반응형 the office 시즌3 대본8 [미드 대본] The Office 시즌3 ep.2. The Convention. The office 시즌3 - 3x02 The Convention Micheal : Pam? Pam : Yeah? Micheal : Did you see Oprah yesterday? (오프라 쇼) Pam : No, I didn't. Micheal : I, uh.. I am going to be a father. (아빠가 될 생각이야) Pam : What was Oprah about? (무슨 이야기였죠?) Micheal : Angelina Jolie was on. (Angelina Jolie가 나왔어) And she adopted a baby from Asia and she said that it changed her life. And that really inspired me. So I want you.. 2024. 4. 15. [미드 대본] The Office 시즌3 ep.1. Gay Witch Hunt. The offfice 시즌3 - 3x01 The Office US 3x01 "Gay Witch Hunt" Ryan : Yeah, I'm not a temp anymore. I got Jim's, uh, old job. Which means, at my ten-year high school reunion, (그래서 고등학교 동창회를 나가면 친구들이) it will not say, "Ryan Howard is a temp." it will say, "Ryan Howard is a junior sales associate at a mid-range paper supply firm." (제지회사의 신입영업사원이래 라고 하겠죠) That'll show'em. (그거로 된거죠) --------------------.. 2024. 4. 15. 이전 1 2 다음 반응형