lot of extra space. (기분 나쁘지 않았으면 좋겠네요, 그냥 팸 컴퓨터에 빈 공간이 많길래)
Jim : No way. I think she really likes this stuff.
? : She's cute, huh?
Jim : Yeah, you know, she's engaged, but...
? : Oh, no, the girl in the...sketch.
Jim : Oh, yeah. She's hot.
? : Yeah.
Kevin : Hey.
? : Hey.
Kevin : You wanna go to the beach?
? : Sure.
Kevin : You wanna get high?
? : No.
Kevin : I think you do mon.
? : Stop...
Micheal : Okay, alright. No, it's good. It, you, you, you just need to push it. (그냥 좀 더 밀어붙여) You know, you need to go a little bit further. (그러니까 살짝 더 강하게 나가라고) Ah, alright, okay. Kelly, how are you?
Kelly : I just had the longest meeting.
Micheal : Oh! Welcome to my convenience store. Would you like some googi googi? I have some very delicious googi googi, only 99 cents plus tax. Try my googi googi! Try my googi googi. Try my googi googi! Try my... Alright! Alright. Yes! That was great, she gets it. (켈리는 이해했다고) Now she knows what it's like to be a minority. (이제 켈리는 소수민족으로 산다는게 뭔지 아는거야!)
Jim : Mr. Decker, we didn't lose your sale today, did we? (덱커씨 우리 오늘 계약이 틀어진 건 아니겠죠? 그랬나요?) Excellent, okay, let me just get your.. what's that? No, we didn't close last time. I just need your um.. oh, what code were you given? Oh, okay. That's actually another salesman here. (그건 사실 여기서 일하는 다른 사원이에요) I can redo it if you want to do that. (네, 원하신다면 다시 진행할 수도 있습니다만) Oh, he gave you a discount? No, I don't blame you. (아뇨 그러실수도 있죠)
Micheal : I just hated it when that guy was in here. Mr. Brown, if that was his real name. I mean, he had never met any of us before, and here he was telling us how to do our thing. (내 말은 그 사람은 전에 우리를 본 적도 없는데 여기 와서는 우리한테 이래라 저래라 했잖아) I just wanted.. I just wanted to do it our way. You know? On our own. (우리 스스로) Man I should have gotten some food. (이런, 음식이라도 좀 준비하는건데) Maybe some spagh-etti. Okay, Kevin. You can take that off that thing, okay? (좋아, 케빈. 이제 그거 떼어도 되네. 알겠나?) That would really, really have shown him up, wouldn't it? (그럼 그 작자가 정말 무안해졌을텐데 말이야. 안그래?) If I'd brought in some burritos or some colored greens. (부리토랑 녹색잎도 좀 가져다 놓고) Or some pad Thai. I love pad Thai. It's collard greens. What?
Stanley : It's collard greens.
Micheal : That doesn't really make sense. Because you don't call them collared people, that's offensive.? Okay, well, it's after five so.. (이제 5시 넘었군요) thank you very much. Buena vista Oscar. Thank you, good job. Oh, my man. Thank you Brazil. Nice.
Jim : Um...Hey. We can go.
Pam : Sorry.
Jim : Um.. .Not a bad day. (그날 나쁜 날은 아니에요)
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.1. Pilot. 대본
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.2. Diversity Day. 대본
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.3. Health Care. 대본
◆ The Office 시즌1 ep.4. The Alliance. 대본
'리뷰 > 미드 대본' 카테고리의 다른 글
[미드대본] The Office 시즌1 ep.6. Hot Girl (0) | 2024.04.12 |
[미드대본] The Office 시즌1 ep.5. Basketball. (0) | 2024.04.12 |
[미드대본] The Office 시즌1 ep.4. The Alliance. (0) | 2024.04.12 |
[미드대본] The Office 시즌1 ep.3. Health Care. (0) | 2024.04.12 |
[미드대본] The Office 시즌1 ep.1. Pilot. (0) | 2024.04.12 |